Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War
Race Riots Incited To Overshadow
Raging Class WarfareRacial Hatreds Stoked To Divide The Nation And Distract From Obama’s Impeachable Crimes
No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one. The number of governmental wrongdoings and pervasiveness of political scandal are as unprecedented as they are unrivaled.
No other US President has acted in such an autocratic manner, and with such impunity. President Obama’s ongoing dictatorial conduct has become so consistent that many refer to him as king, as well as the first monarch of the USA. To those who have watched him systematically trash the Constitution, tyrant and despot are the more common descriptions.
The entire Executive Branch has become infamous for its predictable lawlessness and chaotic governance, deceptive pronouncements and diplomatic dissembling. Every thing they do, or don’t do, is mired in political calculation and self-serving machinations. Continuation of the facade of political correctness appears to be its central organizing principle, as well as the defining characteristic of so many incompetent ‘czars’ and unqualified politicos.
Just how numerous are the scandals and incessant are the improprieties … as well as the unparalleled transgressions against the Constitution and flagrant violations of federal law? Here are just a few of the more serious offenses perpetrated by the Obama Administration:
• Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
• Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
• Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
• Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syria
• Prosecuting illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Benghazi debacle and cover-up
• Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
• ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
• HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
• Pigford scandal
• Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
• GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
• Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
• Cash for Clunkers debacle
• ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘
• Indefinite Surveillance via the National Defense Authorization Act
• Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
• BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
• US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda
• Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at WhiteHouse.gov
• Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
• CIA Spying on the Senate
• Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
• Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
• Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
• Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
• Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
• Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
• Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
The last three bullet points above clearly spell out a deliberate and premeditated strategy to divide the nation using manufactured racism. That racially charged agenda has been implemented with a “nod and a wink” since the very inception of Obama’s first term. In light of the growing list of serious scandals and unrivaled law-breaking by this Administration, it is clear why there is such a relentless push for a “full scale race war”. Obama’s inner circle must feel that it has no choice but to distract the American people from the unrelenting corruption and ubiquitous malfeasance that must be kept hidden from the public.
When it’s not distracting the citizenry with transparent race-bating, the Obama Administration is diverting attention away from the very real class war that has been raging since the stock market crash of 2008.
Race Card Used As Red Herring To Divert Attention From Ongoing Class WarfareClearly, there is a much more significant and profound reason for so much racial conflict purposefully generated by Obama, his political proxies and agents throughout the Mainstream Media (MSM). Ever-intensifying class warfare has been raging across the nation since September of 2008. The moneyed class has been under direct assault by those who have been harmed by the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history.
Whenever there are multiple economic and financial cataclysms as the world has experienced since 2008, there is also a simultaneous and massive redistribution of wealth. Because of the blatantly lopsided rules of the game, the flow of wealth has been effectuated from the middle class to the wealthiest. In this way the 1% now possesses an extremely disproportionate share of the world’s wealth relative to the 99%.
As inflation escalates and wages stagnate, the middle class (as well as lower socioeconomic groups) see their wealth persistently eroded. After being stuck for several years in this recessionary and inflationary cycle, the financial pain is becoming too much for many to bear. Working two or three jobs has taken its toll, especially for the primary wage earners. Many have reached a breaking point and hold the political and corporate classes responsible for their economic difficulties and/or financial ruin.
Main Street vs. Wall StreetThe recent battlegrounds of Ferguson, MO and New York City are much less about black and white, and much more about the rich and powerful against everyone else. In each case there were fundamental economic issues at work, as well as overarching financial considerations. However, the 1% that live off of Wall Street will do everything in their power to prevent this from being generally known. Why?
Because their very lives depend on it. Simply put, were the truth to be known about just how much the average American citizen has been raped, pillaged and plundered over the past many years by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, by the POTUS and the SCOTUS, by corporate lobbyists and banksters of every stripe and color, there would be a full-blown revolution. The Powers That Be (TPTB) know this quite well. TPTB have therefore instructed Obama & Company to frame the ever-intensifying conflicts within the context of racism.
In fact, the words “RACIST” and “RACISM” have been thrown around with reckless abandon throughout both terms of Obama. His Administration together with their lackeys in the MSM will brand as ‘racist’ anyone who points out the obvious failings of the current President. Even those who simply disagree with Obama are tainted with labels of racism. This highly destructive tactic has contributed substantially to the deterioration of the public discourse.
What we are also witnessing is longstanding racial discrimination being exposed through state-sponsored racial profiling. Institutional racial biases are being laid bare throughout civil society for all to see. Race-based hiring practices are being revealed wherever a victim has the inclination to take to Twitter or Facebook. Each of these dynamics, among many others, contributes to the much larger, under-the-radar scheme that is afoot to start a full-scale race war.
Obama And Holder Used Michael Brown And Trayvon Martin To Incite A National Race RiotIn both instances the Obama Administration has used the tragic shootings of young blacks to literally agitate the already inflamed passions surrounding both volatile incidents. Neither Michael Brown nor Trayvon Martin deserved to die and both deaths are truly regrettable. However, both cases presented overwhelming evidence against indictment and conviction respectively.
Therefore, neither President Obama nor AG Eric Holder had any good reason to interfere by inserting their personal bias or by using their institutional power. Both of them made unprecedented and blatant attempts to influence the outcomes of those legal proceedings. Such improper and provocative meddling is practically unheard by the Executive Branch, especially by the top law officer in the land and his constitutional lawyer supervisor!
This Administration has taken more initiatives than any before it concerning ongoing investigations of minority deaths. They have also made more overtures to their chosen political proxies and like-minded agents throughout the MSM to pour fuel on the fabricated race riot fires. Obama practically gave the rioters in Ferguson the go ahead “to tear the place up”. It was their own place that they tore up, mind you.
Then there is the use of their surrogates such as Democratic Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri. Not only did the Governor fail to provide adequate protection to the people and property[1] of Ferguson on the night of the worst riots, he also ‘failed’ in neglecting to change the ill-advised announcement time of the indictment decision[2]. Such a profound ‘lack of good judgment’ ensured that the angry and volatile crowds in Ferguson could easily take advantage of the cover of darkness to burn down buildings, loot stores, vandalize personal property, etc. Such a staged riot was no accident, indeed.
PSYOP: The Killing Of Eric Garner in NYC Is An Altogether Different StoryEric Garner was being harassed by the NYC police because of previous instances of selling untaxed cigarettes. On the day he was killed by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo he did not even possess any cigarettes. He committed no crime, and posed no threat to anyone. The backstory here is that neither the taxing authorities (that would be New York City) nor the cigarette manufacturers and distributors want to lose any revenue in what is essentially a legalized racket. A box of cigarettes can cost between $12 and $14.50 in NYC.
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There is a lot of money to be made and/or lost because of the burgeoning black market in cigarettes. Consequently, someone decided to make a very dramatic example of Eric Garner. The message:
Don’t deprive the municipality of their needed tax revenue.
Don’t undersell the businesses that sell tobacco products.
Everything about the Garner case smacks of a setup. It’s almost as though those who engineered this murder in broad daylight did so in order to viralized the video and audio content. Not only will every black marketeer get the intended message very quickly, the race baiters can also use the cold-blooded murder and police brutality to further advance their cause.
Although it may be difficult for many to comprehend, the murder of Eric Garner was quite purposefully staged to also advance the race war agenda. Just look at what has occurred around the nation since the decision not to indict was made public. Because it was such a senseless and defenseless crime by a group of 6 white policemen against a single black citizen, it is mega-charged to further galvanize a snowballing grass roots movement against pervasive police brutality.
1% Plutocrats vs 99% People: US Federal Government Works For The Corporate OligarchyThere is no question that the police — everywhere — are totally OUT OF CONTROL. The amount and degree of naked police brutality in America has ratcheted up dramatically since 9/11. However, the deliberate militarization of police departments across the country has very little to do with terrorizing black communities. It has much more to do with keeping the 99% in check. COMPLETE check!
The true purpose behind so much shocking police brutality and unjustifiable killing lies with the very rich and powerful 1%. In short, they’re scared. Like never before, they know they will soon be facing some sort of a firing line. Their compulsive manipulation of all the markets (stock, bond, real estate, currency, commodities, derivatives, etc.) is now well known … and well documented. So is their overwhelming influence over every organ of government — federal, state, county and city.
More significantly, it is their (1%) total control over law enforcement in all 50 states that is being foisted (by the Department of Homeland Security) on police department everywhere. This is by design. Acts of police brutality are being staged and choreographed to have a very dramatic effect on communities large and small. In order to have maximum effect, these shocking crimes against the citizens are becoming more graphic and horrifying. The more fear that can be instilled into the general public, the more self-policing there will be among the populace. Much of the pervasive cow mentality is actually propagated and perpetuated to help keep each other from being hurt, or killed, by rogue cops.
This pre-planned and ongoing psyop has taken such a turn for the worse that the internet is now replete with hundreds of police brutality videos, each of which could be entitled: Shock & Awe! Yes, it’s that bad out there. However, the people are finally waking up to the fact that the police have literally been given a license to kill … without cause. They have also been given carte blanche in many urban areas to engage in acts of glaring police brutality whenever, wherever, however they see fit.
Herein lies the root of the problem, as it has been addressed at the very highest levels of the ruling Plutocracy. The festering class war has been sufficiently tamped down by TPTB (aka the Plutocacy) by simply replacing it with a full-scale race war. This same “divide and conquer” strategy has been used quite successfully for millennia. Sometimes it is race, sometimes it’s religion. Other times it has been sharp differences in customs, or traditions, or language that is used to divide and rule. Nevertheless, it almost always provides the desired results for those who skillfully employ it.
US Foreign Policy Utilizes Same Approach: Wields Big Stick To Start WarsHere again the 1% is always starting wars around the globe in order to exert more control over the planet’s finite resources. War mongering also fits into TPTB’s time-honored tradition of wealth creation by way of the arms trade, gunrunning and arms trafficking. Through the Military-Industrial Complex the top 1% exerts total command and control over of the entire US military. The armed forces are primarily mobilized to function as their own mercenary armies abroad. This transparent use of taxpayer dollars by the 1% to protect their extensive business interests both at home and abroad is rarely questioned. Nor is their frequent employment of local law enforcement in local matters. That is, until now!
The sustained intimidation and continued threats against the 99% is wearing thin. The Internet Age has made it much more difficult to get away with their usual divide and rule tactics. This article is just one example as to why that is the case. Sunlight has always functioned as the best disinfectant. Shining the light on their tricks of the trade will surely expose TPTB in a way that they cannot, will not, tolerate. That is the one thing which the ruling plutocracy will always try to avoid — EXPOSURE.
Just as the US State Department and CIA jointly ran a black operation during the recent Kiev coup d’état, the Feds are implementing numerous black ops in racially-charged communities around the nation. Their goal appears to be nothing less than a nationally televised race war. In this way TPTB can eternally point the finger at the perfect red herring known as racial tensions. Tensions that have been surreptitiously fabricated and then fed by the likes of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and many other prime movers throughout the repugnant Racism Industry.
Race Wars Are Always Class Wars In DisguiseAt the end of the day racial tensions are always the result of fierce economic competition. Race wars are actually class wars in disguise. Race riots occur during times of great financial duress. Racial hatreds are easily inflamed when those on the other side of the tracks appear to be doing better. The greater the divide between the 1% and the 99% the more anger and rage, frustration and discouragement will be vented.
The Obama Administration is already well known for willfully neglecting the black communities throughout the nation. Their complete lack of sound economic policy and necessary financial restraint have pushed the nation to a monetary collapse and fiscal bankruptcy. Truly, the political, economic and social consequences of Obama’s systematic destruction of American enterprise is catastrophic. Obamacare alone has served to shudder countless businesses across the country. The poor black communities have essentially shunned the ACA as a cost-prohibitive scheme to enrich health insurance companies.
One need look no further than the city of Detroit (and his hometown Chicago) to understand the degree of Obama’s willful neglect. That city resembles nothing short of an apocalyptic wasteland. Having a predominantly black population, Detroit has nevertheless received very little federal assistance, financial aid or emergency relief (like when the water is shut off). Just how long can such a dire situation continue before a ‘racial’ conflagration occurs. Financial desperation will always push the economically oppressed into desperate actions.
This Administration is quite aware of their gross failure in regard to economic recovery because the Congressional Black Caucus has told them so repeatedly. Many of the more honest minority state representatives have admitted that Obama has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for black America. In fact he has done very little regarding the critical causes of community renewal, business development and genuine black empowerment.
Because of their monumental failure, Obama and his racist cohorts have chosen to play the race card at every opportunity as a means of misdirection. By inciting racial tensions, race riots, and race wars their own profound failings are covered up. By continually misdirecting the peoples’ attention to genuine or fictitious acts of racism, the root causes of the coming class war are never exposed so that they can be addressed.
When Race Riots Morph Into Class WarfareThe mere knowledge of their plans greatly minimizes the likelihood that TPTB will be successful in this misguided endeavor. Because they have used the same devious tactics practically forever, they are easily known by their actions. With smartphones in the hands of almost everyone who leaves their home these days, it’s much easier to capture their crimes against humanity in real time. Hence, TPTB police perps on the ground are much easier to nail, as we all saw with the callous killing of Eric Garner.
At the very heart of the coming class war are the perceived human rights of economic justice and financial security. Eric Garner’s only crime was selling single cigarettes known as loosies. Can you imagine that he was murdered for selling single cigarettes … without tax?!
As previously mentioned, on the day that Eric was choked to death, they found no cigarettes in his possession. Something is very wrong with that picture. VERY wrong indeed! Perhaps Eric Garner’s death will spark the much feared class war that TPTB have thus far been successful in postponing.
No matter what form the upcoming revolution takes, We the People (@ 99%) will have no problem taking back our country. After all, it’s 99% against 1%. Let the revolution begin! And may it be a peaceful one.
ConclusionMore and more people are coming to understand that the USA Inc. is just that — a CORPORATION. They are also waking up to the fact that this nation is administered by a “government of the Corporation, by the Corporation, for the Corporation”.
There are now signs and symbols everywhere: Corporate America has a stranglehold on both government and the governed. They own practically everything in sight and control virtually every resource under the sun. They run the show on every TV and radio channel, call the shots in every statehouse and courthouse, and tell us exactly who we will elect every two years. Truly, if ever the devil were to make a pact with the perfect entity by which to carry out his nefarious deeds, INC is it.
Michael Thomas
December 5, 2104
State of the Nation
Author’s Note
When Candidate Barack Obama was running for office in 2008 there were many ‘stories’ and reports comparing him to Abraham Lincoln. Both were from Illinois prior to their election to the presidency. Both were tall and lanky. Both were known for being glib and quick-witted. Both became president during a time of deep divisions within the body politic. Talk of civil war and/or revolution was commonplace, as if a forgone conclusion.
“Obama energized these speculations by launching his presidential campaign from Lincoln’s hometown of Springfield, Illinois.”
— Obama & Lincoln
The New Age community, in particular, fell for this extremely cynical and calculated narrative. The same president who won a Noble Peace Prize carries out illicit, extra-judicial assassinations by drones on a regular basis. Obama has to his credit two new unlawful wars in Libya and Syria, continued illegal warring in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a violent coup d’état in the Ukraine leading to yet another deadly civil war.
However, his most ignominious achievement is restarting the Cold War with Russia and making an enemy of Vladimir Putin. Only under the color of black skin could a democratic president have gotten away with such contemptible conduct. Only the shuck and jive of a half black, half white president could so deceive the electorate — TWICE — after continuing all of the major policies of the disastrous Bush presidency, and keeping many of the same inept, some say traitorous, policymakers.
As for the festering race war, and coming class war, only one statement can be made:
Now you know why the 1% installed a ‘black’ President and ‘black’ Attorney General during this particularly precarious time of their (TPTB) existence.
Editor’s Note
State of the Nation fully acknowledges that racial discrimination is a pervasive and deep-rooted problem in this country. Racial bias still exists throughout every sphere of life. Black communities witness unnecessary and violent deaths on a weekly basis. False testimony, false evidence, false arrests, false prosecutions, false convictions, false imprisonments and the wrongful execution of innocent black men mar the record of this nation’s “Criminal Injustice System”, as it is known in the black communities. Truly, the lives of black males are valued much less, and, therefore, taken much more easily than those of any other race.