Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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More than 50 killed in Las Vegas


For four and a half minutes beginning around 1:00 AM (eastern US Time), 64 year old Stephen Paddock opened fire with machine guns from a hotel room on the 32nd Floor of the Mandalay Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, attacking a Country-Music festival where more than ten thousand concert goers were enjoying an outdoor concert.   UPDATE 8:45 AM EDT - Death Toll now almost 100; with 400+ injured, many in critical condition.

Police breached the hotel room and killed the shooter, but not before he managed to slaughter "more than fifty" and injure "more than 200."

Terrifying footage from the scene shows concert-goers reacting with confusion and then panic as the festival turns into a bloodbath around them.

Video from close to the stage shows people hitting the floor as other crawl to safety or run for their lives. Audio from further back in the crowd captured several bursts of sustained automatic gunfire.

Witnesses said 'hundreds' of round of ammunition were emptied into the crowd,

Among those shot dead at the concert were two off-duty police officers. Attendees said a large number of law enforcement and military personnel had been attending the show. 

Two on-duty police officers who engaged the shooter have been hospitalized - one in critical condition, one less severely wounded. They have not been identified. 

All of the ambulances in the area had been deployed to the location, and victims taken to two hospitals. 







Hotel guests staying at the Mandalay Bay said they were woken by SWAT teams bursting into their rooms.


'The cops came on to the floor and they were clearing rooms room by room and six or seven cops came into our room and we were evacuated.'






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