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Submarine "Varshavyanka" to Serve in Mediterranean Russian Navy


18th February, 2016

The newest submarine of project 636 "Varshavyanka", armed with rocket system "Caliber", will act as part of the Mediterranean grouping of the Russian Navy, participating in operations of the Russian Federation in Syria. This was announced by black sea fleet commander Admiral  Aleksandr  Vitko.

In December, the black sea fleet submarine "Rostov-on-don" performed the launching of cruise missiles "Caliber" from an underwater position in the Mediterranean sea, hitting two big targets of Islamic State terrorists in Syria, RIA Novosti reported.

"Rostov" has already completed tasks in the Mediterranean sea, but still faces many challenges. I will not reveal where the submarines are and what they do as it is a state secret, but, overall, they will be used everywhere," — said the commander of the black sea fleet Admiral  Aleksandr  Vitko.

Submarines of project 636 "Varshavyanka" refers to the third generation. They can detect targets at a distance three to four times greater than those at which they can be detected by the enemy. This stealth boat project received the NATO name "Black hole


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