Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes dumped 944,800 shares 1 Day Before Flight Disappeared






AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes dumped 944,800 shares in Tune Insurance Holdings Bhd, the organization that provides travel insurance for AirAsia passengers, just days before the disappearance of Flight QZ8501.

The day the airline disappeared, the stock fell by 7%, do you believe in coincidences?

As you will see in the video below Dabooh7 confirms these actions. This is no different than on the days prior to 911, when Airline stock options, Banks and insurance companies saw very unusual trading action before the planes flew into the World Trade Center (Twin Towers).

On December 26, the Malaysian Insider reported that Fernandes, the founder of Tune Group Sdn Bhd which owns AirAsia, had sold a total of 944,800 shares in Tune Insurance Holdings Bhd, with 850,000 shares being dumped on December 22, and the other 94,800 being sold the day after.

According to its official website, Tune Insurance Holdings Bhd is “an insurance product manager” for AirAsia in which “insurance products are sold to (AirAsia) customers as part of their online booking process.”

The share prices of AirAsia and Tune Insurance Holdings both fell on the first day of trading after the disappearance of Flight QZ8501, with the former shedding 12.9 percent at one point. Tune Insurance Holdings lost 0.6%.

Fernandes decision to dump the shares less than a week before AirAsia Flight QZ8501 disappeared over the Java Sea prompted some to speculate that he may have had prior knowledge of the incident.

“Did Fernandes know his company stock was about to take a hit? The timing is suspicious,”asks, adding, “If so, it indicates knowledge of an impending attack on AirAsia.”

The International Business Times adds that the move has prompted many to voice the theory that Fernandes, “possibly knew about an impending attack on one of the company’s aircraft.”

The story bears some similarity to the unusual market activity in airline stocks that preceded the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. An “extraordinary” amount of ‘put options’ – speculation that a stock price will fall – were placed on United and American Airlines in the days leading up to 9/11.

As we reported earlier, one of the other main unanswered questions surrounding the incident is why a Chinese blogger urged people to avoid AirAsia flights less than two weeks before the disappearance of Flight QZ8501.

Some say the posts, which were made on Chinese social media site Weibo, are a startling indication of prior knowledge whereas others claim the posts were deceptively edited after the crash of Flight QZ8501 to create the impression that its disappearance had been predicted ahead of time.

It will be interesting to see a list of passengers that were on board.

There are those who feel the New World Order has been using these missing airlines to take their key people underground before the main event happens above ground.

MH370 had around 20 key electrical engineers on board and “Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, four of the five Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX.

MH17 was allegedly shot down while carying 100 top scientist on their way to a AIDS convention Melbourne Australia, the question is why did 100 top scientist from all around the world first fly to Malaysia to board a plane, instead of just all flying to Melbourne Au from the countries they lived and worked in?

What do you think? Is this some kind of great conspiracy or just coincidence? One more question before you draw your conclusion, how many missing airlines were there before 2014? Can you name one?

AirAsia Flight a Red Herring to Cover-up Missing Flight MH370



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