Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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More than a battle, less than a war

Krassimir Ivandjiiski




During the first half of February, the hot phase of the Third world war began on the Middle East front between the two blocs. On one hand- the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Kurds in Northern Syria, the regime in Yemen, and on the other – Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Houthis in Yemen and Iraq.

It was the first time that Russians and the USA came to a direct collision.

So far the clash is "more than a battle, and less than a war."

I will recall the main chronology of the events, which show what is really happening and what is deeply hidden.

Alla guerre comme alla guerre...

In fact, the war, 15 years later, returned to where it began-Israel and the United States: - October 2017: Russia and Syria have solved the main problems of the 2017 campaign. The Islamic state was defeated and more than 60,000 terrorists eliminated. In the operation of the Russian aero-space forces 48 000 Russian servicemen received combat experience, 215 types of weapons were tested, 1 500 km of roads and more than 17 000 buildings were demined, the aircrafts executed more than 34 000 combat missions , and 90 percent of the territory of Syria was freed.

This is one of the largest military operations after World War II. On the agenda now is the issue to oust Americans that are present illegally in Syria and put an end to the provocations of Israel.

- October 2017: the Offensive of Iraq and Iran against the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan has been successfully completed. It was a blow against the US plans to take over Kurdistan's oil and gas.

- January 20, 2018: Turkey started operation "Olive branch" against the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in Syria and then against Manbij;

- 20 January: visit of the heads of all the intelligence agencies of Russia- Naryshkin, Bortnikov and Korabov, in the United States and a meeting with the boss of the CIA Pompeo. Probably, they discussed the presence of the American military and the American bases in Syrian Kurdistan. Did not reach an agreement.

- January 28-29: the visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu /the Polish-Lithuanian Jew Mileikowsky/ in the Jewish Museum and the center of tolerance in Moscow, in connection with the uprising during the Second world war at the Sobibor nazy death camp. Netanyahu used this visit for another anti-Polish attack. But the real point is that no one "has the right to interfere in Israeli business with the so-called Holocaust". - This visit coincided with the opening of the Congress on Syria in Sochi. At the same time, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Patrushev travelled to Israel, most probably to verify the truth of Netanyahu's statement about "Iran's military expansion in Syria and Lebanon and the presence of Hezbollah and the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps".

- End of January: an important framework agreement on cooperation between Russia and Syria has been signed. Russia received exclusive rights to oil and gas production in Syria, including a gas Deposit in the province of Deir ez-Zor, where, however, there is a US military base.

- beginning of February: Israel has begun a new phase of its" security zone", from the Golan heights in the depths of the Syrian southern provinces of Quneitra and Deraa. Thus, Tel Aviv openly intervened in the civil war in Syria.

- February 4: Russian SU-25 attack aircraft is shot down in Northern Syria, possibly from a portable SAM.

- 4-7 February: Syrian military units and detachments, with the assistance of Russian private military company "Wagner" has eliminated more than 20 terrorists who shot down the said SU25. The headquarters of the Kurds, where at this time there was a meeting with the participation of American advisers, was hit by a missile strike. According to the Pentagon, "there were no Americans injured“

- February 7: US air and ground strike against Syrian units and PMC Wagner in the area of gas deposits in Deir ez-Zor. Coordinated media campaigns of the United States, Israel and Ukraine reported "hundreds of dead Russians and Syrians," involved in increasing control over the gas fields in the area of Deir ez-Zor.

- February 7: a mini Syrian-Israeli war begins. Under the pretext that the "Iranian UAV over Golan heights" was shot down, Israel strikes targets deep in Syria, including the T-4 air base in the Palmyra region. Israel uses cruise missiles, but of the 26 launches, Syrian defense intercepted 19 – high efficiency (0.8). The only Israeli F-16 aircraft that invaded Syrian airspace was shot down and fell into Israeli territory. The Syrians said that they had managed to damage another 2-3 Israeli planes and shot down an Apache helicopter. - The Israeli operation against Syria turned out to be a complete failure. Syria, with the help of Russia and Iran, has shown that it has a serious potential to resist Israeli air strikes. This is a game-changer.

Syria uses older systems S-200, Pantsir and Buk. The S-300 and S-400 did not participate. There is information that the Israeli F-16 aircraft was shot down by missiles that are part of the system controlled by the Russian HQs base in Khmeimim. - Iran intervenes and reports that "the era of Israel's unpunished attacks on Syria is over, and that the gates of hell can open over Israel."

In Tehran, Iran demonstrated its medium-range ballistic missiles, which cover Israel and can carry nuclear warheads. There was information that Israel wanted to strike also the Syrian military research center in Jamraya near Damascus, under the pretext that they destroy "chemical weapons". - Netanyahu urgently gets in touch with Moscow and whimpering begs Putin to mediate in resolving the issue, "We say Israel does not want war, but is forced to act in self-defense."

Putin traditionally holds its peacekeeping position that Netanyahu uses to create the impression that he has some "special arrangement" with Putin, allowing Israel to strike Syria from time to time ,thus trying to sow discord between Russia, Syria, Iran and Turkey.

Even some US media started asking the question „is Russia week or Washington puts limits on Putin?" More and more voices arise that "it's time for Russia to firmly resist the terrorist state Israel." - February 14: another attack by Israel. Syrian air defense has thrown out of its airspace several Israeli reconnaissance aircrafts in the area of Quneitra.

- February 17: suddenly, the US president Donald Trump calls Netanyahu a "liar" because he claimed, "the Americans agreed with the annexation of the West Bank of the Jordan river and because of Netanyahu's attempts to quarrel the US administration with the rest of the world.

Never before has Trump allowed himself to officially call any of the foreign leaders a „liar."

Netanyahu's time is ticking away, or otherwise Israel would perish, just as Kissinger once foresaw. Before that, Palestinian President Abbas stated that he no longer wanted US mediation in negotiations with Israel and insists on the return of the multilateral format of negotiations with the participation of Russia, the EU, etc.

- February 17: at a security Conference in Munich, Netanyahu again swung some board in an attempt to convince the audience that it was fragments of an Iranian UAV flying over Golan. The Iranian foreign Minister replied that it was complete nonsense. Netanyahu used Munich once again to attack the Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki on the issue of German concentration camps and who helped the Nazis. The crisis in relations between Poland and Israel is deepening. The goal is clear – the destabilization of Poland, like Ukraine.

- February 11: an airplane An-140 of the Saratov airlines crashed near Moscow, most likely blown up in the air. Rumors t that the attack was aimed at Putin's Bord 1 , which had to fly to a meeting.

- February 18: from Washington came statements clearly indicating that the United States embarked on the path of a global war plan in three scenarios- Syria, North Korea, and Ukraine...

These are elements of the big picture that show that this is "more than a battle, less than a war."

We will continue to monitor the situation


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