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UPDATE on MIDDLE EAST WARS! Iran’s Air Defense ‘Intercepts, counters’ almost all of Israeli Aggression (video).

UPDATE on MIDDLE EAST WARS! Iran’s Air Defense ‘Intercepts, counters’ almost all of Israeli Aggression (video)



 Fabio G. C. Carisio, Veterans today -

October 26, 2024



by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


Iranian Press TV: “The attacks caused limited damage in some military locations”

«Iran’s air defense force has confirmed Israeli attacks targeting positions in Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam provinces, saying the aggression was successfully thwarted» has reported Iranian Press TV. 


“Despite the previous warnings of the officials of the Islamic Republic to the criminal and illegal Zionist regime to avoid any adventurous action, this fake regime attacked parts of military centers in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam this morning in a tension-causing action,” the air defense force said in a statement on Saturday morning.

Footage shared online captured what appeared to be interceptions over the Iranian capital.

Iranian PRESS TV X video – click to watc

The country’s integrated air defense system successfully intercepted and countered the act of aggression, it said. The attacks caused limited damage in some locations and the dimensions of the incident are under investigation, the statement added.

The Iranian military, in turn, said that some of its facilities in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam had come under attack but Israel had only managed to cause limited damage.

Tehran is ready to give a proportionate response to Israeli strikes, the Tasnim news agency reported, citing an informed source (read more below).


The Iranian Army said two of its servicemen have been martyred in the military attacks by the Israeli regime early Saturday.

The Iranian Army said in a statement on Saturday that two of its combatants have been martyred during confrontation with the projectiles fired by the criminal Zionist regime as the Army continues to safeguard Iran’s security and prevent harm to the Iranian nation and interests, Tasnim added.

The Iranian Air Defense issued a statement on Saturday, saying that the criminal, illegitimate and fake regime of Israel in a move to escalate tensions launched attacks on some military sites in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam in the early hours of October 26.


Iran Entitled to Defense against Aggression: Foreign Ministry

Israeli operation and its consequences

Over 100 planes were involved in the 2000 km attack, including the cutting-edge F-35, the Jerusalem Post reported. Israel hit about 20 targets, the New York Times said.

The Israeli military carried out three waves of strikes on targets in Iran, Barak Ravid, political reporter for the Axios media outlet, said, citing sources. The first wave focused on the Iranian air defense system and the second and third waves focused on missile and drone bases and production sites.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the Israeli army had carried out strikes on military facilities in southern and central Syria. The country’s air defenses downed several missiles.

  • Israel’s preliminary strike on radar targets in Syria was aimed at “blinding” Iran’s capabilities, quickly escalating into an offensive targeting Tehran and Karaj, Iran’s capital and another strategic location, the Jerusalem Post reported.
  • Israel did not target Iranian nuclear and strategic facilities, Iran’s ShafaqNA news agency reported, adding that no civilian or military casualties had been reported.
  • Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) facilities in western and southwestern Tehran were not hit by Israeli strikes, the Tasnim news agency said.
  • Israel’s strikes targeted neither Iran’s oil facilities nor Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport nor Mehrabad International Airport in the Iranian capital, the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen TV channel reported.


Israel begins Retaliation against Iran despite Warnings of Harsh Vengeance

Israel has begun its strike against Iran in response to Tehran’s October 1 attacks, CNN reported, citing sources from Axios. Iranian state TV is reporting explosions in various parts of the country, including Tehran.

The Israeli military confirmed on Saturday (1 am CET) that it has carried out “precision strikes” on military targets in Iran “in response to months of continuous attacks” by the Islamic Republic. “In response to months of continuous attacks by the Iranian regime against the State of Israel, the Israeli military is carrying out precision strikes on military targets in Iran,” the military said in a statement.

The Israeli military says that “like any other sovereign country in the world, the State of Israel has the right and duty to respond,” due to “the Iranian regime and its proxies in the region who are relentlessly attacking Israel.” “Our defensive and offensive capabilities are fully mobilized,” the military said. “We will do whatever it takes to defend the State of Israel and the people of Israel,” it concludes.

On October 1, Iran fired nearly 200 ballistic missiles at Israel in response to the killings of the Hamas and Hezbollah leaders and an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) general. While the IDF has insisted that the majority of the projectiles were intercepted, Tehran claimed to have hit several Israeli military targets.

This reckless attack was launched by the Zionist government of Benjamin Netanyahu despite the call for a de-escalation in the Middle East launched by the BRICS bloc at the Kazan summit in Russia in recent days.

Since it was the dead of night (3 am CET) in Iran when the attack began, no comment has yet been received from the Iranian media, which in the past few days had however reported eloquent threats from the religious, political and military authorities in Tehran.


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