Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Kuban Cossacks burn effigies of Obama and Erdogan

6th December, 2015

Kuban Cossacks gathered in Temriuk, burning effigies of U.S. President Barack Obama and Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan at the rally against the policies of these States. The group consisted of a few dozen people.


Whilst burning effigies and posters with the symbols of the United States and Turkey, participants chanted "Obama on fire!". 


As was stated at the rally, a chieftain of the Taman Cossack Department of the Kuban Cossack army, Ivan Bezugly, said that Cossacks wanted to show their respect to the position of Obama and Erdogan. 


"Tonight, when the villagers drink their tea and play with their children, Cossacks are on the front line carrying out protection of public order. The Cossacks will show that Russia gives us hope, Russia believes in us," Bezugly said in his speech at the rally.


At the end of the meeting, the ataman suggested to dismiss those gathered around a campfire, saying, "We are warmed - now is time for home", reports "Russian spring".


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