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FIFA passes resolution assuring ‘full support’ of 2018 World Cup in Russia - Blatter


FIFA's President Sepp Blatter. © Stringer / Reuters


FIFA has passed a resolution assuring full support for holding the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Sepp Blatter, the president of the world football’s governing body said at a meeting with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.


© Maxim Shemetov, Reuters

"I would like to inform you that the executive committee has recently adopted a new resolution in which FIFA assures the Russian Federation of its full support in carrying out the World Cup in Russia in 2018," Blatter said, speaking at the opening the ceremony of the preliminary draw in St. Petersburg on Saturday.




Blatter was speaking alongside Russia’s President Vladimir Putin who welcomed the decision saying that the country is ready for the championship.

"We will do everything to provide security at the championship," Putin said. "I would like to reiterate that all obligations undertaken by Russia will be implemented.”

© Stringer, Reuters

The preliminary draw will be held in 11 different cities across Russia before the FIFA World Cup kicks off in 2018.

"Today is an important day. We are looking forward [to an] exiting evening, [an] exciting draw and exciting Russia," Blatter added.

© Stringer, Reuters


© Grigory Dukor, Reuters


© Stringer, Reuters




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