It’s time for a Big Terminology Change
For too many years Judaics have been able to deflect any appropriate criticism about their dysfunctional Tribal Behaviors and the anti-social actions of Israel by invoking the false charge of anti-Semitism.
by Preston James and Mike Harris
In this article you will be shown how this term “anti-Semitism” is a misnomer and is being mis-used by Judaics and Israeli espionage fronts to deflect any appropriate criticism for their unacceptable behaviors.
Note: This article is written for non-Judaics who have significant background understanding what World Zionism (WZ) is and how is functions as a toxic anti-social virus called Judaic tribalism that generates death and destruction everywhere it spreads and takes control like an octopus (which is what it used be called by insiders). If you are Judaic or have a strong Judaic identity, your mindset and cultural programming will probably block you from understanding this article, so don’t waste your valuable time reading it or trying to comprehend it. The main part of the article is contained in Part I. Part II is optional reading for those who wish to acquire more specific knowledge of how this lethal virus spreads and produces death and destruction everywhere is goes.It’s time to correct this gross mis-usage of the Term “anti-Semitism” and begin honest discussion how Judaic tribalism emerged. And it is time to clearly explain what is responsible for the mis-use of this term almost every time the Israel or World Zionism (WZ) are criticized for their criminal and anti-human acts.
It can be demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that not only is criticism of Israel for its Apartheid and Genocide against Palestinians NOT anti-Semitism, but this criticism of Israel is also NOT even prejudicial against Judaics.
Criticism of Israel’s acts towards Palestinians and others is not well justified and can now easily shown to NOT be be anti-Semitism at all.
Why? Because this criticism of Israel for its massive land-theft, tyranny, Blockading, Apartheid and genocide against Palestinians is well justified and must be increased until Israel stops these crimes against Palestinians which are serious crimes against humanity.
Yes, Israel’s crimes against Palestinians are very serious, but its recent crimes against America are also deadly serious. More on that later at the end of the article.
In fact these crimes against Palestinians are so serious that eventually when Israel gets tried and convicted in a suitable international court of law at some future date, they will have to pay massive reparations to Palestinians and return all of their land back to the 1947 UN set borders and pay massive reparations to Americans also.
Ponder this, after WW2 when the Judaics had about 200,000 deaths in the Nazi Work Camps. These work camps were actually Slave Labor Camps for the fascist Corporations that supplied the Nazi War Machine and this included many western Corporations including at least one Wall Street Bank, Union Bank, AT&T, IBM, Ford and Standard Oil and many others.
Judaics were able to obtain massive Reparations and Damages for these crimes of the Nazis and their supporting western corporations and banks.
It took many years but they were able to obtain very large reparations. Certainly Palestinians should be able to do the same thing in regards to the Israeli’s crimes against Palestinians which are serious crimes against humanity.
Yes, it is blatantly obvious to any normal person that genocide, massive land-theft, tyranny, oppression and blockading of Palestinians are very serious crimes against humanity and violations of numerous UN Resolutions. And these criminal inhuman acts against Palestinians are inhuman and evil beyond imagination.
Israel must be brought to justice in an International Court of Law and stopped forever for its crimes against Palestinians, and made to pay serious reparations just like they received from the Germans after WW2.
Israel must be brought to justice for this and be made to return all the land they illegally stole from Palestinians and for their blockading and genocide against Palestinians. And they must be made to pay massive reparations and return the land they stole back to the Palestinians.
How strange that so many of the Israelis who seem to be constantly feeling sorry for themselves because a significant number of their relatives were forced at gun point into Nazi labor camps in Europe during WW2 while at the same time no continue to be so insensitive to Palestinians while continuing to oppress them in similar fashion.
Why can’t the Israelis sees their own hypocrisy over their crimes against the Palestinians when they expect the whole World to feel sorry for their Judaic relatives who suffered or died in the Nazi forced labor camps?
Why can’t these Israelis see the significance and hypocrisy of what they are doing to Palestinians? The answer to this question may surprise you.
The answer to this question is that many Judaics suffer from extreme Tribalism, which in this case is best described as a massive group paranoid racial delusion, a kind of group psychosis that prevent them from understanding their own blatant hypocrisy.
When individuals who comprise a large group share a paranoid racial delusion, this sets that delusion as a very strong subcultural norm that is very well defended by every member of the group as a basic supporting belief system of the tribe.
When Tribalism is based on a group paranoid racial delusion that outsiders (non-Judaics or Goyim in this case) are intent on eradicating Judaics or finishing the job that the Nazis started, then you can imagine how this paranoid belief system can easily create justification for abuse of Goyim or anyone outside their Tribe.
In this case Israeli Judaism is a self-identified race that exists only in their minds and has no real Hebrew genetic heritage. It is a religious belief system associated with a strong racial construct which serves to create a racial paranoid delusion in the group mind of Judaics.
This mass group paranoid racial delusion that many Judaics share, especially Israelis, has resulted in a very strong sense of tribalism that justifies their selfishness and abuse of Goyims and others they view as outsiders.
When a group has a strong, well defended paranoid racial delusion, this can produce a strong Tribalism which has associated norms that justify abuse of Goyim and outsiders, and creates an attitude of “strike first before they get us” attitude.
This group paranoid racial delusion which a Tribal based phenomena and actually a persecution complex, functions to prevent any serious criticism of the anti-social and unacceptable or illegal acts of WZs and Judaics in general, especially the Likudists who now tyrannize, persecute and mass-murder Palestinians.
Thus Judaic Tribalism, especially in the small nation of Israel can produce a very well rationalized abuse toward those perceived as outsiders, in this case Goyim, Palestinians, Christians and Islamics.
Sometimes the biggest racists are the very ones accusing everyone else of being racist and this is what extreme Judaic tribalism produces.
There is now peer reviewed scientific genetic data which shows that 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew Blood and are therefore actual, true Semites. And there is also peer reviewed scientific genetic data which shows that approximately 97.5% of Israelis have no ancient Hebrew Blood at all and are not Semites at all like most Palestinians are.
Yes, we now know that the claimed genetic heritage of Judaics all over the World is not so clear and does not necessarily track back to the ancient Hebrews at all, but instead appears to come from eastern Europeans, the Ashkenazis and also the Khazarians from the Ukraine region.
Therefore it is no a “no-brainer” that anyone who hates Palestinians and wants to enact Apartheid or an ongoinng blockade against them, genocide them, or steal their land illegally could easily be called a true anti-Semite.
This is also true of any leaders of a country like Israel double-bind them and drive them crazy by restricting their caloric intake and business opportunities with the West and Europe and then label them Terrorists when they attempt to strike back in response.
The way that many Judaics and especially the leaders of Israel and their foreign espionage fronts in America use the term anti-Semite is actually itself a fake racial construct based on completely inaccurate definition and totally incorrect usage of the word “Semite”. Obviously Judaics’ incorrect use of the term “anti-Semite” is done as a “pre-emptive” defense against any criticism that might be lodged against them for their readily apparent Tribalism which has been incredibly abusive to folks all over the World.
Okay, yes we can all admit Nazi’s abused Judaics in Germany and Europe and kidnapped them at gunpoint and took them to work camps to work as slaves for the western corporations supplying Nazi Germany, and at least 200,000 Judaics died in those camps. Japanese living in America that were American Citizens were taken to Internment Camps during WW2 in California.
They were not forced to work but all their assets were stripped and only many years later did some of them or their family descendents receive small payments, certainly no large reparations like the Jews received for the Nazi Work camps.
Yes, the Nazi Work camps were terrible crimes against humanity but why should Israelis expect to be exempt from anything evil they do because of this persecution of their parents and grandparents?
The whole question of why the Israelis and many Judaics keep exaggerating the number of Judaic deaths in the Work Camps. the actual verified red Cross number is about 200,000, but official Israeli number constantly used is 6 Million, a number known to be false and actually is propaganda which originated from the City of London Rothschild World Zionists).
It is now known that these particular fake racial constructs were inculcated in Judaics by very crafty World Zionist overlords and controllers, unbeknownst to Judaics in general.
Yes, the WZs who run the large Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) have actually conned and taken advantage many Judaics all over the World in order to enhance WZ power and avoid any serious criticism for themselves.
Many Judaics have sold out to the WZs who are responsible for manufacturing, distributing and controlling most of the money, academia, the professions, judge-ships and top Governmental and Bureaucratic positions in order to capture a high level of “success”. There is an unconscious transaction that has taken place here between the WZ leaders who run the Judaic Tribe and the Judaics who comprise this Tribe.
Conclusion to Part I:
Why does this all matter? Why is it important to expose the lies of the esoteric secret Luciferian Cult of bablyonian Talmudism aka World Zionism?
The answer is very simple. It is because this is the source and main transmitter of this toxic very antisocial lethal virus called Judaic tribalism which spreads death and destruction everywhere it goes. It always end up blowing back on the lower level Judaics while the WZs skate free.
However, with the advent of the worldwide Internet and the rapidly growing worldwide populism it is unlikely that the WZs will skate free anymore. It’s a fact that they are being exposed in spades now all over the World on the Alternative Mass Media of the Internet and by word of mouth. This virus iof Judaic ribalism could easily become a destroyer of Mankind, that is of the human race itself, unless it is stopped cold and the top WZs fully prosecuted for their massive crimes against humanity like 9-11-01, and Palestinian land-theft, genocide and Apartheid.
The very survival of all non-Judaics and their families living in America and the survival of America itself as a Constitutional Republic, now necessitates the full exposure of all these WZ Worldclass OCC Kingpins, these Criminals against Humanity before they use Homeland Security to transform America into the World largest open air prison camp, GAZA II and start mass-murdering American Goyim which is their secretly stated plan.
This is the end of Part I. Part II follows for those that want to learn more about the serious and often lethal social and cultural virus called Judaic Tribalism.
Part II: How the infection of Judaic Tribalism spreads and how it wreaks hell on earth and mass death and destruction to its victims.
Some Judaics sell their souls and drink the WZ Kool-aide to become part of the WZ Club and obtain high positions in the professions, the USG, finance and banking and in WZ controlled corporations or defense contract businesses and in the process they become infected with the lethal virus of Judaic tribalism in its greatest intensity as they become WZs themselves.
In order to obtain all the “goodies” of top USG positions, status, wealth and success, many Judaics sell out to the WZs and their projected racial myth that anyone who criticizes Judaics or WZs is anti-Semitic.In all to many cases this means an up and comer must become part of Freemasonry and work his way up to the highest level or become part of another esoteric secret society based on Sabbattean, Kabbalistic Luciferianism which is the secret Satanism of Babylonian Talmudism.
Any member of the Judaic Tribe who rejects World Zionists and World Zionist will pay a great price and will be unable to attain the high levels of success, income, status and power they are often raised to lust for.
And there is a notable constant loss of purchasing power from the WZ Banksters because of their induced inflation through the issuance and printing of far too much money spread all over the World without the consent of We The People. And this creates more and more dependency of the Tribe on the Banksters who are the nexus of World Zionism, thus in reality giving the WZs more and more power over USG Officials and tribal members all the time accompanied by less and less power for We The People.
Due to the typical “lust for success, power and status” these WZ induced Tribal Values imbue in many or even most Judaics, this motivation creates a huge dependency on the WZs who control all the big money and big job and career opportunities, and who are responsible to generating the paranoid racial delusion of anti-Semitism.
Of course it is now quite easy to expose the Tribalist paranoid group racial delusion that has infected most Judaics like a psychological virus because we now know that most of these Judaics are not even Semites at all. Yes, we now know that most Judaics are Easter Europeans and Ukrainians, AskeNazis and Khazarians and thus this WZ dispensed paranoid group racial delusion is a complete myth.
And we know now that the top World Zionists (WZs) based in the City of London Financial District who are the Rothschild connected Fiat private Central Bankers are the central command and creators of Judaic Tribalism. These same top WZs have infiltrated Freemasonry and started and organized Satanic Cults to be used as deep cover for their incredibly evil machinations all over the World and as bases of operations for various humans compromise operations including pedophile honey-traps, wet boy ops and child sacrifice rituals.
The big trick here is that many Judaics have been convinced by their WZ super-elite leaders who run the large worldwide Judaic “Tribe” and who also run their large Organized Crime Cabal (OCC), that most Christians, Muslims and Goyim in general are anti-Semitic and want to secretly eradicate them.
This makes many Judaics quite resistant to any criticism at all for their own abusive behaviors. It can also produce increasing hubris over time and inability to be sensitive to the needs of other that they abuse as a cultural defined way of life necessary to obtain success.
Judaic tribalism is a very toxic social and culturally transmitted and learned virus that seems to produce conflict, war, death and economic depression everywhere it goes and is clearly a racist doctrine that teached secret racial superiority over non-Judaics.
That is, Tribalism in Judaics can cause them feel great tribal hostility against folks who criticize them or Israel in any way, especially for Israel’s crimes against Palestinians and humanity in general. This Tribal hostility is basically a “strike first” strategy of aggression to avoid any accountability and works as long as the WZs stay on top of the power structure of the World.
But they can do this only as long as they maintain the ability to manufacture money from nothing, charge users interest illegally and distribute it to whomever they decide to in whatever quantities they decide. The very Judaics who throw up the charge “you are racist” to anyone who criticized Judaics, Judaism or Israel’s actions are themselves obviously some of the biggest racist in history.
Yes, to correctly describe Judaics’ rejection, culturally based patterns of taking advantage of and abusing non-Judaics because of their aversive Tribalism, one must understand how well defended group paranoid racial delusions work. This group psychological disorder is basically a projective disorder like all paranoid disorders and is based on accusing others of the very same thing one is doing but is completely unaware they are doing it.
Judaic Tribalism is actually a secret form of Bolshevism best called Neo-Bolshevism and is a secret non-declared doctrine of hatred toward all non-Judaics that is only consciously known to top Babylonian Talmudics or Kabbalists who are responsible for dispensing it in disguised form.
And this toxic Judaic Tribalism is best defined as a social virus quite identical to Nazi Fascism or Bolshevism. In fact it is quite accurate to look at World Zionism as Neo-Bolshevism, and to consider World Zionists (WZs) as Neo-Bolsheviks. This is the same social virus that is so basically anti-society, anti-social and anti-human that it motivated the Bolsheviks who were mostly Khazarian Judaics to torture and mass-murder approximately 66 Million Russians beginning in 1917. This same ideology continued under Stalin who also used Khazarian death squads. Stalin was referred to by the insiders (who poisoned him because they felt he had gone insane from advanced syphilis) as the “Little Jew”.
The families and survivors of Juadic Bolshevik “Red Terror” torture and slaughter have not yet been paid any reparations which they deserve.
However it is important to note that the vast wealth including artwork and Gold and Silver stolen from Russia and taken out of Russia by the Judaic Bolsheviks was never returned, nor have any reparations been paid to the surviving Russian families of these Bolshevik victims. Perhaps the Russians under Putin should start international legal actions and apply social pressure like the Judaics did after WW2 to obtain their massive Reparations.
And now we have WZs Neo-Bolsheviks from PNAC, including Top NeoCons Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen traitors and their Asset and Sayanims who planned and deployed the 9-11-01 nuclear attack on America and so far have been able to elude arrest or even public identification by name in the Controlled Major mass media (CMMM). However they have been controlled in the Alternaticve press of the worldwide Internet. And the most comprehensive description of who did 9-11-01 and how they did it has been covered in numerous very well documented articles on Veterans Today.
Paranoia involves projecting blame of others as a defense against one fears or feeling of inadequacy or guilt. It is the accusing of others for what one secret feels about oneself but just cannot face it. But we know for sure that such a Tribalist type group paranoid racial delusion can easily make a group very resistant to considering or even accepting any criticism, no matter how justified it is.
There is nothing wrong for folks to dislike and/or criticize offensive tribal behaviors of a group that is very self-isolating, rejecting, hateful or abusive to folks who are not members of the tribe.
When a large group of folks who share a Tribalistic identity like many Judaics do which means they also likely share a paranoid group racial delusion which was created and implanted by their WZs overlords, their paranoid behavior towards non-Tribal members can itself produce the very delusion they believe, due to the phenomena of the “self-fulfilling prophecy”. When you treat others as if you believe they are out to destroy your race, eventually this belief unconsciously translates to others and they will start working to destroy you. Evidence that this occurred in the run-up to WW2 is an old newspaper front page which shows how the World Zionists (WZs) from the City of London manipulated Judaics to provoke normal Germans against them.
This “self-fulfilling prophecy” phenomena is best described as occurring when Tribal members believe most non-Tribal members are out to get them, put them in camps and mas-murder them. This causes the Tribal members to become quite un-trusting and aggressive in how they treat these non-Tribal folks (these non-Judaics).
And this untrusting, even paranoid attitude can easily produce aggressive or rejecting behaviors toward non-Judaics which can even cause these non-Judaics to reject them and even hate them and what they stand for.
Tribalism can cause any group to become very cliquey and avoid trusting outsiders and to usually view them as an enemy to fear and take advantage of before they can hurt the tribe.
Far too many all over the World are now hip to this big WZ racial con of crying “you are an anti-Semitic” when folks resent Judaic Tribalist behaviors that are noticeably anti-social, rejecting or appear to be based on delusions of racial superiority when for the most part no actual Judaic race even exists anymore in completely pure form based on ancient Hebrew Blood.
Perhaps the WZs and the Likudists should consider being more accurate when they bare criticized by non-Judaics by calling them “anti-Likudist”, “anti-Zionist”, or even “anti-Judaic”.
That individuals who call themselves Jews all over the World actually share a common religious belief system called Judaism which has a long heritage as a faith is not disputable.
Of course we now know for sure that their claims to have actual pure ancient Hebrew Blood are not only highly disputable but patently false scientifically.
Therefore, in order to be completely accurate when describing hatred or aversion to Judaism and its believers, it would be far more accurate to describe these folks as anti-Judaics. Actually numerous scholars claim that the term “Jew” did not come into use until 700 AD and arose to describe those who believed in the faith of Judaism.
Now if folks want to criticize Judaics for their displays of apparent Tribalism which in an of itself is usually perceived as quite pernicious, why not just agree to call it an expression of “anti-Tribalism” or “anti-Judaism” and then explain in specific detail what behaviors one is objecting to and why they are unacceptable?
Non-Judaics are sick and tired of having the incorrect and racially “prejudiced” label thrown at them of “anti-Semite” whenever they criticize the Judaics for any apparent pernicious tribalism.
Let us get very specific now in regard to the WW2 kidnapping at gun point of Judaics who were taken to Nazi Work Camps (whole families) against their will to work as slave labor to produce goods and weapons for the Nazi Regime on behalf of western corporations.
As we now know for certain this whole Nazi Work Camp phenomena was initiated by the Word Zionists (WZs) of the City of London Financial district (a separate nation-state like the Vatican) to make vast profits for the American Defense related Corporations like IBM, AT&T, and Ford (among others) who were supplying the Nazi Regime as swell as I.G. Farben which was always a prohibited target for allied bombing raids.
The end of WW2 was purposefully delayed by FDR and Churchill in order to increase the economic gains of the Allied war Machine. But it was also delayed at the request of Churchill, a known WZ Puppet to make sure that the Work Camp Internees died in mass of starvation and disease as a byproduct of the Allies bombing the Camp supply lines.
Churchill did this for the Rothschild World Zionists (WZs) that he worked in order to create a situation that could be used to prove a construct to enable the successful invocation of the term anti-Semite as a pre-emptive defense against any criticism of World Zionism or Judaics in general.
After the end of WW2 Israel was set up to become the chief action-agent of the City of London World Zionists and was also set up to serve as the engine to generate Judaic tribalism in Judaics all over the World not just in Israel.
Interestingly there were forbidden Allied targets during WW2 such a Western Corporations and their factories as well as Big Pharma facilities .
Because Judaics have mislabeled any criticism of themselves as anti-Semitic, this has been used as a club by the WZ Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) to prevent any criticism of their worldwide acts of terror and war making as well as any honest discussion of what actually happened with the Nazi Work camps in WW2, how many Judaics and non-Judaics were kidnapped and taken there, what occurred there, and how many died and how many survived..
Some respected researchers have actually uncovered legitimate red Cross records which suggest that 200,ooo Judaics Interns dies at the Work Camps who were placed in there at gunpoint, not 6 million. Actually the kidnapping at gunpoint of such a large number of Judaics such that it resulted in the deaths of 200,000 itself is a very serious crime against humanity even though a larger number survived, albeit barely in many cases.
It’s time to correct the language mis-usage and start an honest intellectual and academic discussion of how many Judaics were kidnapped at gunpoint all over Germany and Europe and taken to Work Camps, how many dies there and why and how many survived.
Also it is time to discuss the WZ run Bolshevik Red Terror which was enacted mostly by Khazarian Judaics in Russia in 1917 which resulted in the mass torture and murder of approximately 22 million innocent Russians (men women and children) and then as time passed up to 66-100 Million depending on which records are used to determine the total death count. At least one expert believes that this was done as extreme Tribalist revenge for the Russians war and defeat of the Khazarians in 1200 AD.
It is not a general hatred of Jew or anti-Semitism, it is a strong dislike and rejection of bad behavior demonstrated time and time again by those who profess to be Jews. The next time a Judaic accuses someone of being anti-Semitic, tell them no, I am merely Judaic-wise, I have learned not to trust most Judaics because so many typically behave badly by cheating,defrauding, or even murdering those who come into contact wit them.
It is time for the World to become Judaic-wise and also time for Judaics to wake up and take a long hard look at their dysfunctional tribal behavior which is typically self-centered, selfish, manipulative and abusive to others and also accompanied by an inability to accept any criticism at all.
Conclusion to Part II:
The Judaics misuse of the term anti-Semitism has successfully blocked any serious criticism of World Zionism’s anti-social criminal behavior. It has also been successfully used as well to block any criticism of Israel’s serious crimes against Palestinians which are essentially crimes against humanity and crimes which cry out for prosecution in a World Court and beg for Judgment and paid Reparations. It is high time Israel be brought to justice like the Nazis were at Nuremberg and made to return the Palestinians land back to the 1947 UN resolution.
But this is not the end of the judgement Israel is due. It is now known beyond any shadow of a doubt that Israel was behind the attack on America on 9-11-01 which is now proved to have been nuclear. Yes, Israel’s Mossad with the help of PNACers, Top NeoCons, some AIPAC Directors, Sayanims (Israeli assets), numerous American-Israeli “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and other Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD, FAA planned and deployed this massive False-Falg operation.
The Israeli Mossad acquired decommissioned 350 W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts (manufactured at Hanford Nuclear Plant) out the backdoor from Pantex with the permission of Bush1. These Pitts were taken out of America, reconditioned and brought back through Houston, Texas to be stored in various Israeli Embassies and then finally planted in the Twin Trade Towers (several each tower) where they were detonated on the morning of 9-11-01. But this was not the first nuclear false-Flag attack on America by Israel as a preview of their much threatened and feared “Samson Option” (nuclear blackmail program designed to get compliance from the various governments around the World).
The bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was also an Israeli False-Flag attack done using reconditioned a W-54 mini-nuke. It’s purpose like all of Israel’s False-Flag attacks is to scare the public and motivate them to be willing to give up their basic human rights in order to fight “World Terrorism” which doesn’t really exist, and to motivate the American People to send their young men and women Soldiers to fight and be wounded and die fighting Mideast Wars for Israel.
Israel is believed by leaked Intel reports to have 25 nuclear devices planted in various American Cities and has threatened to detonate them if the American Administration refused to allow them to consolidate American Law Enforcement and the Alphabets and set up an Israeli Occupation Force (Israeli Police State Army) inside America, now known as Homeland Security. Israel has also threatened America with more Samson Option detonations if America refuses to keep funding Israeli war machine with many billions each year and is unwilling to keep fighting Mideast Wars for Israel and to make large profits for its defense contractor businesses.
Fortunately we have a new high Military Command that is routing out the WZ sympathizers and Israeli asset or moles and has threatened to retaliate with incredible force if Israel detonates any more nukes inside America. And for the first time in history all Israel diplomatic pouches and containers are being completely searched and checked for any kind of radiation.