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Russia Unveils the Agreement With Syria on Deployment of Combat Air Group


Russia has unveiled the text of the agreement with Syria on the deployment of the Russian air group in the country.




MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian government on Thursday posted on its legal information portal the full text of the agreement with Damascus on the deployment of the Russian combat air group in Syria.


The agreement, concluded on August 26, 2015, stresses that the deployment of Russian combat aircraft at the Hmeymim airbase in the Latakia province is carried out at request by legitimate Syrian authorities to ensure peace and stability in the region, has a purely defensive nature, and is not aimed against other countries.

"Syria assumes responsibility for settling all claims that could be put forward by third parties as a result of damage caused by the activities of the Russian air group and its personnel," the text says.

The agreement has been concluded for an unlimited period of time, according to the text.

On September 30, Russia’s Sukhoi Su-25, Su-24M and Su-34 attack aircraft, with the support of Su-30 jets, commenced pinpoint airstrikes on terrorist targets in Syria at the request of the Syrian government


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