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Assad : It's happening to Syria for 5 years

November 14th, 2015 - 

"In France, what happened yesterday is what's been going on in Syria for five years" - were reportedly the words of the Syrian leader, according to radio station Europe1.

On the night of Friday November 13th, in several districts of Paris, the terrorists opened fire on civilians, and near the stadium "Stade de France", where a match between the football teams of France and Germany was being held, were three explosions, two of which were organized suicide bombers.

Militants took hostages from the audience who came to the concert hall "Bataclan" to listen to the American rock band 'Eagles of Death Metal'. Several hours later, the French police conducted storming the building, eliminating the three militants. At the same time during the operation killed at least ten civilians.

Responsibility for the incidents were claimed by the terrorist group ISIS. Its supporters celebrated the attack by the terrorists, spreading social networking news of the terrorist attacks in Paris with the hashtag "Paris in flames." It is said that the series of terrorist attacks was a response to the elimination of the main ISIS executioner Jihadi John


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