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Israel Drops "Bunker Buster" bombs on "Hezbollah Headquarters" in Beirut

Israel Drops "Bunker Buster" Bombs on Apartment Complex in Beirut - Claims "Hezbollah Headquarters"


September 27, 2024 


Israel has used F-35 Stealth jets, to drop SEVERAL, 2,000 pound, "Bunker-Buster" bombs on apartment buildings in downtown Beirut Lebanon.  The IDF says it was Hezbollah Headquarters, and they also claim Hassan Nasrallah, the Leader of Hezbollah, was killed; but his death is disputed.




Imagery from the scene shows the entry point of at least one of those Bunker-Busters:

Lebanese news channel reports that the Lebanese minister of health says some of the targeted buildings in Beirut suburb were full of residents.  He said "There were four to six apartment buildings completely decimated and all the people are still in the rubble."

Lebanese Civil Defense Authorities state that they are currently unable to reach any of the Victims that are Trapped beneath the Rubble in Beirut, due to Fires that are burning under the Surface and Unstable Ground.

What is confirmed is that Hashim Safi al-Din (Picture below), the Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council and considered the “Number 2” in Hezbollah behind Hassan Nasrallah, was Killed in the Israeli Airstrike on Beirut.

"Israeli officials say senior Hezbollah officials were at the headquarters at the time of the attack... The primary target was Nasrallah"

Several Hezbollah outlets claim Nasrallah himself is "alive and safe" while other media outlets dispute this and say Nasrallah was "assassinated."   Only time will tell which reports are correct.

In an indication of what has actually taken place, Hassan Nasrallah’s daughter has arrived under heavy guard at the scene of the massive destruction of Hezbollah HQ in Beirut. We don’t know if her father is alive, but let’s just say she’s not there to pay her respects to the janitors.

Hezbollah itself says "The rules of the game have changed, it is time for revenge."  

The scene of the Israeli attack is a shambles.  FOUR TO FIVE Entire apartment buildings lay in piles of rubble; LIKELY WITH HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE DEAD:



Blood-soaked dirt clearly visible:






Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now here in New York City where he spoke at the United Nations, to an almost empty General Assembly.   Most of the members of the UN General Assembly WALKED OUT as Netanyahu rose to speak to them.




Israeli Broadcasting Authority, quoting an Israeli official: We have passed a stage, the direction is clear, and the consequences of the step may lead to a regional war.

-- Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officials were present at Hezbollah's HQ at the time of the strikes. -reports



Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has called an emergency meeting (right now) of the Supreme National Security Council at his home, according to two Iranian officials with knowledge of the meeting.  It is 11:00 at night in Tehran . . . . and the leader called an emergency meeting at his HOME?  This is serious!


UPDATE 5:05 PM -

Russia's foreign minister warns that "the Middle East stands on the brink of a full-scale war."


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