News, Events And Updates
- Global warming a 'political delusion'
- Erdogan leaves Davos after scandal
Alaskan Volcano Eruption imminent
Friday, January 30, 2009 R. Clucas/Alaska Volcano Observatory A volcanic cloud shoots up from...
Мины под «Газпромом»
Мины под «Газпромом» И снова о газовых...
Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of Israel
Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of Israeli State Joshua Holland - Alternet January... - Methane Mystery on Mars
Putin Blames Bush for Gas War, ‘Optimistic’ on Obama
Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) - - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin blamed George W. Bush for the...
Absolutely Bizarre 'Creature'
Absolutely Bizarre 'Creature' In Benjamin Fulford's Spine From Benjamin Fulford 1-23-9... - New video on flight 1549
- UFO over Obama inaug
Что происходит в Мировом океане
21.01.2009 противолодочный корабль (БПК) «Адмирал...
UK Banks are Technically Insolvent
The British Pound, Not So Sterling: UK Banks are Technically Insolvent GJanuary 21, 2009 George...
Berg's 2nd Letter about Obama
1-20-9 Berg sends 2nd letter to Oprah, stressing that she is one that can have Obama withdraw his... - Kennedy Assassination Secret Service Stand Down
- Ice shelf hangs by a thread
- US Airways plane crash Hudson River
No Way Out For Ukraine
No Way Out For Ukraine By: fromPоrtugal on: 12.01.2009 Ukraine has removed conditions that had...
Putin: Ukraine has a fetish about its gas system
12.01.2009 Russia's natural gas giant Gazprom has lost about $800 million in damages as a...
Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel
January 11, 2009 A very large delivery of US weaponry to Israel consisting of 3,000 tons of...
Военная операция Израиля в Газе и ее возможные последствия
6 января 2009, Усилившаяся после прекращения 19 декабря...
The Secret World of Intelligence and Narcotrafficking
06.01.2009 When Afghan drug kingpin Haji Bashir Noorzai was arrested in New York in 2005, it set...
Compared to Russia and China the United States is a second rate Power.
Paul Craig RobertsJanuary 04, 2009 The American Puppet State By Paul Craig Roberts President...
Russia-Ukraine gas row affects Europe
06.01.2009 ( Russia's decision to reduce gas supplies to Ukraine has diminished the delivery...
The Invasion of Gaza: "Operation Cast Lead", Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda
The Invasion of Gaza: "Operation Cast Lead", Part of a Broader Israeli... - Symbols of an allien sky
Мифы и факты распада Союза ССР 24.12.2008 На сегодняшний день много написано о...
Putin says 'era of cheap gas' is over
AFP on: 23.12.2008 MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned consumers on...
почему Дерипаска теряет свой капитал
23 декабря 2008, вторник Кому достанется РУСАЛ или...
US wants Russia's word on S-300
December 23, 2008 Washington says it seeks clarification from Moscow on whether it is selling an...
World faces "total" financial meltdown
World faces "total" financial meltdown: Bank of Spain chief AFP - December 21, 2008 The...
Severed cables bring down phone lines linking Europe, Asia, Mideast
AFP - December 19, 2008 Internet and telephone communications between Europe, the Middle East and...
Russian S-300s 'hit the road to Iran'
Press TV - December 21, 2008 Iran has reportedly confirmed the commencement of the delivery of a...
Гибель старого мира
Фото BETTMANN/CORBIS/RPG К большому конфликту европейские...
Merkel's Loss of Face
Merkel's Loss of Face By: Carsten Volkery o 09.12.2008 CRISIS SUMMIT IN LONDON A European...
Russia against U.S. missiles
Russia against U.S. missiles in any European anti-missile plans1 08/ 12/ 2008 MOSCOW, December 8... - Giant UFOs in new videos
- The " moon landings "
Asia held hostage
19.11.2008 By Keith Wallis HONG KONG - As maritime piracy in the Gulf of Aden and east coast of...
Хроника нефтедолларового коллапса
18 оября 2008, И.Рогожкин Sаммит «двадцатки» в... - Blowing the wind
- Greenfields
- Try to remember
- Where have all the flowes gone
- Green leaves of summer
- Five hundred miles
- The Brothers Four Greenfields- unforgetable
U.S. will soon face second "Great Depression
Mikhail Khazin. 29.10.2008 Five years ago, I ran the cultural section at Komsomolskaya Pravda....
Stocks too late now
(11/14/08) Every morning the talking heads on CNN and Bloomberg come out with their smiling faces...
G20 economic summit: What the key players want
15 Nov 2008 USA Led by: President George W Bush Problems: Home of the worst financial crisis in 80...
Russia links arms control treaty to NATO expansion
Nov 14, 2008 8:23am MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will pull out of the Conventional Forces in Europe...
Obama is elected US president
November 4, 2008BBC BBC Report at 23.00 EST Democratic Senator Barack Obama has been elected the...
ОПЕК пытается спасти цены на нефть
24.10.2008 Внеочередная, 150-я сессия конференции ОПЕК...
Elections in USA: who cares
Elections USA: Do They Matter? 100 million nonvoters send a stinging message of disenchantment...
Merkel does not like Sarkozy's plan
Angela Merkel sees red at Nicolas Sarkozy's plans for state intervention 23.10.2008 President...
8 000 hedge funds will disappear
24 Oct 2008 Emmanuel Roman, of GLG Partners, said 25pc-30pc of the world's 8,000 hedge funds...
Dow May Sink to 5,000, in 2009
Dow Average May Sink to 5,000, Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) -- The Dow Jones Industrial Average may sink as...
Iran to flex muscles in aerial drill
Press TV - October 15, 2008 Iranian F-14 Tomcats Iran's Air Force is set to test the...
Великая Американская Депрессия: римейк возможен
16 октября 2008, А.Смирнов «Бывает нечто, о чем...
The 600 Trillion Derivatives
Coming Soon: The 600 Trillion Derivatives Emergency Meeting 16.10.08 Here is an update on the size... - Stock Market Crash Alert
Дефолт 1998 в России, кризис 2008 в США..
Дефолт 1998 в России, кризис 2008 в США. Как это было, как...
Федеральный Резерв - величайшее мошенничество в истории
Федеральный Резерв - величайшее мошенничество в...
China stocks sink
China stocks sink 5.2pc despite government aid (10-06 16:43) China's stock market, resuming...
Russia halts trading
Russia halts trading for 1 hour MOSCOW - TRADING on both of Russia's stock exchanges was...
Dow falls below 10 000
Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off Monday October 6, 11:13 AP Business Writer Stocks decline... - What happened at CERN.
- USA and Israel will bomb Iran /video/
Ex-Cheney aide: Bush will not attack Iran
Press TV - September 17, 2008 A former adviser to US Vice President Dick Cheney says President...
Хроники депресии /1 и 2/
Апрель 14, 2008 Хроники Величайшей депрессии О...
US may use Georgian air bases to strike Iran
September 17, 2008, 16:57 ‘U.S. may use Georgian air bases to strike at Iran'The U.S.... - 9.11- who and how
The US Armada in the Gulf
27.08.08 by Gary North The media have covered such recent events as the Olympics, the selection of...
Грозная сила в Черном море
27.08.2008 НАТО увеличивает свою группировку в Черном...
Moskva missile cruiser approaching port of Sukhumi
27.08.2008 A Russian naval official reported an increase in NATO warships near the Georgian coast... -
Beijing Olympics False Flag Attack
By Jilinda Documentary Filmmaker, Australia Director ShadowPlay 8-8-8 As the 2008 Beijing Olympics... -
Медведев: РФ не допустит безнаказанной гибели своих граждан
Россия не допустит безнаказанной гибели своих...
Российские самолеты бомбят позиции грузинских войск
08.08.2008 [11:49 ] (199 прочтений) (1164 bytes) [c] Российские...
Хроника грузино‑осетинского конфликта. Справка 08.08.2008 Грузия 8 августа начала боевые действия в...
Абхазские войска движутся к грузинской границе
08.08.2008 Абхазия открыла второй фронт. Об этом заявил...
Российская бронетехника вошла в Цхинвали
08.08.2008 Колонна российской бронетехники вошла в...
Putin Says `War Has Started,
Putin Says `War Has Started,' Georgia Claims Invasion 08.08.2008 Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) - Russian...
Georgia Attacks South Ossetia, Russia entering with tanks
08.08.2008 One hundred fifty Russian tanks, armored personnel carriers and other vehicles have...
Russia’s Troops to Liberate Tskhinvali
Russia's Troops to Liberate Tskhinvali The troops of Russia, the units of 38th Army, are...
Massive US Naval Armada heads for Iran
Thursday, August 7, 2008 Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran Operation Brimstone ended only one...
Israel ready to attack Iran
Israel ready to attack Iran without USA's permission Vladimir Anokhin - August 1,...
Америка доигралась...
31.07.2008 ... Джордж Буш завершает свое президентство тем,...
Moscow Advances Military and Economic Ties with Tehran
by Aleksei Matveyev July 31, 2008 Washington and Tel-Aviv apply more and more pressure to Tehran....
9/11 inside job
Was 9/11 An Inside Job? By Mark H. Gaffney 7-31-8 The following is an excerpt from Mark H.... - Cell phones and cancer
- Cell Call Exposed 9/11
Тайная организация рвется к ядерному оружию
Наташа Барч, Антон Баумгартен, Рудольф Гаримов и...
Political implications of Russian-Venezuelan oil agreements
24.07.2008 MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti) - Many analysts expected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who...
04.02.2009 WILL 2009 finally see an end to the man-made global warming myth? Judge for yourself....
EU wants Russia to join Nabucco
03.02.2009 BRUSSELS, February 3 (RIA Novosti) - The European parliament wants Russia to join the...
Iran's satellite spells potential ICBM threat AFP - February 3, 2009 Iran's launch of a...
Monday, 2 February 2009...
From Scientific American Jan 30, 2009 The so-called ring of fire edging the Pacific is known to be...
Земля переживает тысячелетний шторм
Презентацию своего нового прогноза экономист...
Fortress on the edge
I30.01.09 How the mighty have fallen. According to Bloomberg, Fortress (ticker: FIG), which was...
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