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Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade

Devastation left in the wake of the Camp Fire in November 2018


SMOKING GUN: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide and Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned



November’s Camp Fire Conflagration Was Fanned by Microwaves Disseminated by 3 GWEN Stations (See satellite imagery)

Evidence submitted by MAGA**PROUD TEXAN** (@drew91172026); Same ID at
Additional evidence will be posted at which will be activated within a week

*MPT has done a superb job of capturing the incriminating satellite imagery which proves conclusively what took place in Northern California to start the devastating Camp Fire.  This evidence alone is strong enough to issue a citizen’s indictment against a whole host of characters who were deeply involved in the genocide at Paradise, CA.  His extraordinary efforts are a great example of what a courageous citizen journalist and smart forensic investigator can do.  The irrefutable hard evidence he found has the potential to lock up the perps up and down the whole chain of command.   Since such a crime spree inevitably involved a vast criminal conspiracy at the federal, state, county and city levels, the ongoing cover-up will assist with the identification of each individual and institutional perpetrator.

Satellite image shows incredible fiery heat of Camp Fire

SOTN Editor’s Note:  Proof has been presented via the hard scientific evidence provided by Nexrad Radar, Autocad Civil 3D, Modis 6 and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) satellite hot-spot data that microwaves produced from 3 GWEN stations were utilized to trigger the California’s devastating Camp Fire.  What follows are 2 screenshots showing the cluster of microwaves that were transmitted throughout the exact area where the Camp Fire exploded.

GWEN Stations: The Preferred Weapon of Pyro-terrorism

Now here’s a real-time video of the Camp Fire getting hit by microwaves just as the fire was getting started and spreading.  Pay special attention to the blips on the screen that occur in the northwest quadrant of the screen which are surreptitiously emanating from one of the GWEN stations.



The precise location of the three GWEN Stations have been pinpointed as seen on the maps below:

GWEN Stations actually have many applications as the following excerpt explains, especially controlling the weather.

MPT has included his own seasoned opinion in the tweet below:



The following screenshot from Wikipedia offers some very relevant history of GWEN military technology (AN/URC-117 Ground Wave Emergency Network).



Notice the straight line diagonal from the upper left to the lower right in the first image below.  There are other frequency signatures that stand out which serve as categorical evidence of an obvious directed energy attack.  This kind of phenomenon does NOT exist in nature and can only be explained as a manmade event using highly advanced military technology.



Timestamp Comparisons

What follows are the exact timestamp comparisons between the developing Camp Fire via satellite imagery and the GWEN Station transmissions that fueled these engineered fires.  Please click on each of the 5 screenshots to enlarge or go the “Addendum” below to see the critical data in even greater detail.


While the foregoing presentation is only a preliminary news report, the conclusive proof provided herein represents a complex and convoluted crime spree committed against the American people.

The degree of power and influence necessary to carry out such a deadly and destructive crime wave goes way above even the Very Deep State, the hidden hierarchy that has total command and control over the notorious Deep State.

Therefore, the proper prosecution of these “crimes against humanity” committed throughout California during November of 2018 hold the possibility of taking down the entire World Shadow Government and its ubiquitous Global Control Matrix.

In light of this urgent and weighty task, SOTN respectfully requests that every reader circulate this radioactive report as quickly and widely as possible.

We’ve got ’em this time!  The New World Order globalist cabal really screwed up in California and it will come back to haunt them—BIG TIME!

To follow more technical developments of this criminal case, please go to

Patriot Action Plan

#StopCAGenocide … Before Operation Torch California Enters Final Phase

State of the Nation
December 14, 2018


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