Krassimir Ivandjiiski
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27 December 2018 22:05 


Just minutes ago, the entire night sky here in the New York City metro area lit up bright blue for several seconds. 

Was it a major transformer explosion at an electrical sub-station in Queens, NY. or somtehing else


NYPD 114th Precinct





Investigating a transformer explosion at Astoria East & North Queens Con Ed power plant. Please avoid 20th Ave & 31 st.



4:32 AM - Dec 28, 2018

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 THIS got the attention of 8 million New Yorkers in a split second.  


As seen from Newark Airport in New Jersey . . .


. . . and folks claim they aren't worried about being nuked!






NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson





Hearing reports of ConEd explosion in Queens that lit up NYC skies a few minutes ago. Will provide more information here as it becomes available.



4:34 AM - Dec 28, 2018


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ANd MORE video:



Ryan Field





A possible transformer explosion in Queens has turned the skies over NYC a bright blue. Stay with @ABC7NY for the very latest.



4:31 AM - Dec 28, 2018 · Manhattan, NY


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  Close-Up Video:



Josh Levin@HEELevin



So this just happened outside my apartment in Astoria...



4:33 AM - Dec 28, 2018


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