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F-16 raids over Poland? Drastic security measures at Rzeszow airport

F-16 raids over Poland? Drastic security measures at Rzeszow airport 

Poland fears that Rzeszow will become a Russian target





A significant deterioration in the security situation between NATO members and Russia has been recorded in recent hours.

Poland has decided to significantly increase security at Rzeszow Airport as it considers bringing Western Ukraine under its anti-aircraft umbrella!

In fact, the Polish foreign minister emphasized that " the specific matter is under study." The legal and technical aspects of the matter are currently being carefully studied." The head of the Polish Ministry of the Interior also said that a state was "carrying out hostile actions on Polish soil."


Security measures are being strengthened at Rzeszow Airport

Polish security forces are beefing up security at Rzeszow-Jasionka airport, which is Ukraine's main supply hub for Western arms. This was reported by the Bloomberg news agency citing the head of the Ministry of the Interior of Poland, Tomasz Siemoniak.

The Polish minister did not specify specific measures and objectives to improve security. It should be noted that after the approval of the new large US and British military aid package to Ukraine, the flow of cargo through the Rzeszow airport has increased significantly.

Rzeszow-Jasionki International Airport has the second longest runway in Poland after Chopin Airport in Warsaw. According to Bloomberg, the airport is a transit point for 90% of all Western military supplies to Ukraine.

Yesterday, two transport aircraft landed at the airport. It is a Boeing 747 of Kalita Air and a McDonell Douglas MD-11F of Western Global Airlines. Unloaded artillery ammunition and missiles for HIMARS MLRS.

Will Poland cover Western Ukraine with anti-aircraft fire?

According to reports, the reason for increased security at Rzeszow airport is related to two issues.

First, Warsaw is considering intercepting aerial targets over western Ukraine from Polish territory.

Second, F-16 fighter jets will soon be landing at this base.

Bundestag Defense Committee member Jo Weingarten said there was no need to deploy NATO troops and air defense systems to Ukraine. It is enough to install anti-missile defense systems in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary near the Ukrainian border to protect part of Ukrainian territory from Russian missiles. His idea has already been supported by individual politicians from the Greens, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) of Germany and the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.

Note that before this, the head of the faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, called the idea of ​​​​protecting the western part of Ukrainian airspace from the territory of NATO states extremely dangerous. In his opinion, this would mean abandoning the principle of non-intervention in the conflict.

At the same time, if the airport is used for raids by Ukrainian fighters against Russian targets, then the airport automatically becomes a target of the Russian Air Force, as Moscow has already said.

We remind you that Russia targeted Romanian and Polish airports after the information collected by the country's intelligence services according to which F-16 fighters, but also potentially Mirage 2000D, Eurofighter Typhoons and Gripens will operate from NATO airfields against Russian forces in Ukraine.

This information targeted Russian hypersonic and nuclear systems at Polish airfields in Rzeszow, Łask, Radom, Powidz and Krzesiny, as well as Romanian bases at Bakau, Bucharest (Henri Coanda base), Campia Turzi, Constanta (base Mihail Kogalniceanu) and Fetesi.


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