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Hezbollah response to Israel as if Iran's: IRGC cmdr.


Iran's IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Ja'fari addresses a ceremony in Tehran on January 30, 2015, to commemorate martyrs of an Israeli recent attack on the Golan Heights.


Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the response delivered by the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, to the Israeli regime is as if it was given by Tehran.

“The power of the resistance [movement] emanates from the path of the Islamic Revolution,” IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Ja'fari told reporters on Friday.

He pointed to Hezbollah’s retaliatory surprise attack on an Israeli convoy in northern occupied territories on Wednesday and said the resistance movement gave “the minimum” response to the Tel Aviv regime.

The IRGC commander added that the Israeli regime carries out such terrorist acts because it “fears the resistance and, in particular, measures by efficient commanders of Hezbollah.”

The Zionists should know that the Islamic Revolution and Hezbollah do not discriminate among the Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi and Lebanese youths who are currently fighting to defend Islam, Ja'fari said.

Hezbollah attack

In a retaliatory attack on an Israeli convoy in northern occupied territories on Wednesday, Hezbollah killed two Israeli soldiers and destroyed at least nine military vehicles.

Following the attack, Hezbollah claimed that the move was carried out in retaliation for a recent Israeli strike that left several top members of Hezbollah dead.

Israel said a 20-year-old sergeant and a 25-year-old captain were killed in the attack.

On January 18, six Hezbollah members and Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, an IRGC general, lost their lives in an Israeli aerial assault on the Syrian section of Golan Heights. Hezbollah said 25-year-old Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of slain Hezbollah top commander, Imad Mughniyeh, was among those killed in the attack.

They were reportedly on a field reconnaissance mission in Quneitra when an Israeli military helicopter targeted their vehicle. Following the attack, Israel claimed that it was unaware of the presence of an Iranian commander in the area where the attack happened. Iranian officials, however, have rejected the claim, describing it as a routine tactic used by Israelis to hide their evil intentions.

Nasrallah reaction

Addressing a Friday ceremony to commemorate martyrs of the Israeli attack on the Syrian Golan town of Quneitra, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said the Middle East region is suffering from “a cancerous growth called Israel.”

He added that Hezbollah is not afraid of confronting Israel, saying, “If Israel is thinking that we fear war, then I tell it that we do not fear war and we will not hesitate to take it if it is imposed on us.”

The Hezbollah leader warned Israel that "from now on, if any member of Hezbollah is assassinated, we will blame it on Israel and reserve the right to respond to it whenever and however we choose."


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