Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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October 03, 2024 


Last night, Israel attacked a Russian airbase in Syria with missiles.  This morning the Russian Government is telling its citizens "Leave Israel immediately; get out before it's too late."


Reports were  "unknown aircraft" have attacked Russia's Hmeimim Airbase in Latakia .

 "Unknown aircraft" hit a warehouse on the base where an Iranian Plane had just been unloaded .

Reports also indicate that "salvos of ship-launched missiles began hitting the Russian base launched by ships in the Mediterranean Sea." 

Syrian media reports that Syrian and Russian air defenses have been actively engaging "hostile targets" for over 50 minutes across Latakia, Jableh, and Tartous.

Russian-operated Hmeimim Airbase was among the targets, with over 50 projectiles reportedly intercepted. Fires have broken out near Jableh, with firefighting crews dispatched to the area.


UPDATE 12:47 AM EDT --

ISRAEL is reportedly hitting "terrorist targets in western Syria and along the Syria coastline."

So far they've hit in Latakia and Tartus, home ports of the Russian Mediterranean Flotilla.

Also the Russian Hmeimim Air Base.

The Russian ammo stockpile there is exploding.

Russian air defenses are reportedly firing at Israeli aircraft.

The strikes occurred an hour after the arrival of an Iranian plane belonging to "Qashim Fars" airline.

The bombing  reportedly involved 30 missiles fired from naval battleships between 3:55 and 4:41 AM. 


With this morning's warning telling the approximately 1.5 MILLION Russian citizens to "Leave Israel immediately, get out before it's too late" it appears Russia is going to smash Israel with military strikes.

When Russia hits back - as is their right under common sense, and under International Law -- the U.S. may move to defend Israel, or to respond by attacking Russia.  We all know how that ends. 

Today is a pivotal day in human history, and maybe for human existence.


Israeli strikes Russian Hmeimim Air Base in Syria

Videos online appear to show Israel striking (or striking near) Russia's Hmeimim Air Base in Syria. Both Syrian and Russian air defenses were active, but the targets were seen being struck again and again with major secondary explosions. The target is thought to have been Iranian munitions using the (perceived) safety of the Russian base 


The strikes are reported to have happened shortly after aircraft carrying munitions from Iran landed at the base. Israeli politicians have  Russia of aiding Hamas. The attack lasted 45 minutes, with Israel firing 30 missiles. Israel is variously suggested to have used its navy and air force in the attacks.

Fog of war


This is a breaking storyrael




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