Sorcha: US Downs Russian Satellite
November 28, 2017
US Downs Russian Satellite Searching For “Outer Space Bacteria-Madagascar Plague” Clues
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A troubling new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that in spite of President Putin’s ordering a “high alert regime” placed around the Vostochny Cosmodrome, located in the Amur Oblast, to protect the launching of an “advanced/modified” Meteor-M-1 remote sensing satellite (whose MTVZA-GY (Microwave Imaging/Sounding Radiometer) system is able to detect radio waves emanating from bacteria), all contact with the Meteor-M-1 has been lost—thus delaying an examination of if NASA’s testing of the outer space bacteria found on the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) is linked to the unprecedented outbreak of the plague in Madagascar.
As the MoD reported yesterday (and we detailed in our 27 November report “Russia Issues High Alert For Space Launch After US Warship Not Under Trump Command Nears Border”), the mysterious outer space bacteria found on the Russian segment of the ISS was being tested by NASA at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center—which is one of just a handful of Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratories in the world able to handle the world’s most dangerous bacteria’s and viruses.
One of the American scientists examining this outer space bacterium at Plum Island was primatologist Patricia Wright, Ph.D. who was in charge of conducting the animal studies—and who is one of the leading doctor-scientists at Stony Brook University [located 50 miles/80 kilometers from Plum Island]—which is one of the 52 American educational institutions belonging to the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program that was formed for the purpose of conducting outer space-related research for NASA.
Upon doctor-scientist Patricia Wright completing her animal studies on the outer space bacteria, she returned to her NamanaBe Hall research station in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar—and where shortly thereafter, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported an “unprecedented” and “uncharacteristic” outbreak of the plague—and that one of the world’s top epidemiology experts, Professor Allen Cheng of Australia’s Monash University, warned has now infected thousands and killed hundreds over these past few weeks—with warnings, also, being issued that a “Fourth Pandemic” may now be underway.
To ascertain if the plague outbreak in Madagascar was in anyway associated with the outer space bacterium tested by NASA, the Russians modified the sensors on the MTVZA-GY radiometer aboard the Meteor-M-1 remote sensing satellite to be able to detect and identify the radio signals emanating from bacteria—and that was based upon the research done by the world acclaimed French virologist Luc Montagnier who pioneered this new field of study.
Scanning geometry of the MTVZA-GY radiometer now able to detect radio waves from bacteria (image credit: Roshydromet)
The first sign that the Americans were going to target the Meteor-M-1 remote sensing satellite before it could begin its mission, this report details, occurred on 25 November when a highly advanced US intelligence aircraft flew at high speed over the Black Sea towards the border, but that a fully armed Sukhoi-30 fighter jet was able to repel—but that was followed less than 24 hours later, on 26 November, by the American guided missile destroyer USS James E. Williams (DDG95) suddenly, and without notice, entering the Black Sea where it, too, began to rapidly accelerated towards the border.
With the USS James E. Williams being equipped with long-range Tomahawk Missiles and a Laser Weapons System (LaWS), this report continues, President Putin ordered an unprecedented defense of the Vostochny Cosmodrome to immediately occur yesterday—to include its being ringed by the feared S-500 “superweapon” missile defense system.
Vostochny Cosmodrome space launch complex in Amur Oblast, Russia
Just hours ago, though, this report notes, and in spite of its being “terrestrially protected”, all contact was lost with the Meteor-M-1 remote sensing satellite shortly after its launch from the Vostochny Cosmodrome—with MoD experts noting that the mysterious US Air Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV-5) had “substantially” altered its orbit to place it within 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) of the Meteor M-1 satellite attempting to achieve low Earth orbit—but that full details of this encounter being more highly classified than this general report allows.
Within 5 minutes of all contact being lost with the Meteor-M-1 remote sensing satellite, this report details, the American “Deep State” aligned Axios New Service (read by all top US policymakers) published 3 simultaneous anti-Russia propaganda articles containing the “fake news” headlines “Putin Will Strike Donbass”, “Putin Will Go It Alone, Then Carry Out A Purge” and “Putin Will Double Down On Active Measures”—and whose combined message pointed towards the US illegally seizing Russia’s $103.9 billion in foreign reserves kept in their central bank (Federal Reserve)—and to which the Finance Ministry immediately warned “would be a declaration of financial war”.
With the average current global price of oil being around $60 a barrel, while Russia’s budget only needs a $40 a barrel price to maintain its budget, this report concludes, should the US, indeed, be found to have deliberately downed the Meteor M-1 satellite to keep secret what is actually occurring in Madagascar—President Putin, will, undoubtedly, “send the oil markets into a tailspin” by pulling Russia out of its present OPEC agreement, that, in turn, could destroy the entire Western global economy—and that the Security Council (SC) is, likewise, preparing for by their just ordering the creation of an independent internet infrastructure with China that will not include the US dominated Western world.
“The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now.”
Other reports in this series include: