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Turkish Pilot Made Decision to the Russian Su-24 Himself






Russian Su-24 Jet Downed Over Syria (263)



The pilot of Turkish F-16 fighter jet that shot down a Russian Su-24 combat plane over Syria in November last year made the decision on his own, the deputy chair of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) told Sputnik on Thursday.


ANKARA (Sputnik) — Yasin Aktay speaking about the Russian Su-24 jet downing told Sputnik:

"The decision to shoot down the plane was taken in the air. Such decision are made by a pilot and he abides by the rules of engagement. Although, he can avoid downing a plane that has violated the airspace for a short span and leaving it," he said.



© REN TV . Tumay Berkin

Turkish Justice Minister Confirms Arrest of Pilots Linked to Russian Su-24 Downing


"The downing of a Russian plane that was clearly abandoning the Turkish airspace raises questions," Aktay added.


Turkish authorities have announced that two F-16 pilots who downed a Russian combat jet have been detained over possible links to the July 15 failed coup in the country.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that the pilots might have ties to underground opposition organization led by self-exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen.






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