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It’s Time To Starve The BEAST!


The Millennium Report
February 24, 2017



It’s Time To Starve The BEAST!Let’s Start With Hollywood.Opt Out and Boycott Hollyweird at every opportunity


State of the Nation

The Hollywood-based motion picture industry is as responsible for the precipitous and shocking degradation of American society as any other form of media.

Yes, the Mainstream Media is full of fake news and false stories, most of which contains extremely negative brainwashing, but movies and TV programming really serve to destroy American culture like nothing else.  Much more importantly, the profusion of degenerate programs and movies have exposed our impressionable children to levels of depravity never experienced in human history.

For these and other reasons, it has never been more important to completely unplug from the Hollyweird culture.  The 2016 campaign season exposed like never before the ultra-liberal bent of so many A-list actors and actresses.  Their post-election behavior has especially revealed so many Hollywood icons to be nothing more than spokespeople for the thoroughly corrupt Democratic Party.

Hollywood and Washington DC

Hollywood celebrities have always carried water for the political class inside the Beltway, save but a few conservatives like Jon Voight and Clint Eastwood (and the deceased Charlton Heston and Ronald Reagan).  However, since Inauguration Day, the liberals have literally gone ballistic on President Donald Trump.  And their extraordinarily aggressive posture is not just the expression of personal political sentiment; they are actually on the vanguard of the ongoing Purple Revolution.  Yes, they are bought and paid for agents of a treasonous cabal looking to seditiously overthrow the Trump Administration.

BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To America…
…Courtesy of George Soros,the Clinton Crime Family,and the Obama Administration

One of them — George Clooney — is even being primed to run for president in the not-too-distant future.  He has been carefully sculpted over the course of his acting career to be the Left’s version of Ronald Reagan.  Not only is Clooney a full member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he is also conveniently married to a Lebanese/British attorney who strikingly resembles Clinton aide Huma Abedin.  Both of Amal Clooney’s parents are practicing Muslims who have business and political connections all over the Middle East.

George Clooney Outs Himself as an NWO Pitchman and Shill for the 1%

The following media darlings came out vociferously against Trump:
Meryl Streep and Barbara Streisand, George Clooney and Robert DeNiro,
Cher and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ben Stiller and Jennifer Lawrence,
Alex Baldwin and John Oliver, Madonna and J.K. Rowling
Rosie O’Donnell and Bette Midler, Johnny Depp and Richard Gere
Stephen King and Stephen Hawking, Susan Sarandon and Miley Cyrus[1]

Hollywood Celebrities Actually Dare US To Boycott After They Declare A Strike Against Trump

This single development ought to compel the entire Trump movement to shut down Hollywood—forever.  Just like the Mainstream Media (MSM), Hollyweird needs to be boycotted into oblivion.  The utter garbage that is now prolifically produced in Tinseltown warrants a decisive OPT OUT from the American people who are aware.  After all, it’s no longer called “Tinseltown” because of its uplifting content or ennobling stories.

Much more significantly, Hollywood and Washington, DC have always been joined at the hip, both figuratively and literally.  That really translates to Pizzagate … as well as the much more serious Pedogate.  As a matter of fact, so many childhood stars have been victims of Pizzagate conduct that it might be hard to find one who wasn’t.  Likewise, many of the biggest stars have been an integral part of the Pizzagate culture in Hollywood.

PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal

For this reason alone, morally upright people ought to leave the reservation of Hollyweird post haste. Reality check: the number of actors who have been severely compromised by Pizzagate is so great that the American people will be incredulous when the true back story is disclosed in all of its gory details.  In fact, many of America’s greatest stars are well-known sexual deviants and pedophiles within the realm of show business.  For instance. every agent and studio boss who dealt with him knew that Bill Cosby was a pathological date rapist.[2]

Few are aware but the very reason why the MSM has defended the primary Pizzagate characters (e.g. John Podesta, James Alefantis, David Brock, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama) with such tenacity is because the very Hollywood–Washington D.C. nexus of power and influence greatly depends upon it. There are also those MSM luminaries who are involved with Pizzagate, both directly and indirectly.  Were this criminal Washington subculture (once based at Comet Ping Pong Pizza Parlor) to be exposed, Hollywood, too, would crash and burn in a New York minute.


PIZZAGATE: The Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium

This is why the Mainstream Media zealously promotes the LBGTQ Agenda

Hollywood is but one arm of the MSM; albeit, a quite muscular arm with a very long reach. For this reason alone volumes of the worst elements of American culture are now exported to every corner of the globe via TV programs and motion pictures.  Wherever there is a television set or computer monitor, tablet or smartphone, crass, crude, and coarse Americana is showing up on the screens—BIG TIME!   This rapidly devolving situation is contributing to what is perhaps the greatest societal disaster in modern history.

What makes this ongoing Americanization of the global media marketplace so dangerous is the cynical advertisement of so much degeneracy such as the LGBTQ agenda.  This single development is setting up the entire planetary civilization for a catastrophe of epic proportions.  When children everywhere are taught that the many LGBTTTT perversions and aberrations are okay, and even ‘cool’, what good can possibly come from it?

LGBTTTT AGENDA: Debasing American Society and Corrupting The Planetary Civilization

Here’s the real problem: Hollywood productions have been purposefully used to normalize what is essentially abnormal and unnatural behavior.  In some cases, the sexual conduct is so deviant that these once-rare perversions are now being mainstreamed.  No other medium popularizes this profound debasement like Hollyweird.  Truly, the Hollywood moguls have pushed the thoroughly decadent LGBT agenda like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe they really do know that ‘The Big One’ is going to hit Southern Cal sooner than later; hence, they work triple time to saturate the programming with so much unadulterated smut.

OPT OUT and Boycott

These two simple measures of passive resistance — OPT OUT and Boycott — can bring Hollyweird to its knees, once and for all.

Turn off the TV and many obscene shows will not renew for the next season. And the smart advertisers will leave long before that happens.

Stop going to the movie theater; don’t give a dime for a ticket anywhere, except to those independents that feature good content.

Resist the urge to buy the books — both fiction and non fiction — that mutually support the Hollywood productions and MSM fake news cycle.  The same goes for so much tabloid journalism that is thrust in your face at the checkout counter.  Don’t buy it; don’t read it.

Of course, by Hollywood it ought to be understood that the output of the Disney studios in Orlando, as well as the various production studios in New York City, are also included in this rapidly advancing social Armageddon.

Hollywood = Mind Control Programming

When a full half of the U.S. citizenry totally unplugs from the Hollyweird mind-control matrix, a hurting industry will finally be put out its misery.

Gone, too, will be a major vehicle for so much patently false advertising which issues forth from so many TV screens around the world.  The Pharmaceutical Industry alone will take a big hit, as will many other misguided corporate enterprises and their harmful products.

In the wake of a national boycott, the Mainstream Media will lose a HUGE platform from which to program the masses.   Much of this subliminal programming is damaging beyond belief.  In fact, the now pervasive mental illness known as liberalism is the direct result of so much mind-control programming over so many decades.  Most of those folks on the Left will never miss the latest movie or installment of Stephen Colbert’s Late Show.

You know, they call them TV programs for very good reason.  Why would anyone ever want to be exposed to such a deliberate intrusion and calculated assault on their mind and brain, respectively. Watching the nightly news alone is enough to drive one to a padded cell at the local mental hospital.


For those who might require additional perspective on this all-important matter, please consider the following exposé: This Is A Great Time To BOYCOTT Hollyweird.  It has never been so critical to opt out of everything that sustains the BEAST.  The only reason that the BEAST is still thrashing around is because of the consent that We the People have given it.

Therefore, this national Boycott Hollyweird initiative is just one of several that ought to be considered by those who know what time it is in America.  For example, the next endeavor might be the withdrawal of all funds from those banks that are TBTF, or the termination of all accounts with the major brokerage houses that champion the perpetual war economy.

The bottom line here is of course the corporate bottom line.  Only when an economic boycott was effectively enforced against South Africa did the apartheid state collapse. Only when Mahatma Gandhi went after British revenues countrywide, that were made on the backs of Indians, was British imperialism kicked off the subcontinent.  Ergo, only when the American people go after the deep pockets of Deep State will there be real change.

Similarly, only when the US citizenry takes back their power from the U.S. Federal Government, will they be in a position to really take back their country.  No tax revenue, for example, no foreign wars can be fought for Deep State.  Now that’s starvin’ the BEAST!

State of the Nation
February 24, 2017


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