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Putin favors Palestinian state with capital in East Jerusalem


November 29, 14:19 UTC+3 MOSCOW

The president reaffirmed willingness to develop economic ties with Palestine in the future


MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a message of congratulations to his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Kremlin reported on its website on Wednesday.

"Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the Middle East Quartet of international mediators, takes a principled stand in support of the realization of the Palestinians’ legitimate right to self-determination. We are in favor of a comprehensive and fair settlement in the Middle East on a solid international legal basis, including the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. It should result in the end of the Israeli occupation of the Arab lands that began in 1967 and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem," the Russian head of state noted in his message of greetings.

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"Amid the persisting tensions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and in view of the growing terrorist threat in the region, your continued commitment to the political and diplomatic solution to the Palestinian problem and your policy aimed at overcoming the intra-Palestinian discord acquires special significance. For our part, we will continue to assist efforts to restore the Palestinian national unity," Putin stressed.

The president reaffirmed willingness to develop economic ties with Palestine in the future and actively participate in resolving its pressing social issues. He highlighted the significance of the activities of the Russian-Palestinian commission on trade and economic cooperation. In conclusion, Putin wished the Palestinian leader good health and success and "peace and prosperity on their native soil" to the Palestinian people.


The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was established by UN General Assembly Resolution 32/40 of December 2, 1977. The date was chosen because on November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly passed one of the key documents concerning the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, namely, Resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine. It envisaged the establishment of two independent states - Arab and Jewish - on Palestinian territory and a special international regime for Jerusalem. The Day of Solidarity is designed to pool the world community’s efforts aimed at ensuring the Palestinian people’s right to gain state independence and securing the return of refugees to their homes, which they had to flee during the conflict.



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