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France and Israël launch a new war in Iraq and Syria

by Thierry Meyssan

On one hand, the French government is mobilising all its media in order to keep its population focused on the attacks of the 13th November. On the other, with Israël, it is launching a new war in Iraq and Syria. The objective is no longer to overthrow the secular Syrian régime, nor to destroy its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states. The dream of an Israeli nation between the Nile and the Euphrates is back.


On this map, published in 2013 by Robin Wright in the New York Times, we can see Sunnistan, which Daesh was to create in June 2014, and from where they proclaimed the Caliphate, and also Kurdistan, that France and Israël now want to create. You may note that on this map, nothing is planned for the Christian populations, who will either have to be transferred to Europe, or else exterminated.At the G20 meeting,
Moscow and Washington demand a halt to the financing of Daesh.

The G20 summit in Antalya (Turkey) certainly concentrated on economic questions, but above all, on the situation in the Near East. Numerous bilateral negotiations took place, but we know nothing about the subjects discussed and the agreements reached.

However, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced – without naming them – the states present at the summit who were actively sponsoring Daesh. He showed his colleagues satellite photographs of convoys of tanker-trucks crossing Turkey to sell the petrol stolen by the terrorist organisation in Iraq and Syria [1]. Publicly implicated for his violations of Security Council resolutions in the financing of Daesh, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was visibly affected. According to the Turkish Socialist party, Bilal Erdoğan (the President’s son) was directly managing this traffic [2].

Presidents Putin and Obama concluded an agreement to destroy the Erdoğan family’s tankers, thereby putting an end to the petrol trafficking. On the same day, and for the first time in eighteen months, the US Central Command bombed the tanker-trucks in Iraq, while the Russian army destroyed a massive number in Syria [3].

Russia and the United States obliged France to join in this operation. Pretending to react to the Paris attacks, French Persident Hollande shamelessly announced that he had given his armies the order to bomb Daesh objectives in Syria, while President Putin gave public instructions to the Russian armies to coordinate with France and to act « as if » it was an ally [4]. The French President will be meeting with his US and Russian counter-parts in the near future.

It would seem that effective dispositions have been taken to isolate the 24 banking establishments used by Daesh from Iraq to transfer money - dispositions that the Under-Secretary of State David S. Cohen has been trying in vain to impose for months [5].

France and the « liberal hawks » organise a new war

Noting that they will now have to remove Daesh from Syria, the group of states, multinationals and US personalities who are organising the war have therefore decided to launch a third.

 The « Arab spring » (February 2011 to January 2013) was triggered by the US State Department. The aim was to overthrow the secular Arab régimes, whether they were allied with or opposed to the United States, and to replace them with dictatorships managed by the Muslim Brotherhood. After having overthrown the Tunisian and Egyptian Presidents during the Jasmin and Lotus « revolutions », they declared war on Libya and Syria (as planned by the Lancaster House Treaty of November 2010), but the colonial forces were unable to attack Algeria (In Amenas hostage crisis).
 The second Syrian war (July 2012 to October 2015) was started by France, the US « liberal hawks» (Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Feltman, David Petraeus, etc.) and Israël - financed by a group of states (Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and multinational corporations (Exxon-Mobil, KKR, Academi, etc.). The aim was not so much to force a régime change as to « bleed » the country and destroy its army (more than 100,000 Syrian soldiers had already been killed in their fight against terrorism). This ended with Russia’s military intervention.
 The third Syrian war (since the 20th November 2015) was initiated by certain members of the the same group, this time with the aim of creating a new state to the North of Syria and Iraq, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states who are resisting Israël [6].

Having realised that it will no longer be possible for them to act against Syria, the organisers of the war agreed to reboot and continue the programme which had already led to the creation of South Sudan in 2012. This project corresponds to the plan by Alain Juppé (March 2011) and that developed by Robin Wright (September 2013), which anticipated that after having supported Daesh in order to create a « Sunnistan », it would be neccessary to create a « Kurdistan » [7].

This is no longer a phoney « ideological » war (the Arab spring), nor a phoney « religious » war (the second Syrian war), but a phoney « ethnic » war.

Secret operations on the ground

In order to acheive their goals, they managed to turn the Marxist-Leninist Syrian Kurdish party, YPG, (now known as the « Syrian Democratic Forces ») and ally it with the Barzani clan of Iraq. Of course, both groups are Kurdish, but they do not speak the same language, they killed each other throughout the Cold War, and are obedient to ideologies which are diametrically opposed [8].

Let us note, by the way, that as from now, the Regional Kurdish Government of Iraq is a dictatorship. Its President, Massoud Barzani, who is a Mossad agent set up by the United Kingdom and the United States, has been hanging onto power since the end of his mandate in June 2013 [9].

The government obliged the « Democratic Forces » (sic) to compel the non-Kurdish populations in the North of Syria to adopt the Kurdish culture (October 2015), provoking an uprising amongst the Arabs and Assyrian Christians, and the anger of Damascus. But there was no international reaction [10]. There had been no such reaction either during the annexation of the oil-fields in Kirkuk by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (summer 2014), since international public opinion was focused only on the ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Daesh. At that time, not only had the major powers not yet condemned the war of conquest by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, but they had proposed to supply them with weapons, without notifying the Central Government in Baghdad, with the phoney aim of fighting Daesh.

The parties in the conflict will not announce that they are making war in order to create an Israeli colonial state, thus creating a pincer situation to the disadvantage of the resistant Arab states, but as soon as it becomes necessary, they will declare that they are fighting for an independent « Kurdistan » - a grotesque position since the territory concerned has never in history belonged to Kurdistan, and that the Kurds are in the minority here (less than 30 % of the population).

On the 5th November, France announced it was sending the aircraft carrier Charles-De-Gaulle into the area, pretending that it was to support the fight against Daesh, but in reality, to take up position ready for the third Syrian war [11]. The ship left Toulon, its home port, on the 18th November.

From the 13th to the 15th November, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, supported by the « Democratic Syrian Forces » pushed Daesh out of Sinjar (Iraq). In reality, Daesh soldiers reatreated from the area, leaving only 300 men to face a coalition of several tens of thousands of soldiers. The liberated zone was not handed back to the Iraqi government, but annexed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.

Although it is pretending not to support this operation, and while condemning it, Turkey in fact approved it in the secret Juppé-Davoutoglu Treaty of 2011. If this pseudo-Kurdistan were to be created, Turkey would not hesitate to force the PKK to retreat there.

Resolution 2249 authorises this new war de facto

On the 20th November, Russia attempted once again to officialise the proposition for a resolution that it had drawn up for the session of the 30th September, and which it had been constrained to withdraw [12]. At the most, it modified the text by including references to the attacks in the Sinaï, Beirut and Paris, and also mentioned article 51 of the Charter (the right to legitimate defence). Once again, it was oblighed to withdraw the text and allow the passage of a French proposition which legalised any military intervention against Daesh in Syria and Iraq, which the Council approved unanimously (Resolution 2249) [13]. Although this resolution can be interpreted in a number of different ways, it tramples, de facto, on the national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria. It authorises the major powers to interfere as long as they pretend to be fighting against Daesh [14]. The aim is obviously to liberate the North of Syria from Daesh – but not to return it to Syria, but to proclaim an independent state under Kurdish authority.

Russia did not oppose the resolution, and voted for it. It seems that it prefers for the moment to profit from the Franco-Israeli plan in order to push Daesh out of Syria, without necessarily accepting the principle of a pseudo-Kurdistan. The creation of such a state has no legitimacy in international law – the Kurds of Syria are not oppressed, but enjoy the same rights as other citizens. This re-opens the question of the rights of minorities which was already opened by the creation of Kosovo by NATO. It authorises de facto all ethnic groups, whatever their political situation, to demand an independent state. This implies the dissolution of most of the states in the world – including France – and the triumph of « globalisation ».

Keep in mind :
 The Kremlin and the White House have agreed to prevent financial support for Daesh. They have bombed tanker-truck convoys in Iraq and Syria belonging to Bilal Erdoğan’s company, and have isolated Daesh’s banks.
 After the annexion of the Kirkuk oil-fields in June 2014, Israël and France have managed to continue the extension of the territory governed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (annexing of the Sinjar Mountains) and launching the conquest of the non-Kurdish territories in the North of Syria by the YPG, now known as the « Syrian Democratic Forces ». They intend, finally, to unite the two entities and proclaim the independence of a phoney Kurdish state.
 The creation of a pseudo-Kurdistan in non-Kurdish territories has no legality in international law. It’s aim is only to function, with South Sudan, as a stranglehold on the major Arab states (Egypt, Syria and Iraq) in order to pursue the dream of an Israeli state between the Nile and the Euphrates.

Thierry Meyssan



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