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Iran’s parliament, Imam Khomeini's Mausoleum under attack

Iran’s parliament, Imam Khomeini's Mausoleum come under attack

Wed Jun 7, 2017 6:42AM


Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) and the mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini in the capital Tehran have come under terrorist attack.

According to reports, a dozen people have been killed in Wednesday's attacks while another 42 have been injured and admitted to 3 hospitals to receive treatment. 

The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The attack on the parliament happened when at least four gunmen, disguised as women, entered the visitors' hall of the building, opening fire on the security guards there. 

The assault has forced a lockdown on the legislature.


Snipers deployed outside the Iranian Parliament during an armed attack, June 7, 2017 (By Tasnim)

Tehran MP Elias Hazrati has said that the assailants were armed with two Kalashnikovs and a handgun.

According to lawmaker Mehdi Kiaee, the situation is under control inside the parliament, while security forces are working to restore calm there.

As seen in the footage below, Anti-Terror Special Forces have been deployed to the Majlis.


An Interior Ministry source said a bomber had blown himself up on the fourth floor of the parliament building, where he was holed up.


Separately, gunmen attacked the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in Tehran, opening fire on people inside and wounding a number of them.

Tehran terrorist attacks: As they happened  

After the attacks ended, the Interior Ministry issued a statement, elaborating on the terror incidents. According to the statement, the first terror group, comprised of two people, entered the mausoleum at around 10:30 a.m. local time (0500 GMT). The first terrorist blew up his explosives but the second was killed during firefight with security forces.   

Concurrently with the attack at the mausoleum, the second terror team, which included four people, sought to enter the official building of the parliament but were confronted by security forces, the statement said.

The ministry said that one terrorist blew his explosives up and the three others were killed in shootouts during clashes with security forces as they were seeking to reach upper floors of the parliament building.

It added that the country’s Supreme National Security Council will hold a meeting later in the day to investigate different aspects of the attacks.

The photo released by Jamaran News shows the moment of a blast at the western entrance of the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum, southern Tehran, June 7, 2017.

Tasnim said earlier that the hostage rescue team of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) had arrested two “terrorists” at the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum.

An ambulance belonging to the Welfare Organization of Iran was targeted when terrorists fired 16 bullets at the vehicle at the mausoleum. Nobody was injured in the attack.

Meanwhile, IRNA cited an official with the Intelligence Ministry’s Counter-terrorism Department as saying that several terrorist teams had entered the capital earlier in the day.

One of the terrorist teams was busted before managing to stage any attacks, while two others attacked the parliament building and the mausoleum. At the shrine, one bomber was killed before setting off his explosives, but another managed to blow himself up.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned the attacks as “cowardly” and said they meant to undermine Tehran’s anti-terror fight.   

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is in Turkey for an official visit, also condemned the “indiscriminate” terror attacks. He described terrorism as a global challenge and warned about rising insecurity and terror acts in the region.  


[This item is being updated.]





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