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Close to declaring World War III . NATO will strike targets deep in Russia

The door of the madhouse opens: NATO will strike through Ukraine strategic targets deep in Russia - Statement 3 P.P. from Holland

Very close to declaring World War III



The war in Ukraine is now developing into an open Russia-NATO war as the USA, Britain, Germany officially gave permission to Kiev to strike the Russian hinterland while the Netherlands went a step further.

The Dutch Foreign Minister has confirmed that he supports Ukrainian F-16 raids deep into Russia.

"The Netherlands is not against the use of F-16 fighter jets by Ukraine for strikes on the territory of Russia,"  said the country's foreign minister Bruins-Slot.

"If you have the right to self-defense, there are no limits to the use of weapons ... This is a general principle,"   he said.

The Dutch Foreign Minister not only "forgets" that Russia will consider F-16s as potential carriers of nuclear weapons , but also gives permission for strikes on the Russian interior.

Russian radars will detect an air-to-surface missile from an F-16 entering Russian airspace... And how will they know if it has a nuclear warhead or not?

Russia this time will respond accordingly



"Green light" from the USA

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has confirmed that Washington has authorized the use of US weapons by Ukraine inside Russian territory, after Kiev sought permission in recent weeks amid Russian attacks on Kharkiv.

The above was reported by the Reuters agency on Friday afternoon, essentially confirming the report-"fire" of Politico according to which the Biden administration had given the green light to the Ukrainians for strikes with American weapons inside Russia!

More specifically, the head of American diplomacy, speaking to reporters after the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Atlantic Alliance in Prague, said that President Joe Biden approved the request.

He also said that “the US wants to make sure that they take effective steps in terms of the support provided to Ukraine. He added that at the NATO summit in Washington, in July, concrete steps will be taken to bring Ukraine closer to the Alliance .

At the same time, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, revealed that Kiev received "a message" from Washington, which could be "a step forward", without going into more details.

“We received a message from the American side early this morning. I got this message from my military but I can't tell you details about it. I want to see what will happen in practice, but I think in any case it is a step forward towards a goal that should have been discussed earlier .


Politico: Biden gave Ukraine permission to use US weapons systems on Russian soil

US President Joe Biden has tacitly authorized Ukraine to use US weapons systems in attacks against Russian border areas, but only near the Kharkiv region, according to a Politico report yesterday that cited a US official and two unnamed well-informed sources.

"President Biden recently asked his staff to ensure that Ukraine is able to use US weapons systems for counteroffensive purposes" ... so that Ukrainian forces "can strike back at Russian forces that are attacking or preparing to attack them , the US official told Politico, arguing that Washington's stance on the authorization of strikes inside Russian territory "hasn't changed" .

The Politico report did not specify when the US president authorized Ukraine to use US weapons systems to launch attacks against Russian soil.


Britain and Germany: "Green light" in Ukraine 

Germany has said "yes" to the use of German weapons against Russian targets in Ukraine, as announced by government spokesman Steffen Hempstreit.

The representative of the German chancellery said that "in recent weeks Ukraine has been attacked, mainly in Kharkiv, from positions in the immediately adjacent Russian border region". "We are jointly convinced that Ukraine has, according to international law, the right to defend itself against these attacks," the spokesman stressed.

And Britain a little while ago gave the "green light" for attacks with Storm Shadow missiles on the Russian hinterland.


Ukraine welcomes Western authorizations for strikes inside Russia

Ukraine announced today that the green light from the US to use Western weapons against targets in Russia would, under certain conditions, "significantly strengthen" its defenses against Russian attacks, especially in the Kharkiv region, where Moscow's military has launched attack in early May.

"This will significantly strengthen our ability to counter Russian mass gathering efforts on both sides of the border ," noted, expressing his satisfaction, Sergey Nikiforov, the representative of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a written message to the media. including the AFP.




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