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Poland : Thousands of fake holocaust survivors blocked

 Poland : Thousands of fake holocaust survivors blocked

Israel recalls its top diplomat to Poland after president approves bill curbing World War II-era restitution claims.


 VT Editors 







Al Jazeera: Poland’s president has decided to sign a bill that would set limits on the ability of Jews to recover property seized by Nazi German occupiers and retained by post-war communist rulers, drawing fury from Israel which branded the law as “anti-Semitic”.

“I made a decision today on the act, which in recent months was the subject of a lively and loud debate at home and abroad,” Andrzej Duda said in a statement published on Saturday.

“After an in-depth analysis, I have decided to sign the amendment.”


In 2015 Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled there should be specific deadlines after which administrative decisions over property titles could no longer be challenged. Changes to the law were adopted by the Polish Parliament earlier this week.

The bill sets a 30-year limit for restitution claims.

The issue of Jewish property rights in Poland is further complicated because, unlike other European Union states, it has not created a fund to give compensation to people whose property was seized.  read more..


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