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Russia to resume int'l naval patrols

Russia to resume int'l naval patrols

Russia plans to renew it naval presence worldwide
Russia is planning to dispatch its battleships to international waters in a move aimed at reestablishing the country's naval presence worldwide.

The plan, announced by the Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov on Wednesday, will partially go off the ground with 11 aircraft carriers flexing Russia's naval muscles in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Characterizing the measure as conducive to regular naval patrols in strategic waters, Serdyukov noted that the expedition was also aimed at establishing conditions for secure Russian navigation and ensuring safe shipping.

Helicopters and aircraft are slated to accompany the battleships which end their mission by the end of February.

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union the practice of staging such maneuvers slipped into oblivion and part of the country's armada formerly engaged in the practice was put into mothballs.


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