CERN Loses Control ?
CERN Loses Control! Earths Shields Taking A Pounding! This Is Utter Madness!
10 Apr 15
Good gravy folks, CERN is absolutely out of control! Check these out and listen to the discrepancies that the CERN scientists are holding back:
Last night the Operations team for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) successfully circulated a beam at 6.5 teralectronvolts (TeV) – one of many steps before the accelerator will deliver collisions at four interaction points within the ALICE, ATLAS,CMS and LHCb detectors.
The image above shows “LHC page 1″- the status of the accelerator between 10.45pm and 1am last night. The lines on the graph show the intensity of Beam 1 (blue) and Beam 2 (red) as the team injects the beams into the accelerator. The black line shows the energy for Beam 2, which begins to increase at around 12.35am from its injection energy of 450 GeV and ramps to 6.5 TeV (shown as 6500 gigaelectronvolts at the top left of the screen). MORE
Believers do not fear what’s coming and the non-believer should! Your personal “believer invitation” is below the videos.
CERN And The Fifth Angel