Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Was China Nuked Today by Rothschilds/Khazars/US?

 August 12, 2015                                                                              

By Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

China was recently, officially and publicly kicked in the face by the International Monetary Fund (IMF—Israel/America).


Sorry China, you will not be allowed into THE CLUB. Maybe next year….

The inimitable Bill Holter deftly sets the scene in this interview with Greg Hunter of


We hit China on their way down. Official and public humiliation of a proud and POWERFUL people; we can only hope they are not as crude as the US when it comes to retaliation. They have us by the…not balls, those were rehypothecated away years ago, same as our gold. They have us by the throat, by the dollar, and they have all “our” gold. They could easily crash the whole Western Vampire. But the Chinese are smart. As long as they can drain gold from Bankula at prices below the cost of production…they will simply smile, politely.

Can you imagine the US being…polite?

Famous realization: “The only gold in Ft. Knox is in the teeth of the guards.”

Popular snicker among Ft. Knox guards exchanging shifts: “How’s the gold today?”

Well, today, after China devalued their Yuan twice in two days, blowing up trillions of dollars of derivatives tied to currency foreign exchange (FOREX), setting the West’s “too big to fail” banks gushing blood, the West retaliated. Nuclear option?

Please see these latest videos of the how the Khazars behave if you make them bleed:

The stench of WWIII is getting stronger


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