Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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Sucked into Fighting for Jews

Sucked into Fighting for Jews


To the tune of "Stuck in the Middle with You" by Stealers Wheel


Got the feeling that something's not right.

Ain't no reason why I need to fight.

Just because they had a bad day,

I keep wondering why I have to pay.


New York Times to the left, Fox News to the right,

We've been sucked into fighting for Jews.


Yes, we're sucked into fighting for Jews,

And I'm wondering what it is I should do.

They want us all filled up with hate,                                          

But I just want food on my plate.


Fools to the left of me, suckers to the right,

Here I am, sucked into fighting for Jews.


Forrestal saw it all coming,

But Truman caved in to their plans.

And the bloodsuckers never stop asking;

Hold out their hands, and say

Plee-ee-ease, plee-ee-ease.


Trying to make some sense of it all,

But I can see it makes no sense at all.

Is it cool to just lay down my gun,

'Cause I don't think that I'm helping anyone?


Fools to the left of me, suckers to the right,

Here I am, sucked into fighting for Jews.


Forrestal saw it all coming,

But Truman caved in to their plans.

And the bloodsuckers never stop asking;

Hold out their hands, and say

Plee-ee-ease, plee-ee-ease.


Got the feeling that something's not right.

Ain't no reason why I need to fight.

Just because they had a bad day,

I keep wondering why I have to pay.


Fools to the left of me, suckers to the right,

Here I am, sucked into fighting for Jews.

Yes, we're tricked into fighting for Jews;

Sucked into fighting for Jews.

Here we are, sucked into fighting for Jews.


David Martin




"Строго секретно" излиза от 1991г. Вестникът е уникално издание за кулисите на висшата политика, геополитиката, шпионажа, финансовите престъпления, конспирацията, невероятното, трагичното и смешното.
Strogo Sekretno is the home for the highest politics, geopolitics, geo-economics, world crisis, weapons, intelligence, financial crimes...
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