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Israel Strike on Iran The Aftermath

 Israel Strike on Iran


 October 26, 2024 



Last night, Israel attacked Iran. This morning, the world is breathing a collective sigh of relief; the attack was NOT severe in its effects.  Whether that was planned or just the (unwanted by Israel) result, is not yet known.

The map image above displays where attacks allegedly struck.

Early this morning, SKY NEWS in the United Kingdom reported "Iran officials say Iran will not retaliate, the matter is now closed."   But the British government, and its puppet media, are notorious deceivers.  As such, until the Iran government publicly announces their intent, there is no way of knowing whether Iran actually said this, or it's wishful thinking by the Brits.

What we do know as fact, is that there were some explosions in and around Tehran last night - but nothing truly spectacular.  Some videos that came out on social media were fraudulent; showing attacks from other countries in the past, being represented as if they were attacks upon Iran last night as it was happening.  

After the IDF publicly announced the attack was over, live video of the Tehran skyline revealed: A beautiful sunrise.  No smoke. No flames. No hordes of panicked people trying to flee.  THAT is the factual result of Israel's attack.

This morning, there are some, limited photos of a missile factory that took at least one hit.  There is significant damage to the structure, but not enough to believe the factory was "destroyed."  Clearly, it survived. Here:


As may be expected, the Iran government told citizens to NOT take imagery of attack damage so as NOT to give Israel proof of what they were able to accomplish.  While I understand the Iran government's wish, it's likely not going to work.  People are people and they will do what they do.  So imagery is coming out, albeit slowly, and I expect it will continue to come out.  

NASA Satellite (Fires)

NASA has a satellite that picks-up active fires on Earth's surface, regardless of the cause of the fire.  It __is__ showing fires in eastern Iran:


It is entirely possible these are from the Israeli attack,

One of the red dots on the NASA Satellite map corresponds to the location of a large Iran missile base:


Most disturbing, so far, is video seeming to show a large fire at the Parchin military facility in southeast Tehran.  The site was used for nuclear weapons related experiments, and IAEA inspectors were not allowed into the facility.  

  We know the Nuclear Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were forbidden from entering.  


Right now, though, it seems there isn't much damage to take imagery of!  It appears, on the surface, the Israeli attack was a dud.  

Maybe the Israelis did that on purpose?  Maybe this whole thing was theater for the domestic Israeli audience? 


UPDATE 11:10 AM EDT --

Multiple reports are coming in saying that at least two (2) Soldiers from the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed when their air-defense site came under Israeli attack.  A Surface-to-Air Missile Battery near Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran, believed to have likely been a S-300PMU2, was Targeted and Destroyed by Israeli Airstrikes.


UPDATE 11:48 AM EDT --

 We may not be out of this yet . . . . .

Word coming out of Iran indicates the missile factory "damaged" as reported above, was actually a Drone Factory near Tehran, and it turns out the damage is far more significant than first thought.  Video of that factory below:




Iran's news agency is reporting this HOUR, "Iran is ready to respond to the Israeli attack.  Operation already named "True Promise 3."   Throughout Iran, they are quoting an Imam:

"Return the stone to the exact spot where the enemy threw it, for wickedness can only be met with wickedness." --  Imam Ali (a.s)



Ballistic Missiles are confirmed by Satellite surveillance, to be on-the-move inside Iran.


Israeli sources are now saying quietly "We blinded all the radar in Syria and Iraq.  Now that they cannot see us coming, we are free to take out Iran's nuclear program."


UPDATE 12:14 PM EDT --

Three U.S. Air Force KC-135 Aerial-Refueling Tankers have departed from Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and are heading North over Iraq; while another Group of Three KC-135s, coming from Ramstein Air Base in Germany, are heading South over Turkey towards the Middle East.



Word has now been given to Israeli social-media-influencers who are now saying this:



Meanwhile, a short time ago this morning, the Iran Foreign Minister said: "Iran's determination to defend itself 'limitless.'"





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