News, Events And Updates
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- Crop Circle points to 21.12.2012
- David Icke's campaign speech
Семейной жизни Буша прочат крах
Семейной жизни Буша прочат крах после окончания его...
Russia warns over US-Czech shield
Russia has said it will be forced to react with military means if the US and Czech Republic go...
Earthquake Destroyed China's Largest Military Armory
Picture showing how the mountain area in the earthquake region looks like after a big explosion....
A missile too many ?
July 10, 2008In the four-missile version of the image released Wednesday by Sepah News, the media...
Европарламент проголосовал против "Северного потока"
10.07.2008 Польша пугает Европу экологической катастрофой...
Чехи приютили американский радар
08.07.2008 ( Создание американской системы...
Iran tests more missiles
Reuters July 10, 2008 Iran tested more missiles in the Gulf on Thursday, state media said, and the...
Turkey Detains Ex-Generals
Turkey Detains Ex-Generals in Anti-Government Probe July 1 Turkish police arrested 24 people,...
Poland rejects U.S. missile shield offer
Fri Jul 4, 2008 3:09pm WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland spurned as insufficient on Friday a U.S. offer to...
Taiwan, China launch direct flights
Jul 4, 2008, Taipei/Beijing - For the first time in five decades, China and Taiwan launched...
Huge capital inflows in China
Unprecedented capital inflows test Chinese regulators 2008-07-01... - The nuclear bunker buster
Охота на Валенсу 28.06.2008 На этой неделе в Польше продавали книгу,...
Sarkozy, Peres, Olmert – Survivors of a Assassination Plot
by Barry Chamish June 25, 2008 Call it an update. Twelve hours ago, a shot rang out near the...
23 czerwca 2008 BoLech Sławomir Cenckiewicz i Piotr Gontarczyk nie hamletyzują, nie... - North Korea's nuclear tower implosion
Iran strike in the air as US and Israeli military chiefs meet
June 25, 2008 THE US military chief is to meet his Israeli counterpart in Tel Aviv this week in a...
U.S. Has No Knowledge of an Attack on Iran
U.S. Has No Knowledge of an Attack on Iran (Update1) June 24 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. has no... - What happened in Sarkozy farewell ceremony
U.S. 'plans to neutralize Russian nuclear weapons by 2012-2015'
18/06/2008 19:27 MOSCOW, June 18 (RIA Novosti) - The U.S.-proposed European missile shield will...
Russia Proves 'Peak Oil' Is a scum
Copyright Joe Vialls, 25 August 2004 2-16-7 In 1970, the Russians started drilling Kola SG-3, an...
Morgan Stanley warns of 'catastrophic event'
17/06/2008 The clash between the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve over monetary... - 9/11's a lie
- Mobile Phones Cook Popcorn
Will China order strike
May 30, 2008 China’s President Hu ihas ‘warned’ the European Union not to become... - HAARP weather control 2
- HAARP weather control 1
Mars Phoenix only B/W photos
Mars Phoenix Lander ONLY Capable Of B/W Photos? By Ted Twietmeyer 5-30-8 MYTH about Mars Phoenix...
UFO explosion in Vietnam
UFO blamed for mystery explosion in Vietnam 29/05/2008 A UFO is being blamed for a mysterious... - Scalar weapon Katrina
- Suspicions HAARP behind earthquakes in China
- You Tube: How the Secret Service set up JFK
Beating the Drums of a Broader Middle East War
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya The Levant could be the starting point of a major international...
Food Crisis A Conspiracy?
By Eric Walberg 5-17-8 Is there more than meets the eye in the sudden flurry of talk about a world...
Iran strikes back as US prepares for war
May 17, 2008 Think of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident which prompted the first large-scale involvement...
Путин назвал состав нового правительства России 12.05.2008 [ Председатель правительства России...
In The Shadow of Catastrophe
Germany-Foreign-Policy on: 14.05.2008 Under the pretext that Myanmar has refused to accept the...
Medvedev inagurated
Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke By: Chalmers Johnson April 26,...
Crisis In Food Prices
Crisis In Food Prices Threatens Worldwide Starvation - Is it Genocide? By Richard C. Cook 4-24-8...
Another Fake Syria Nuclear Site Photo
4-26-8 In November 2007 an aerial photo of a destroyed Syrian nuclear site was released, on which...
Ядерный взрыв в Вашингтоне
Ядерный взрыв в Вашингтоне приведет к...
Южная Америка объединяется против США
16.04.2008 В Южной Америке в противовес НАТО создан...
Iran should be "Set Up for an Attack"
The Agenda Behind The Anti-Sadr Agenda by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach April 16, 2008 When Gen. David...
16.04.2008 Динамика потерь ВС США в Ираке и Афганистане...
John Walson Visits The Moon- part 4
John Walson Visits The Moon - Part 4 4-14-8 Links are encouraged. In another stunning exhibition...
China Dumps the US dollar
Sunday, April 13, 2008 (NaturalNews) Comments by China that it intends to move away from its...
Lessons from Japan: Prepare for 0%
The Economic Future for the USA (and much of the exporting world) is much worse than it appears in...
U.S. Military Buildup on Iran Border
2.04.2008 The internet has been quoting an article entitled "Russian Intelligence Sees U.S....
Буш толкает Украину в страшную пропасть
Во время визита в Киев президент США Джордж Буш...
India-China tensions- far bigger
Tibet is one thing, but India and China tensions spell bigger disaster India and China are booming...
Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly
03.24.08 | 6:00 PM Photo: SOHO, ESA, NASA START Previous: Wired's Geekster Handbook, a Field...
Ten Days That Changed Capitalism
Ten Days That Changed Capitalism 2008-03-26 (From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) The past 10 days will...
Is Cheney betting On Economic Collapse
By Mike Whitney 3-27-8 Wouldn't you like to know where Dick Cheney puts his money? Then...
Swiss Company Irks with Multibillion-dollar Deal with Iran
Swiss Company Irks US with Multibillion-dollar Deal with Iran; EU wants gas pipe from Iran By:...
Which bank is going to follow the Bear
March 15, 2008 So who is next? As advisers to Bear Stearns struggle to find a buyer or funding in...
Morgan has $77 Trillion in derivatives
Morgan Eats Bear 3-19-8 With J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.'s rescue of Bear Stearns Cos., a...
Поттеринг и Пекин
Глава Европарламента призвал политиков...
U.S.-Russian issues
U.S.-Russian issues may be resolved MOSCOW -- Russian President Vladimir Putin, departing from his...
Окружают.Aмериканские ПРО собирается принять Анкара
Окружают Вслед за Варшавой и Прагой американские...
The Wall Street Journal: экономика США уже в рецессии
The Wall Street Journal: экономика США уже находится в состоянии...
The Man Between War and Peace
The Man Between War and Peace By Thomas P.M. Barnett - Esquire, March 11, 2008 If, in the dying...
Fallon falls: Iran should worry
12.03.2008 Admiral William Fallon's request to quit his position as head of the US Central...
Киеву больше негде взять дешевый газ
12 марта 2208 "Газпром" договорился с Казахстаном,...
Нефть у движется к 110 долларов
11.03.2008 Нефтяные цены уверенно движутся к 110 долл. за...
О перспективах Договора СНВ -2
О перспективах замены Договора СНВ-1 новым...
Global collapse-september 2008
16/02/2008 According to LEAP/E2020, the end of the third quarter of 2008 will be marked by a new...
Kosovo Pandora,s Box
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya February 20, 2008- 2008-02-29 Western public opinion has been misled....
Russia to double staff at Iran nuclear plant:
14.02.2008 Russia's state nuclear contractor said on Thursday it would double staff at...
14 February 2008, Below is the bulk of the new information in Christopher Story's article for...
Турецкая пощечина
Визит в Германию турецкого премьер-министра Реджепа...
Грузинский полоний» не исключен ]
Грузинский олигарх Бадри Патаркацишвили умер...
Тактическая кость
Премьер-министр Украины Юлия Тимошенко назвала...
ExxonMobil пытается отсудить у PDVSA 12 млрд долларов
11.02.2008 Американский энергоконцерн ExxonMobil пытается...
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine
11.02.2008 What the Western allies face is a long, sustained and proactive defence of their...
U.S. Militarism & the Drug Trade: the Afghan Dossier
12.02.2008 In The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, whose 1972 edition...
Russian bomber buzzes U.S. aircraft carrier
12.02.2 American fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers, one of which buzzed a U.S. aircraft...
Iran plans to launch more rockets
AFP - February 11, 2008 Iran is to launch two more rockets into space in the next few months,...
Has Iran lost all Internet Connectivity?
Three Internet Cables Slashed in a Week: Has Iran lost all Internet Connectivity? 06.02.2008...
Where is the USS Jimmy Carter
06.02.2008 Most probably busy cutting and installing surveillance equipement all over the Middle...
Iran's Oil Bourse Could Topple the Dollar
2-5-8 Two weeks ago George Bush was sent on a mission to the Middle East to deliver a horse's...
Dozens of U.S. banks will fail by 2010
February 01, 2008 Dozens of U.S. banks will fail in the next two years as losses from soured loans...
Going bankrupt: The US's greatest threat
By Chalmers Johnson The military adventurers of the George W Bush administration have much in...
China base in Iran
By Kaveh L Afrasiabi In the aftermath of President George W Bush's recent tour of the Persian...
Афганистан: Война без правил
23.01.2008 Сегодня война не объявляется, но продолжает...
Южный поток» поворачивает в Сербию
23.01.2008 Сербское правительство на этой неделе подпишет...
2008: Full global impact phase of the Very Great US Depression
20.01.2008 One year ago, LEAP/E2020 anticipated that the year 2007 would mark the US entry into...
Russia Could Use Nuclear Weapons in Preventive Attacks
19.01.2008 ( Russian army chief: We'll use nuclear weapons if threatened General Yuri...
Will Economic Measures Stave Off Recession
January 20, 2008 It is not quite true that the U.S. economy is heading into a recession, even...
Bulgaria backs Russian gas plan
Bulgaria backs South Stream gas pipe project with Russia 18.01.2008 SOFIA, January 18 (RIA...
The Financial Tsunami
The financial foundations of the American Century The ongoing and deepening global financial...
Пакистано-американские отношения– напряжение усиливается
Пакистанская тема в настоящее время является...
Venezuela to have largest oil reserves in the world
Venezuela to have largest oil reserves in the world 16.01.2008 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez...
Sino-American Showdown in the Taiwan Strait:
Sino-American Showdown in the Taiwan Strait: Chinese Navy Confronted USS Kitty Hawk January 16,...
Кто пришел в Средиземное море?
14.01.2008 Ракетный крейсер (РКР) "Москва"...
The Computer Rooms in the Twin Towers
The Computer Rooms in the Twin Towers - 12.01.2008 9/11 Planes Flew Directly Into Secure Computer...
24.07.2008 Venezuela may spend $5 bln on Russian arms in next decade MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti)...
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