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Russian Intercontinen- tal Ballistic Missile test launch from the Barents sea




12th December, 2015


A successful launch of the ballistic missile "Sineva" from onboard the nuclear-powered strategic purpose missile cruiser (SSBN) "Verkhoturye" has been performed, the press service of the Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"On the 12th of December, the crew of captain 1st rank Dmitry Zelikova at the Northern fleet of SSBN "Verkhoturye" made a successful launch of a "Blue" Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from a designated area in the Barents sea on the Kura test site in Kamchatka", - he told agencies.

The missile successfully hit the target.

The Minister specified that the shooting was done from an underwater submarine  position. The parameters of the trajectory of the "Blue" ICBM were regular in nature.

The launch of the "Blue" ICBM was carried out within the framework of checking the reliability of marine strategic nuclear deterrence. For SSBN "Verkhoturye" this was the 27th successful firing of a ballistic missile.

SSBN "Verkhoturye" is a modernized 667BDRM "Dolphin" submarine project . It was built at the shipbuilding enterprise "Sevmash" (Severodvinsk) and, in 2012, there was a deep modernization. Currently, the ships of this project, armed with "Blue" ICBM's, form the basis of the sea nuclear deterrence forces of the Russian Navy.





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