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Iraqi forces retake Ramadi government complex

Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:14PM


A member of Iraq's counter-terrorism forces monitors his surrounding in a street in Ramadi's Dhubbat neighborhood, adjacent to Hoz neighborhood, on December 25, 2015. (AFP Photo)

Iraqi forces have recaptured the former government compound in central Ramadi, the last stronghold of Daesh Takfiri militants in the western city, the spokesman for the country's counter-terrorism units says.

"The complex is under our complete control, there is no presence whatsoever of Daesh fighters in the complex," Sabah al-Numan said on Sunday, adding, the entire perimeter must first be cleared of booby traps and mines before forces could move in.

"The operation is almost wrapped up. Our forces will enter in the coming hours."

"By controlling the complex this means that they have been defeated in Ramadi," he said, adding, "The next step is to clear pockets that could exist here or there in the city."

Iraqi forces had earlier in the day surrounded the complex in the capital of the western province of Anbar.

"We're seeing lots of Daesh bodies, killed in the air strikes on the compound," Numan said.


The offensive to clear the city from the last Daesh stronghold began five days ago.

Aslo on Sunday, Iraqi army troops managed to secure eight districts of Ramadi, including al-Baker, Mo'allemin, al-Andalus and Hoz.

Iraqi forces have made huge gains in recent operations against Daesh terrorists in the embattled province of Anbar as they continue clean-up operations against Takfiri militants across the country.

Recapturing Ramadi, which fell to the militants in May, would be one of the most significant victories for Iraq's armed forces since the Takfiris swept across a third of the country.

Ramadi will be the second main city to be retaken from Daesh militants. The Iraqi forces have also liberated the city of Tikrit in northern Iraq.

In its next offensive, the army plans to move to retake the northern city of Mosul.

Daesh militants occupied large swathes of Iraqi territories in 2014.


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