Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Lavrov Bursts Out Laughing When Asked About CIA Hacking


Pro tip from Russia's Foreign Minister: Leave your phone at home when you're negotiating Syrian ceasefires


Fri, Mar 10, 2017

The very best


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has touched our hearts, again.

We wish there was a "Truman Show" starring Lavrov, so we could watch Sergei mow his lawn and tell Merkel directly to her face that she's a hypocritical witch — all day, every day.

During a meeting with his German counterpart, Lavrov was asked about the recent Wikileaks "Vault 7" dump, which details the CIA's global covert hacking program.

Lavrov burst out laughing: "Where do I begin?"

Lavrov noted that the CIA is able to hack refrigerators, and gave all aspiring foreign ministers some free advice:

Personally, I try not to take my phone to any serious negotiations. Till now I’ve been staying out of trouble.

This is a seriously great man.


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