Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Iran Attacking Israel. Netanyahu Escapes by Plane to Unknown Destination

Will Iran do the deed and get it done?

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1:39pm Breaking News: Israel Airspace has been closed down

1:40pm Iran attack is now underway

1:43pm Missiles expected to be launched when the drones enter Israel Airspace

1:45pm Your witnessing history in the making right now

1:49pm Drones over Iraq right now

1:52pm IDF confirms number of Iranian drones are flying towards Israel

1:54pm Israel will not show any mercy to Iran – Netanyahu says

1:56pm The Iranian drones will start hitting Israel targets around 4:00am Israel time

2:01pm Airspace shut down… all is dark!

2:05pm Additional drones launched from Kermanshah

2:06pm Rocket launches detected from southern Lebanon

2:08pm Around 5:00am Israel time in the morning, there will be an alarm in all of Israel for the first time since the Gulf War

2:09pm Yemen Airspace closed

2:14pm Let this sink in and digest this… Iran as for the first time in history attacked Israel just now

2:17pm Additionally 3 US Refueling tankers are Airborne with jets.  Attempts are being made to down the drones.

2:19pm IDF just confirmed Cruisers have been launched

2:22pm Breaking: Iraqi Airspace has been closed

2:24pm Iran, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria Airspace closed

2:26pm Haifa municipality declares a state of emergency

2:27pm Multiple explosions reported over Iraqi Airspace

2:28pm Israel jets are currently intercepting the Iranian Drones over Iraq

2:31pm Houthi’s have launched multiple drones towards Israel

2:32pm Israel is going to be overwhelmed tonight…

2:38pm All shelters throughout Israel have been opened for the local populations

2:41pm 3rd wave of drones now launched from Iran heading towards Israel


2:43pm Statement from IRGC Aerospace Force:  ‘In response to the targeting of our consulate in Damascus, we are launching an attack on the Zionist regime in Occupied Palestine, using drones and missiles.


2:45pm Israel has communicated to the US it intends to strike Iran in retaliation

2:46pm US tankers over Iraq are squawking

2:49pm Jordan declares state of emergency

2:53pm Serious air battle ongoing in the skies right now

2:56pm Loud explosions heard over Iraqi airspace

3:00pm Syrian air defense systems placed on alert

3:07pm Israel begins intercepting drones over Syria and Jordan

3:08pm In the bunker…


3:11pm Israel has detected over 100+ drones in the sky

3:12pm Beirut International Airport closed

3:15pm Biden is intending to address the World in the Oval Office

3:19pm Estimated 500+ drones are going to be in the air…

3:20pm British fighter jets are in the air

3:21pm US, Jordanian, Israeli and Bristish jets are in the skies in the Middle East

3:23pm Lebanese Airspace closed…

3:30pm UK makes a statement…

3:31pm All Israeli male reserves have been called up commanding officers

3:35pm Massive battle is being fought in the sky

3:41pm Iranian ballistic missiles have been launched from Iran

3:43pm Suicide drones, cruise missiles and long-range ballistic missiles have been launched

3:46pm TOTAL WAR… no matter what Main Stream Media says

3:47pm Iran is having a major buying push at the petro pumps

3:51pm LOTS of rocket launches happening from Lebanon

3:52pm Israel will retaliate as soon as the morning

3:54pm Trump makes a statement


3:57pm Celebrations in Lebanon

3:58pm Israel hunkering down…

3:59pm Russia suspends it’s flights to the entire middle east region

4:07pm Iranian ballistic missiles are right now over Jordan

4:10pm Iran is launching it’s hypersonic missiles

4:14pm Israeli media says a MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE will strike Iran today

4:16pm Israel citizens have been asked to enter shelters

4:18pm Lebanon rockets heading towards Israel

4:20pm North Korea is raising its alert and rediness level







 боеголовки иранской ракеты упал в Тель-Авиве:



Несколько прилетов возле аэропорта Бен-Гуриона (Тель-Авив):





Прилеты по Иордану:





Настоящий дождь из боеголовок замечен над Аль-Аксой:








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