October 29, 2024
Hal Turner
Video below shows that last night, the US government "practiced" Emergency Helicopter Evacuation of persons from the United States Capital Building. With potential nuclear war coming, at least 12 Helicopters participated in this "exercise."
In the video below, you will see and hear the helicopters approaching and landing at the US Capital.
The cameraman confirms these are "Continuity of Government" (COG) helicopters from local police and from the Military. Given the capacities of each helicopter, they can only evacuate 1/4 of the House and the full Senate BUT . . . . in the time it took just for these helicopters to LAND, a Submarine-launched Ballistic Missile would already have reached the US Capital!
This exercise was a complete failure.
The government is conducting these exercises because it is now clear that some type of evacuation of elected officials is likely to be necessary in the near future.
With Russian nuclear submarines presently off the east coast, the Gulf Coast, and the West coast, the situation of US meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has now gotten to the point where the US realizes the Russians are not bluffing when they speak about engaging NATO over its interference in the conflict. Such an engagement might result in missiles being fired at Washington, DC and other US cities.
The government is getting ready for war to come here, to U.S. soil. A war THEY will have caused!
The members of the United States House of Representatives, and the United States Senate are jointly and severally, personally responsible for the decisions they made, and the votes they cast, which are leading us to this catastrophic conflict.
They decided to meddle with Russia, over Ukraine - which isn't even a NATO ally! They decided to send rockets, missiles, artillery shells, armored personnel carriers, tanks, planes -- all to kill Russians.
These politicians in the US knew before they even began, that Russia is one of only two countries in the world, that can actually wage war upon the US --- and these politicians went ahead and meddled anyway.
Our elected public servants have been playing Russian Roulette with OUR lives!
We are approaching the point where Russia has had quite enough of their meddling. Just yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov publicly stated ”If Ukraine joins NATO "either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does.” (Story Here)
It isn't rocket science to see and know that the United States makes up seventy percent (70%) of NATO. If "Nato disappears" then it necessarily follows that it's because WE HERE IN THE U.S. "disappear." Russia is one of only two countries in the world that can actually make that happen!
A lot of these US officials seem to think they will be able to ride-out the war they caused, safe and sound in a government bunker. Some of them __may__ be correct.
But sooner or later, they're probably going to have to come OUT of those bunkers, and when they do, it will be time for the American people to step-up, see the destruction these maniacs have wrought, the devastation their meddling has caused on all our lives, and hold them accountable.
Right there.
On sight.
Here is the video showing they're practicing to "Get outta Dodge" before the missiles hit:
UPDATE 12:15 PM EDT --
More than 50 senators accepted satellite phones for emergency communications as part of growing efforts to beef up security for lawmakers last year. (Washington Times Story Here)