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Medical Report Of Obama Homosexual Sore Throat: (Video) Typical Gay Sickness For POTUS.







Acid reflux causing Obama’s sore throat

Obama’s sore throat this week has been documented upon for years now by reporters familiar with Obama’s life in Chicago for the last thirty years. Obama’s sore throat IS NOT ACID REFLUX. It’s reflux of what he did back over the years as a homosexual?

Obama Gets CT Scan for Sore Throat 

4:38 PM, DEC 6, 2014 • BY DANIEL HALPER


This afternoon, President Obama got a CT Scan today for a sore throat has had “over the past couple weeks,” according to a statement from his doctor, Ronny L. Jackson.

“This morning, an ear, nose and throat specialist from Fort Belvoir Medical Center conducted a fiber optic exam, under my supervision, of the President’s throat based on symptoms of sore throat over the past couple weeks. The exam revealed soft tissue swelling in the posterior throat and I, in consultation with the specialist, determined that further evaluation with a routine CT scan was prudent.  The CT scan was conducted this afternoon purely as a matter of convenience for the President’s schedule.  The CT scan was normal. The President’s symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation related to acid reflux and will be treated accordingly,” Jackson’s statement reads.

The White House press secretary said, “The President has been complaining of a sore throat.  In light of that and given that the President has free time in his schedule this afternoon, Dr. Jackson, the President’s physician, recommended he go to Walter Reed for some diagnostic tests. According to Dr. Jackson, the quickly scheduled test is a matter of convenience for the President, not a matter of urgency. We will provide additional updates when available.”

Breaking article excerpt! “Obama was very much into older white men”.

CLAIM: OBAMA HID ‘GAY LIFE’ TO BECOME PRESIDENTChicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret

Published: 09/11/2012 at 9:53 PM

 JEROME R. CORSI About Email Archive





A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”




Jerome Corsi says Obama is a homosexual part 1

Obama’s motorcade goes to the hospital in Maryland.


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