Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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North Korea declares itself a nuclear state after new ICBM test


Nov 29, 2017


“Kim Jong Un declared with pride that now we have finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force,” state media KCNA reported, after North Korea Tuesday successfully tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking anywhere in the United States.

The new Hwasong-15 missile flew around 590 miles and reached an altitude of 2,781 miles before splashing down 53 minutes later within Japan’s exclusive economic zone, which extends 200 miles from the coast.  Pyongyang said the new weapon would defend the North against the “US imperialists’ nuclear blackmail policy and nuclear threat.”

South Korea responded immediately by firing three of its own missiles in a show of force. US President Donald Trump responded: “It is a situation that we will handle. We will take care of it,” he said and went on to confer with Japanese and South Korean leaders.


North Korea Says "Completed State Nuclear Program"; Warns "The Whole US Is In Range"


Nov 28, 2017 10:24 PM



North Korea claims [4] its "new ICBM can put whole U.S. mainland within range," says it has "realized great historic cause of completing state nuclear force"

*  *  *

Following the successful test-firing of its longest range ICBM yet today [5], Yonhap News reports [6], citing North Korean media, that North Korea will make an important announcement at noon Seoul time (10:30pm ET).


Presumably, Kim's comments will be a braggadocio reaction to President Trump and General Mattis' comments (begins around 6:30):



Mattis warned "[North Korea] R&D is accelerating and they now appear to have the capability to launch an ICBM attack on anywhere in the world" to which Trump replied "we will take care of it... it is a situation we will handle."

Trump then tweeted later this evening: "After North Korea missile launch, it's more important than ever to fund our gov't & military! "


North Korea announces that it [9] “successfully” fired a new Hwasong-15 missile with improved technology, according to an announcement read on state-run television on Wednesday.


Kim gave the order to test fire the missile, state-run Korean Central News Agency said.

“After watching the successful launch of the new type ICBM Hwasong-15, Kim Jong Un declared with pride that now we have finally realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power,” KCNA said.

The new missile "brings the whole US mainland within North Korea's range."




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