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Israel Partners with Obama’s War on Syria


by Stephen Lendman

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Both countries partner in each other’s wars. Israel bombs Syria at its discretion. Naked aggression by any standard. Longstanding Israeli practice.

The latest incident striking a Damascus’ international airport warehouse. Believed to contain Iranian and Russian-supplied weapons.

Separate attacks targeted a Dimas area military site near Lebanon’s border. Syrian and Lebanese sources reported at least 10 strikes.

Israel’s last air attack was in March. Against alleged Syrian Quneitra region military positions. On Syria’s side of the Golan.

A Syrian Foreign Ministry letter to Ban Ki-moon and Chadian Security Council president Mahamat Zene Cherif said in part:

“The Syrian government called for imposing deterring sanctions on Israel, which did not hide its policy in supporting terrorism, calling also on taking all procedures, in accordance with the UN Charter, to prevent Israel from repeating such attacks.”

The letter accused Israel of committing a “heinous crime.” Striking Syrian territory lawlessly. Wanting Security Council imposed sanctions. US veto power prevents it.

Russia called Israeli attacks “aggressive action.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich saying:

“Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation.”

Iranian Foreign Minister spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham strongly condemned Israeli air strikes, saying:

“The Zionist regime intends to misuse Syria’s critical conditions, but the consequences of warmongerings will backfire on the regime.”

Israel collaborates with anti-Syrian terrorist groups, she added. Massacring its “oppressed people.”

Separately, Fars News reported “(a)n Iraqi army unit…find(ing) around 10 weapons and munitions depots (containing) Israeli-made weapons and explosives.”

“(I)n Hamrin mountains.” Apparently used by IS terrorists. According to Fars News:

“This is not the first time that such revelations are made about Israeli arms aids to the terrorists in the region.”

“In February, a senior Iraqi military commander disclosed that the weapons used by ISIL in its war against both the governments of Syria and Iraq are Israeli-made.”

<img class="size-full wp-image-331646 alignleft" src="" alt="Find Your Job at" width="165" height="120" />“In June, the Syrian army discovered and seized a large cache of Israeli-made weapons and ammunition from Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Banias city of the Tartous governorate near the Lebanese borders.”

“The Syrian troops discovered the arms depot in al-Maydan district of Banias city arresting several armed rebels during the operations.”

“The security forces also confiscated several sniper rifles, thousands of bullets and forged documents as well as maps of Banias city from the armed rebels.”

“Syrian Special Forces seized weapons and ammunition in farmlands in Banias city and arrested an armed group in the countryside trying to flee to the Lebanese territories.”

“Earlier, in 2013, the Syrian army discovered and seized Israeli-made missiles and weapons from armed rebels in Reef (outskirts of) al-Qusseir in Northwestern Syria.”

“(I)n December 2012, the Syrian army seized Israeli-made missiles and weapons from the armed rebels near the border with Jordan.
The army confiscated (from terrorists) Israeli-made LAV anti-tank missiles and several wireless equipment which were also made in Israel…”

Israel neither confirmed or denied the latest attack. At the same time, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said:

“We have a firm policy of preventing all possible transfers of sophisticated weapons to terrorist organizations.”

Israel supports Islamic State, Nusra Front and other anti-Syrian terrorist groups. Serving as their air force. Along with Washington.

UN Golan Heights observers report regular contacts between Israel and radicalized terrorist groups. According to the UN Tribune:

UN Disengagement Observer Force(s) (UNDOF) “monitoring the 1974 ceasefire between Israel and Syria have witnessed interactions between members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Al Nusra Front who have taken over a large part of the Golan Heights.”

Including treating wounded terrorists in Israeli hospitals. Israel’s Ministry of Health admitted treating about 1,000 in four northern Israeli hospitals.

An IDF spokesman saying “in the past two years the Israeli Defense Forces have been engaged in humanitarian, life-saving aid to wounded Syrians, irrespective of their identity.”

UNDOF reports show IDF/extremist rebel interactions weren’t limited to medical care. Israeli forces were seen handing two boxes to extremist groups in Syrian territory.

Israeli soldiers opened a Syrian border gate. Letting two unidentified individuals enter Israel.

The IDF erected tents for dozens of families of alleged Syrian deserters. In Syrian territory. About 300 meters from Israel’s border.

Syria complained last September. Telling UNDOF the so-called camp was a “base (for) armed terrorists.” A legitimate target if not removed.

Syrian UN envoy Bashar Jaafari comments often about anti-government terrorist groups getting aid from neighboring countries.

Including an “undeclared alliance with Israel,” Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Mossad-connected DEBKAfile (DF) said unnamed “Middle East military and intelligence sources” called Israel’s latest attack its “first overt military clash with Russia” since conflict erupted in March 2011.

Allegedly targeting Iranian weapons. Moscow supplied SA-25 components. Other “top-line anti-air missile systems.” Intended for Syrian and Hezbollah use.

Russian transport planes supposedly “shipped these consignments in the last few days to the military section of Damascus international airport.”

Israeli air strikes occurred the day after Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov met with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut.

DF sources claim Moscow wants “a reckoning with the US and Israel over the fall in the last week of October of the large Russian intelligence post at Tel a-Hara in southern Syria to Syrian rebel units.”

“One of the most highly sophisticated Russian intelligence bases outside its borders…The prized hi-tech apparatus, much of it unfamiliar to Western spy agencies, was quickly shipped out of Syria for examination in the West.”

On Monday, US military sources said Israeli strikes targeted newly arrived Russian hardware. Including advanced missiles and radar.

DF saying to be deployed ahead of a possible US/Turkey imposed northern Syria no-fly zone.

Letting US warplanes operate within Syrian territory from Turkey’s Incirlik airbase. Including against Syrian aircraft, helicopters and drones entering no-fly zone areas.

Moscow calls establishing any type buffer zone direct US intervention against Syria. Giving it just cause to defend Assad.

Another wrinkle in what’s ongoing is Israel’s upcoming March 2014 elections. Netanyahu’s prime ministerial job up for grabs.

Citing security threats served him well in previous campaigns. He hopes fear-mongering will help this time. Claiming a region filled with threats.

Invented ones serving his interests. Israelis overwhelmingly supported Operation Protective Edge. Attacking Syrian positions shows Netanyahu’s toughness.

A Knesset Channel aired poll shows he’s in for a close race. An opposition Labor/Hatnua center-left alliance getting 23 seats.

Compared to Netanyahu-led Likud’s 21. Partnering with one or more right-wing parties might be enough to remain prime minister.

Despite his sagging popularity. Plunging from 77% around midyear to 38% currently.

Polls show Israelis favor him for prime minister over other choices – 26% approval compared to Labor’s Isaac Herzog’s 15% and Economy Minister (Jewish Home party) Naftali Bennett’s 11%.

Elections are over three months away. A lifetime in politics. Anything can happen between now and then.

Maybe another Gaza war to shore up Netanyahu’s popularity. Beware possible false flags or other stunts for whatever he may have in mind


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