News, Events And Updates
- Russian Black Sea Fleet Warship Fired Warning Shots Near British Destroyer
- Russia Sends NUCLEAR WARNING to United States
Biden's Marshmallow 'Press Conference' A Total Fraud
Biden's Marshmallow 'Press Conference' A Total Fraud - The Creeper Had Full Cheat Sheets And...
Bblockage of the Suez Canal by a massive containership Ever Given
WEDNESDAY, MAR 24, 2021 The Suez Canal Authority has yet to comment on whether the ship has been...
Ван И и Сергей Лавров достигли стратегичес- кий консенсус.
23 марта 2021, "С Евросоюзом как с организацией отношений...
Down Goes Biden' - Watch President Fall-Up The Stairs To Air Force One
MAR 19, 2021 - 12:16 PM Update (1245ET): Phew! A White House official has confirmed that President...
Подводная лодка Черноморс- кого флота "Ростов-на-Дону" на связи и передает информацию.
Натовские корабли не могут найти российскую подлодку...
Putin replies to Biden's insinuation and wishes him " good health’
Putin replies to Biden's insinuation that he's a ‘killer’: Says US President is talking...
Байден заявил, что Путин заплатит за "вмешатель- ство" в выборы в США
17 марта, 20:03 Победил выгодный России кандидат -...
Новый ракетный город Ирана
18 марта, 18:13 Иран вчера представил свою очередную...
Deadlier COVID Mutations Come From Countries Where AstraZeneca Trials Took Place
Inconvenient Fact: Deadlier COVID Mutations ALL Come From Countries Where AstraZeneca's Vaccine...
Bombshell Thrown By Prince Harry Kills French Billionaire
March 8, 2021 Bombshell Thrown By Bastard Prince At British Royal Family Kills French Billionaire...
List of Videos EXPOSING COVID Vax
List of Videos EXPOSING COVID Vax; See some of these BEFORE you Take any shot! 10 March 2021 List...
Пожары в Хамран
6 марта, 15:49 Последствия удара ракеты "Точка-У"...
Взрывы на "Гелиос Рей"
26 февраля, 20:17 На Израильском судне "Гелиос Рей"...
Biden Launches Airstrike In Syria As US Military Presence In Region Escalates
Biden Launches Airstrike In Syria 36 Days Into Presidency As US Military Presence In Region...
Terrifying! Instant Bloody Convulsion from COVID Vaccine
24 February 2021 The video below is likely to be one of the most horrifying 15 second videos you...
The killing of the Italian Ambassador . ISIS’ Spectre
Shocking Photos of Italian Ambassador Killing. Rome opens investigation for Terrorism: ISIS’...
River Thames Freezes Over! 1st Time in 60 Years
River Thames Freezes Over! 1st Time in 60 Years 14 February 2021 The River Thames has frozen over...
Tokyo & Fukushima shaken as powerful earthquake strikes off Japan’s east coast
Tokyo & Fukushima shaken hard as powerful earthquake strikes off Japan’s east coast 13...
Dangerously Cold Temperatures Pour Into Europe This Week
Dangerously Cold Temperatures Pour Into Europe This Week WEDNESDAY, FEB 10, 2021 - 11:45 While the...
‘All’ of the CIA’s UFO Files Now available for Download
The Truth is in There? ‘All’ of the CIA’s UFO Files Now available for Download...
Rothschild: Dead at 57 . "Heart attack"?
Rothschild: Dead at 57 . . . "Heart attack" 16 January 2021 It is with deep regret and great... - D.C. UNDER FULL LOCKDOWN! RADIOS AND CELL PHONES JAMMED!
North Korea unveils ‘world’s most powerful weapon’
North Korea unveils ‘world’s most powerful weapon’ at military parade to mark 1st...
Questions About The Chaos At The Capitol That Need To Be Answered
-UPDATED- Questions About The Chaos At The Capitol That Desperately Need To Be Answered January 7,...
US Capitol Buildings Go Into Lockdown Due To Protests
US Capitol Buildings Go Into Lockdown Due To Protests WEDNESDAY, JAN 06, 2021 - 13:55 Watch Live:...
Watch Live: Trump Promises Supporters He Will Never Concede
Watch Live: Trump Promises Supporters He Will Never Concede WEDNESDAY, JAN 06, 2021 - 12:14 Update...
Протесты против фальсифика- ции выборов в США
Протесты против фальсификации выборов в США 06.01.2021 6...
Честита Нова Година
... - Andrea Bocelli and his Daughter - Hallelujah (live at Teatro Regio di Parma)
- Lara Fabian - Любовь Похожая На Сон
- Dimash & Lara Fabian Virtual Duet «ADAGIO»EN/KZ/RU
Nashville explosion was actually a missile strike
Nashville explosion was actually a missile strike, and the target was the AT&T / NSA hardened...
Европа останавли- вает авиасообще- ние с Британией
20 декабря, 18:14 Из-за нового штамма коронавируса,...
Большая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина
Большая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина Сегодня,...
McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden Is "President-Elect"
Mitch McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden Is "President-Elect" Zero Hedge TUESDAY, DEC 15, 2020...
Putin Finally Congratulates Biden After Electoral College Vote
TUESDAY, DEC 15, 2020 - 7:09 A day after the US Treasury Department hack that was blamed on Russia,...
Байден : Трамп. Итоги
15 декабря, 8:03 Байден набрал более 270 голосов...
US flies two B-52s over Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran
US flies two B-52s over Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran Thursday, 10 December 2020 7:12 PM [...
Залповый пуск "Булавы"
12 декабря, 20:55 Залповый пуск 4х баллистических ракет...
Испытания ракеты "Циркон"
11 декабря, 15:42 Видео с испытаний гиперзвуковой ракеты...
Texas Sues Other States Over Election
08 December The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before...
Benjamin Netanyahu is almost certainly screwed
Benjamin Netanyahu is almost certainly screwed – Veterans Today Netanyahu, as former Defense...
Change 5 возвращает- ся с Луны
5 декабря, 9:59 Китайский аппарат "Change-5" успешно собрал...
Warning ! Netanyahu prepares nuclear attacks in Europe
Warning: Possible WMD Attacks in Europe (raw intel report) Veterans Today December 2, 2020 II...
What happened to Biden? Accident or coded message
Utsava tweeted: Biden's accident conveys a coded message that the Elite are sending to each other....
CIA Director Said to be "Arrested for Treason", "Shot dead", "Suicided" or ... ?
RUMORS: CIA Director Said to be "Arrested for Treason" -- or "Shot dead" or "Suicided" or "Injured... - Lara Fabian - Caruso ( te voglio bene assai) (Live)
- DALIDA Gigi l'amoroso (italian version)
Riots in Paris and France are back
Covid is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated
Китай отправился собирать грунт на Луне
24 ноября, Китай запустил на Луну ракетоноситель "Long...
Миротворчес- кая монополия России
22 ноября, 9:08 "Джеймстаунский Фонд" о результатах...
Нацистский геноцид народов СССР
22 ноября, 17:48 Историк Егор Яковлев об...
‘DESIGNED TO RIG ELECTIONS’: Sidney Powell tells Bartiromo that Trump Team’s...
How Voting Software STOLE the Presidency for Biden
RENSIC EVIDENCE: How Voting Software STOLE the Presidency for Biden Hal Turner 12 November 2020...
U.S. Congress: "There is no President-Elect, yet"
U.S. Congress: "There is no President-Elect, yet" 16 November 2020 While Democrat election...
Defense Officials Fear Trump To Initiate Covert Ops Against Iran
Defense Officials Fear Trump To Initiate Covert Ops Against Iran During Last Days In Office Tue,...
Donald Trump Jr: "Declassify Everything"...Who is the Gang-of-Eight.
Donald Trump Jr: "Declassify Everything"... by Zero Hedge Mon, 11/09/2020 - 12:20 Authored by...
Победа Байдена в Джорджии под большим вопросом
Победа Байдена в Джорджии под большим вопросом 9...
Trump : "Election Far From Over"; Biden Declares Him President-Elect
Trump Says "Election Far From Over"; Biden "Honored & Humbled" After MSM Declares Him...
Trump Campaign Insists Race Is "Not Over"
Trump Campaign Insists Race Is "Not Over" As Georgia Announces Recount by Zero hedge Fri,...
This Is Where The Vote Stands In Each Key Undecided State
This Is Where The Vote Stands In Each Key Undecided State By Zero Hedge Wed, 11/04/2020 - 11:45...
Here Is The Latest On The Election
Chaos: Here Is The Latest On The Election by Zero Hedge Wed, 11/04/2020 - 08:24 Chaos. That's the...
Watch Live: Dems Insist Biden Won The Election
Watch Live: Dems Insist Biden Won The Election, Ready For All Legal Challenges by Zero hedge Wed,...
2020 Election: Trump Blasts Vote-Count Delays
2020 Election: Trump Blasts Vote-Count Delays As "Fraud On The American Public" Zero Hedge Wed,...
Байден может победить преимуществом в два голоса
Сегодня 17:58 4 784 У Байдена на всё потеряно - слишком...
Выборы президента США.
04.11. Обновляемые результаты выборов в США по штатам:Fox...
Terror in Vienna
At Least 2 Civilians, 1 Attacker Killed In Vienna As Police Launch Manhunt Zero hedge Mon,...
Protests in Warsaw
31 Oct....
Riots in Barcelona
31 October...
Карабахский вопрос не имеет дипломатиче- ского решения
Карабахский вопрос не имеет дипломатического решения...
Коротко по Карабаху. 19.10.2020
19 октября, 11:58 За прошедшие сутки ситуация для армян...
The 7 Best Soviet Military Songs to Play on Victory Day
The 7 Best Soviet Military Songs to Play on Victory Day This article from our archives was first...
Перемирие в Карабахе начнется 10 октября в 12-00
10 октября, 7:25 После длительных переговоров в Москве,...
По Карабаху 04.10.20
4 октября, 19:43 Когда прилетело на балкон.1. Алиев...
Alerts- Assassination Threats to Trump
#UNRIG Video (5:17) POTUS Assassination Threats: 4 Human Teams (Ho Hum), One Domestic Scalar...
Бои в Карабахе.
28 сентября, 23:50 Коротко о развитии событий в Карабахе...
Бои в Карабахе.
27 сентября, 9:10 Армения и Карабах сообщают, что рано...
Heavy Fighting in Nagorno- Karabach
Russian Black Sea Fleet Warship Fired Warning Shots Near British Destroyer JUN 23, 2021 - 07:21 AM...
They weren't exactly subtle with this . . .
They weren't exactly subtle with this . . . 21 June 2021 Utopia: filming was announced to be...
Russia's $186 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund Dumps All Dollar Assets
Russia's $186 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund Dumps All Dollar Assets Zero Hedge BY TYLER DURDEN...
Breaking : Russia to Exit U.S. Dollar
Russia to Exit U.S. Dollar - Other Countries Likely to Follow 03 June 2021 This morning, the...
Netanyahu Ouster Imminent
30 May 2021 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was being ousted by Neftali Bennet of the...
Crude Tanker Blocked Bosphorus
SATURDAY, MAY 29, Technical problems onboard a massive crude tanker Friday led to the shutdown of...
Асад набрал 95% на выборах
28 мая, Башар Асад победил на выборах президента Сирии...
ОБРАТНОЙ ДОРОГИ НЕТ 00.00.01-01.03.56 - выступление Александра...
"Фортуна" закончила датский участок "Северного потока-2"
24 мая, В субботу трубоукладочная баржа "Фортуна"...
Russia will not tolerate any more civilian casualties in Gaza
Russia will not tolerate any more civilian casualties in Gaza" Israel INCREASES attacks! 19 May...
11 MAY 2021 12:09 PM EDT - The Israeli Air Force has launched military aircraft for strike...
Ankara: "Incirlik base with all its weapons belongs to Turkey"
28 April 2021 A statement issued by the Turkish Ministry of Defense regarding the ownership of the...
NATO Deployment over Black Sea
28 April 2021 Busy morning over the Black Sea today. It is perhaps the first time that we have...
26 April 2021 TURKEY BLOCKING NATO FROM AIR SPACE Turkey is apparently now forbidding NATO...
Чешский президент заявил о вранье чешских спецслужб о взрыве во Врбетицах
25 апреля, 13:54 Так гибнут незаконнорожденные...
Putin Uses Characters From Rudyard Kipling "Jungle Book"
22 April 2021 Putin Uses Characters From Rudyard Kipling "Jungle Book" During Speech -- Sends...
Военная обстановка на юго-западном направлении остается сложной...
20 апреля, Истребители Су-30 на аэродроме в...
Байден объявил ЧС в США
Байден объявил ЧС в США из-за вредной деятельности...
Kerch Strait to be CLOSED
Kerch Strait to be CLOSED Starting Next Week 15 April 2021 Russia is closing the strategic Kerch...
27 марта, 1:14 В Арктике прошли масштабные учения...
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