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What happened to Biden? Accident or coded message

Utsava tweeted: Biden's accident conveys a coded message that the Elite are sending to each other. Dog=Top Dog, Major=Major Event Happening

Date: Monday, 30-Nov-2020



Couple theories have been proposed: One being that Biden has been fitted with an ankle monitor, and another is that he's being treated with a-chrome and/or stem cells to rejuvenate his body.

Utsava-ACCURATE #Trump #prophecies-#WWG1WGA
Nov 29, 2020

#BidenIsArrested This is a coded message the scum (some people call 'elite') is sending to each other. Remember the medical booth with the monitoring device when others where arrested? Dog=top dog, major means something major happening.



Did he or didn't he? Biden’s Team Won’t Allow Pool Reporters to See Biden Go In or Leave Doctor Appointment

Date: Sunday, 29-Nov-2020 23:27:49


Why would this incident be considered off-limits to reporters? What do they have to hide?

Joe Biden’s Team Won’t Allow Pool Reporters to See Biden Go In or Leave Doctor Appointment After He Twists His Ankle – No Explanation Given
By Cristina Laila | Gateway Pundit
November 29, 2020


78-year-old Joe Biden slipped and twisted his ankle while playing with his German shepherd named Major on Saturday.

Joe Biden on Sunday afternoon went to visit an orthopedist: “out of an abundance of caution, he will be examined by a doctor.”

Joe Biden’s team will not allow pool reporters to see Biden go in or leave the Orthopedist’s office. Repeated requests were denied.

The press van was maneuvered so that reporters and photogs couldn’t see Biden as he entered the building.

The transition team will not allow journalists off the van either.

No explanation was given.



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