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, 14-Apr-2015 08:54:31


Russia Ends Ban on the Delivery of S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Iran

Iran has long sought the air defense missiles for obvious reasons

MOSCOW, April 13 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday lifting a ban on the delivery of S-300 anti-missile rocket systems to Iran, the Kremlin said on Monday.

Russia says it canceled a contract to deliver the advanced missile system to Iran in 2010 under pressure from the West following U.N. sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program, but world powers and Tehran have now reached an interim deal on curbing Iran's nuclear work.


China Buys S-400 Becoming First Foreign Customer of Russian Advanced Defense System

The S-400 is an upgrade of the S-300 and has been in service since 2007.

This article originally appeared at The BRICS Post

China has purchased Russia’s most advanced air and missile defense system, Russian media outlets have reported.

China is now the first foreign customer of the S-400 air and missile defense systems, said Anatoly Isaykin, director general of Russia’s major arms exports firm Rosoborobexport. China already deploys a number of the Soviet-era S-300 defense system.

In an interview to Russian business daily Kommersant on Monday, Isaykin noted that the deal emphasizes the strategic nature of Russian-Chinese relations. He has also asserted that Moscow’s own military needs have to be satisfied first before new foreign clients can be added to the list of buyers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had, in principle, approved the deal with China last year.

With a range of 400 kilometers, S-400 Triumf is designed to shield from air strikes, strategic, cruise, tactical and operating tactical ballistic missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles.

The system is capable of launching up to 72 missiles and engaging up to 36 targets simultaneously.

Details of the Russia-China S-400 deal are awaited.


So, Russia sells S-300 to Iran (US got it from Croatia more then 2 decades ago), China will get S-400 asap, while Russia completes its regiments with it.

This means that S-500 is ready for deployment.
And that S-1000 is in/ about to enter production.

Almaz-Antey S-500 Prometheus; Self Propelled Air / Missile Defence System / SA-X-NN



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