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Israel and MH17

The Hand of Netanyahu Shows Itself

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Some thought the Gaza attacks were to take heat off Israel’s involvement in MH17.  Gaza went on so long, so many children murdered, that if so, it was like putting out a fire on your pant leg by pouring on gasoline.  The analogy fits.

I have an article on MH17 on Press TV. There is no reason to beat this to death. It wasn’t a missile — it would have been seen. What we began getting is sock puppet comments stating the satellite photos of MH17 are fake.

There was no reason to have satellite photos at all. We had radar proof all along. When it was claimed a “low level SU 25″ was following MH17 and “incapable of performance and altitude” required, we knew better. A Su25 can shoot down an airliner, but it wasn’t an Su 25 at all.

Here is what tied it up today. Alexander Mercouris. This is a guy who came out of nowhere in 2012 on Russia Today, and then a series of not so secretly Israeli-funded sites like Global Research and Sputnik. He had no background. Global Research claims he is a former lawyer and international law expert. We did background on him.

You could do a sitcom about this guy. Run it yourself. I am not doing a hatchet job other than to say he couldn’t park a car, much less act as an expert on anything.

When I read the background material on him to Jim Dean, he actually fell on the floor laughing.

We have a guy with no job, no experience, two very nice cats and some horrific personal shortcomings as a paid commentator on things he never heard of, all out of “nowhere whatsoever,” a town in Southern Illinois.

Mercouris was “pro-Russian” until “activated” by a “handler.” He was “burned” in order to use his two year old “legend” to try to silence Israel’s involvement in MH17. He turned 180 degrees “on a dime,” the classic burning of an asset. Hell, in today’s world, you can burn them over and over. Assange comes to life like a Zombie with great regularity.

In the past few weeks both Gareth Porter and Christina Amanpour did 180’s to burn down Iran. Both will get second chances and third and fourth simply because, well, we aren’t going to say right now but you can guess.

There is also a back story here, too classified for publishing, about the IAEA, Iran and Israel, how everyone is trying to trash the nuclear deal because too many “special people” on every side are raking in cash keeping things as they are. It is so much fun to hate Netanyahu and his toady Abe “the fox” Foxman, but they aren’t alone.

What the satellite photo story has brought out is activated agents that give us more names to add to the Assange, Gage, Jones (2), Bollyn, Porter, Shamir and “too many others too count” list of mysterious “hangers on”.

Baretzky should tell you how easy it is when you have access to nearly every Interpol database.

Here’s the rub: Any photo can be phony. Would someone release a phony photo in order to prove it false because the radar imagery alone has shown the preliminary investigation by the Netherlands to have been rigged?

Remember, these photos came out of “nowhere” and were not needed. The proof was there that it was Kiev, but there were things we didn’t know. We had a “probable” Israeli F 15E flying out of Azerbaijan that could have been acting as an AWAC for the downing of MH17. We had no proof.

We know the US had AEGIS radar showing everything and had withheld satellite photos. Why?

But now, we see Israeli assets coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches, trying to steer people away from the Su22 solution — the right plane, the right place, the right radar performance profile — a chain of events we would never have been able to track to Tel Aviv if they had just kept their hands in their pockets instead of turning to a mole with a legend and a horrific personal history.

Then again, we have so much more, all over the past months — it was all over anyway. We all knew. Did our friends in Israel create the satellite photos just to dump on them? If the photos are phony, Israel did it.

If they are not, Israel did it. When playing “the game,” knowing the rules helps


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