Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Russia - Syria - Iran - Turkey vs USA - Israel - Saudi Arabia

Krassimir Ivandjiiski  /Красимир Иванджийски/

20 October 2017


Military operations in Syria have been going on for six years now. It is impossible to describe what happened to the Syrian people - hundreds of thousands of casualties and billions of damage, demolished cities and infrastructure, isolation of the country. That is just a part of the cost of the war.


Hmeimim base from space, september 2017


Just when Syria was supposed to suffer a defeat against the terrorists, the United States and Israel, when more than two-thirds of the country's territory have been occupied, when the terrorists were on the doorstep of Damascus and the Coast under the umbrella of the US and Israel, the Russian Federation launched its military counter-terrorism operation.

Today it is two years since its beginning.

What is the current situation? The government of Bashar Assad and his army helped by Russia and Iran, controls more than 90 percent of the country. Terrorists of all sorts were cut to pieces in the provinces of Hama and Homs, expelled from Latakia, Aleppo and Palmyra were liberated, Deir ez-Zor and its oilfields was taken, and the main roads to the north and east were unblocked. Areas with a length of 200 km along the Syrian-Iraqi border and 200 km along the Syrian-Jordanian were cleared of terrorists.

The international operation is coming to its end. It has become a catalyst for important processes in regional and global aspect.

First, practically all goals set by the Russian leadership in the summer of 2015 have been reached.

In a global context, the war in Syria is an important milestone of the strategic and geopolitical operation of the Western civilization led by the United States and its main foothold in the area Israel and Saudi Arabia, vs the Islamic world and vs rise of the East headed by China.

This war is also the weapon meant to destroy the Slavic world and Russia. The operation started against Orthodox and Christian Yugoslavia and later took on to destruction of the structural columns of the Arab world - Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and further expanded to the color revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine.

Concurrently it turned against Russia, which nonetheless found strength to stop the process of the serial murder of the states in the Mediterranean and the Middle East by the United States and their satellites.

Destruction of the Orthodox Slavic world and the Islamic civilization initiated by the West aimed to ultimately destabilize the world and break the order established in 1945 in Yalta.

Today we can say that Syria, which above all is the historical cradle of Christian civilization, was saved as one of the main constituents of the Arab-Muslim region. This is important because next to Syria Iran, Turkey and Central Asia were on the waiting list.

Now both the Sunni world- headed by Turkey, and the Shia world -led by Iran, have joined in solving the most important task in Syria – onward strengthening of the Islamic community and suppression of its catastrophic destruction.

So, to sum up: Russia's strong and moral stand has played an important role to stop the escalation of the crisis that has already threatened the whole of humanity.

Second, the military-political results of two-year operations can be divided into several important groups.

  1. In Syria, the legitimate government managed to retain power, regained control of most of the country, and wiped off all major terrorist groups.
  2. Russia returned as a major player in the Middle East, strengthened its international prestige as a defender of stability and justice in the region, and managed to prevent the formation of a hostile Middle East coalition.

In early 2017, Russia, Turkey, and Iran formed a coalition, the Astanian format began to work, and there are efforts to include Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the positive process.

  1. On a military basis, Russia demonstrates ability to conduct a strategic operation with air and naval components at a significant distance from its borders, with long-range air force, using both bombs and precision-guided cruise missiles. This means that the US monopoly in such operations ends.
  2. The defeat of bandit groups by Russia's forces for special operations that destroyed the terrorists' chieftains, their important sites, and guided the strikes of the navy and air forces was a novelty in the operational-tactical situation. Russian military advisors assigned to the commanders and staffs of the Syrian army played an important role. Ultimately, the actions of the Russian force grouping enabled the Syrian armed forces to break the strategic situation.
  3. In the course of the Astana talks, participants coordinated creation of four de-escalation zones. Consultations are still in progress.
  4. As regards to Russia's military material costs for the operation in Syria, they do not exceed the estimations of the Ministry of Defense on the ongoing military and tactical training of troops.

Meanwhile, US spending on the Iraqi war has already exceeded 2 trillion US dollars. Some more 2 trillion the Pentagon buried into the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with no effect and prospects for escape from these swamps.

Now the events jump to the phase that Churchill once spoke of „Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.

This means that a very complex political and diplomatic work to calm down the situation in Syria and the region will follow.

In this operation, the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will seek revenge on their defeat in Syria, because what is happening in this country is just a threshold of deep fundamental changes to the entire political picture in the Middle East that has nothing to do with US plans.

The Americans and Tel Aviv take seriously to this stage and their actions are already underway.

In Syria, a US-led coalition continues to operate illegally, the main task of which is to prevent the defeat of ISIS, to play theatrical productions of "anti-terrorist activity". After the smash of the terrorists in Deir ez-Zor, they used a new force to oppose against Syrian government in the face of the Kurds.

After self-discrediting itself the West changes to another tactic –they claim that aid for the restoration of Syria can only be granted if Bashar Assad gives up his power. The supporters of this strategy believe that Assad will willingly capitulate in order return to US dollar alms.

However, Russia, Iran, and even Hezbollah are in a much better position compared to Washington, meaning that Russia and Iran will strengthen their regional influence.

Currently, the Americans actively transfer the smeared terrorists from Syria to Afghanistan to destabilize not only the Central Asian states but also the autonomous region of China Xinjiang.

Most vulnerable in terms of terrorist threats are Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

Focus areas of the geopolitical revenge of the United States on Syria are Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, and the Arctic.

Probably the Syrian polarization will serve as a prologue for a subsequent war.

The US is losing the geopolitical battle.

Russia will fight in Syria to a full victory. So far, the operation there has been its best military operation since 1990.


"Строго секретно" излиза от 1991г. Вестникът е уникално издание за кулисите на висшата политика, геополитиката, шпионажа, финансовите престъпления, конспирацията, невероятното, трагичното и смешното.
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