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NASASCAM: NASA faked the Moon missions


NASASCAM: NASA faked the Moon missions 


This website is dedicated to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, Chief Historian Brian Odom, and the remaining Apollo astronauts. After 56 years they continue to make themselves a worldwide laughing-stock with their ongoing claim of landing on the Moon.

In 1968, I would have debated with "Apollo believers" on whether the Moon missions were for real or not. However it is now 2025, and the authenticity of the Apollo Moon missions can no longer be debated. It's not a "conspiracy theory" as the facts are well-known, and conspiracy theories question what really took place. It has, however, been a well proven fact since the mid 80s, that NASA faked the Moon missions for propaganda purpose.

Although it's well-known around the world that the Moon missions were faked, many gullible people still accept NASA's claim. They can't be bothered to research, or investigate, and check if NASA are telling the truth. There are some who will never accept the Moon missions were faked, regardless of how much hard evidence they are shown. I refer to those people as PANs which stands for Pro Apollo Nutter.

Those PANs who won't accept that Apollo was fake, have been brain washed into believing 56 years of blatant lies from NASA. Over the years they eventually become brain-damaged, and lose touch with reality. We've all come across them from time to time as they re-iterate their ridiculous comments. "I can see the flag through my telescope", or "I saw the rocket lift off, on the TV, so it must be true", are typical PAN comments. They also make stupid remarks like, "What about the Moon rock brought back by the Apollo astronauts?". How do we know its Moon rock, more likely to be petrified wood?  We only have NASA's word, and if it is genuine Moon rock, then it was brought back by a robotic probe, and not astronauts.

They put forward so called evidence to prove the Moon missions were real but if they were to research the subject, which they havn't, they would find that evidence has been fully "debunked" on my APOLLO Q & A page at the bottom of APOLLO FACTS. If you are one who likes living in a fantasy world, there is no hope. However if you are one who has serious doubt about the Moon landings ever happening, then this site is for you.

The comical aspect about NASA's Moon hoax, is how it's making a worldwide laughing-stock of NASA, and the Apollo astronauts. The most damning aspect however, is that NASA's Moon landing scam is confusing the younger generation. It's giving them a disorientated view of current space travel and technology. For example, many youngsters who saw the shuttle lift off from launch pad assumed it was going to the Moon. They can't understand why it's only going 200 miles into low Earth orbit, when NASA made 9 manned journeys to the Moon over 56 years ago.

Each of those 9 missions was a return trip of 500,000 miles, all in a 3-year period. Yes NASA made trips to the Moon look like a 10-minute bus ride to the local shops. Most, but not everyone, fell for it hook, line and sinker at the time. The author of this site however was one of those who saw fakery from day one.

If NASA did send men to the Moon, then space technology has gone backwards instead of forward. That seems somewhat bizarre when one looks at technology advances, particularly in computer science. Of course space technology has not gone backwards, but what is bizarre is NASA's outlandish claim.

Since 1995 more, and more, encyclopedias are making less, and in some cases no reference at all, to the Apollo Moon missions. Evidently the publishers have "wised up" that the Apollo missions were faked, and no man has been to the Moon. "A hole in history", as Arthur C. Clarke quoted back in 1969.

When NASA faked the Moon missions, they anticipated there would be people around the globe who would dispute them. The author of this site was one of those. However they surmised it wouldn't spread any further than a few people discussing it in their local pub, or workplace. How wrong they were. NASA never envisaged that 30 years later every person in the world could discuss information, and share thoughts with one another instantly.

During the 1970s, a large percentage of people had serious doubt that the Moon landing ever happened. However there was no material available upon which to base an investigation. There were a limited number of photographs shown in a few fictional, fantasy books, which endorsed Apollo. Neither could those who doubted Apollo, share their thoughts with many others in the world who held the same belief.

In 1995 the Internet brought about the downfall and full expose of NASA's 25 year hoax. People worldwide now had full access to NASA's website pictures, and could see for themselves the photographs were doctored with a repetitive background. Before 1995 no one could see these pictures, but you can now study them in the comfort of your own home.

Sites exposing the Moon landings as fake, will soon outnumber the untrue Apollo Moon websites. Click on each picture to go to the same picture on a NASA website. To get the complete picture on the biggest scam ever hoisted upon the world's media, click links at bottom of page.


The lunar map used for Apollo 17 mission, the quality of which is very poor, however scale is marked in Kms.


Now perhaps some PANs out there could tell me why map is marked in Kms, when the USA used imperial measurement in the 1960s? Note landing site marked X, and each individual Station Number. Note Station 2 by the South Massive, which is over 8 kilometres from landing site. Also note Station 8 which is over 4 kilometres in the opposite direction.



Photograph on right is from the ALSJ, Text accompanying this picture states:- "Approaching Station 2 with LM shown in distance". That Lunar Module sure don't look like it's over 8 km away, which is what lunar map above shows it to be.




Photograph shown left is stated as being Station 6 on the Moon. Notice background with curved light marking, and crater.


Picture above was taken at a remote location in Arizona. The shadows one can see, are natural occurring shadows from sunlight here on planet Earth. The foreground picture has been superimposed onto a fake Moonscape background.


NASA tell us this astronaut on rover, is at Station 9. However that same curved light marking, and crater, are there in background, and again picture was taken from exactly the same angle.



Picture on left is Station 8, Cochise crater. Yet again this picture shows same background scene, and taken from the same angle.


Text accompanying the picture above states "The final parking place of the rover prior to lift off". Looking at the map above, Station 8 is the furthest point North from the LM landing site. Did they walk the 5 Kms back to LM?


Picture right, is Station 5. Station 5 is over 1 km from landing site in a totally opposite direction to Station 8, which is over 6 Kms from Station 5. Note same light shadow, in the background.


The picture above is a classic example of shuffling background imagery to try and create differing views. Tuttle did a poor job of blackening the sky in this picture. Look closely on a high resolution screen, and you will see evidence of trees within the blackness of space.


Picture left is Station 7. Background has again the same identical curved light marking. Angle, and orientation that picture was taken, are also the same.



This final picture, taken from ALSJ (Apollo Lunar Surface Journal), website, is portrayed as being the Apollo 17 landing site


One does not need to be a photographic expert to notice that, like all the others, it has the same identical background. However the LM does not appear in the photographs above.

Note that the LM picture has no reticles, yet it was supposedly taken by the same camera that took all other shots. How many different cameras did they take with them to the Moon? If this picture was taken in 1972 as NASA claim, then WHY did it not appear in any books or magazines until 1994, when it first appeared in a newspaper? Why is it in colour on the ALSJ site, when other pics are in monochrome, and supposedly taken by the  same camera?


Still not convinced? Then maybe this final photograph will prove my theory. It shows John Dorsey at LRC, (Langley Research Centre),

ohn Dorsey and his crew designed a crane to unload cargo. Mr Dorsey quotes, "For when astronauts return to the Moon". They would do better spending their time figuring out how to get to the Moon for the first time, instead of lying that they have already been there. Notice behind him the huge mountainous lunar canvas backdrop used in faking the Apollo 17 photographs.


In 1994, I contacted NASA as to why Apollo 17 Moon photographs all had the same background, when taken at different locations. Over 30 years on, and I'm still waiting for an answer. I also contacted the News of World at the same time to expose the dodgy Moon pictures. However back then they assumed you were some kind of idiot to suggest the Moon landings were fake. Time, however, has proven that this so-called idiot, was in fact correct.

Think about this, the astronauts covered an area 8 Kms by 12 Kms, and panned their camera through 360 degrees at various locations.

What are the odds against getting an identical background in each picture? Six separate locations which are miles apart, and yet each one has the same identical background. All pictures have a relatively flat foreground, and an abrupt straight line where foreground meets the background hilly area. Conclusive proof that background hilly scene has been pasted onto photo, and sky blacked out.

The evidence of false backdrops is not so noticeable in the earlier faked pictures for missions 11/12 and 14. Those pictures were taken at (LRC) Langley Research Center in the 'MOONSET' studio. It is the latter missions, ie, 15/16 and 17 where anomalies are plainly obvious.

When questioned about the authenticity of the Moon landings, NASA's reply is:- "We do not have time to answer any questions, the truth is in the photographs". The truth is indeed within the photographs, and the truth hurts. These photographs are fake, which means the Moon landings are also fake.


Look at it this way. According to NASA, a person born in the 19th century would have witnessed 9 journeys to the Moon, with 12 men actually walking on the Moon.

A person born in the 21st century on the other hand, has so far witnessed no manned space journeys outside of Earth orbit. Utterly ridiculous? Yes of course it is ridiculous, and so is the Apollo Fairy Story.


Of the 24 astronauts that NASA claim they sent to the Moon, only 6 of them remain today. They are:- James Lovell (Apollo 8/13). Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11). Dave Scott (Apollo 15). Fred Haise (Apollo 13). Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17), and Charles Duke (Apollo 16). James Lovell born 25 Mar 1928 is now the oldest at 97, whilst Charlie Duke born 3 Oct 1935  is the youngest at 89. The other 18 having passed on are:-

Jack Swigert (Apollo 13), died 27 Dec 1982. Roland Evans (Apollo 17), died 7 April 1990. James Irwin (Apollo 15), died 8 Aug 1991. Stuart Roosa (Apollo 15), died 12 Dec 1994. Alan Shepard (Apollo 14), died 21 Jul 1998. Pete Conrad (Apollo 12), died 8 Jul 1999. Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11), died 25 Aug 2012. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), died 4 Feb 2016. Richard Gordon (Apollo 12), died 6 Nov 2017. Gene Cernan (Apollo 10/17), died 16 Jan 2017. John Young (Apollo 10/16), died 5 Jan 2018. Alan Bean (Apollo 12), died 26 May 2018. Al Worden (Apollo 15), died 18 Mar 2020. Michael Collins (Apollo 11), died April 28, 2021, Ken Mattingly (Apollo 16), died 31 Oct 2023. Frank Borman (Apollo 8), died 7 Nov 2023. Thomas Stafford (Apollo 10), died 18 March 2024. William Anders (Apollo 8), died 7 June 2024.

Of the 12 fantasy Moon walkers only 4 remain, they are:- Buzz Aldrin, Dave Scott, Harrison Schmitt and Charlie Duke.




How, and where, NASA faked the lunar orbiting, landing, and lift off videos.


Read what the media say about naughty NASA.


USGS involvement in the faking of Apollo Moon missions.


The person responsible for NASA's fake Moon pictures.


The truth, and reason, why NASA faked the Apollo Moon missions.


Misleading data regarding the Apollo missions.


How space radiation makes Moon trip impossible.


Facts to be considered about Apollo, plus a Q and A section.


More of NASA's fake Moon pictures, with added humour.


You've just gotta take the mickey.


Watch videos without annoying ads and unwanted info labels.


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