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Missiles rain on Syria: Trump pushes the world to the brink of ww3


By Ian Greenhalgh on April 6, 2017

A note from the Senior Editor:  I am just going to fucking say this.  I am supposed to be on Syrian television tomorrow morning our time, afternoon theirs.  Since the Idlib incident I have warned our Russian and Syrian friends what was going to happen.  Suffice it to say they didn’t take me seriously.

Then again, when I told them Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who planned all along to destroy not only Syria but Russia and China as well, I was reminded that I just don’t understand.

Russia and Syria were just rubbing their hands after the election, not caring the shitstorm that the people of the US were going to suffer at his hands.  Today is “day one” of the armageddon.  I don’t expect Syrians to know better.  They have been so buried with war for so long that they look for any hope, any sign of relief, no matter how remote the chance of it being real.

On the other hand, the Russians, these are smart guys.  RT and Sputnik have been cheering Trump on day after day, or were until 72 hours ago when the idea that they had been played like a 3 dollar fiddle hit them.

Being right doesn’t feel all that good.  What are the options, hoping it all melts down and Putin vaporizes the red states and Mar-a-Lago or drops a shipload of Kalibers into Trump Tower?  

The failure is one of humanity.  This is like living through an early Star Trek episode where an evil planet is damned to eternal war because of a genetic disease Dr. McCoy cures during the last 5 minutes of the show.  Or are we living through a Desmond Morris tract on baboon culture?  WTF. g

by Ian Greenhalgh

Anger vied with revulsion and a disturbing taste of bile rising as I watched Trump talk nonsense about ‘beautiful babies’ being suffocated by the evil, barbaric Assad. I don’t normally indulge in ‘I told you so’ but this time I cannot avoid it, when it comes to Trump slavishly following the Zionist Israeli plan for more war I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!

As I listened to Trump talking about the poor, innocent babies I was hit by a nasty bout of deja vu – this is Iraq and the babies being thrown out of incubators all over again.

While the US is killing children in Mosul, in Syria and a half dozen other places, while US and British cluster bombs are devastating Yemen and Israel is preparing to carpet bomb Beirut, Trump stands there and lies his orange ass off about how evil Assad and the Syrians are. I wanted to vomit.

Seriously, if you voted for Trump, time to admit it, you were utterly stupid and totally hoodwinked by a vile conspiracy to place a puppet in the White House so that Israel and the criminals that run it can move forward their evil agenda for hegemony over the goyim. Actually, considering all the vote rigging, probably not all that many were stupid enough to vote Trump.

Trump ordered the attack from his golf and underage girl resort in Florida, taking time out from his meeting with the Chinese Premiere to do the bidding of his masters in Tel-Aviv and crow that he was acting to protect the US and little children in Syria. There’s that taste of bile in my throat again….

The US media have all published stories in the last few minutes talking about Trump’s launching of cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, I refuse to give any of the lying bastards in the US media the publicity so I will just publish the bleak, short report made by TASS a few minutes ago:


US military launches 50 missiles at Syrian base near Homs province — media

The Tomahawk missiles were intended for a single target – Ash Sha’irat, according to the NBC report

The US military fired at least 50 missiles at a military base of Syrian government forces near the Homs province in western Syria, the NBC TV channel reported citing US military officials.

The Tomahawk missiles were intended for a single target – Ash Sha’irat, according to the report. The launch of missiles comes in response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib.

Trump says this airbase was chosen because it is where the planes that dropped the gas were launched from, of course it is all lies, there were no gas attacks, it is all nothing more than a fabricated Fake News story intended to justify yet another US entry into a foreign war.

Obviously, we now await the Russian response to this blatant act of war by Trump. Whether this will come in the form of harsh words or the act of turning as US flattop into a submarine or a US airbase into a crater lake remains to be seen.

We have never been closer to WW3 that we stand right now and we can only pray that the morning does not bring mushroom clouds alongside the rising sun


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