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Turkey won’t recognize results of Crimea referendum ?

Baku, Azerbaijan, March 14

By Rufiz Hafizoglu - Trend:

Turkey will not recognize the results of the referendum in Crimea scheduled for March 16, if a decision to join Russia is reached. Earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu urged canceling the referendum in Crimea.

The announcement was made by Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu after the meeting of Azerbaijani, Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers in Van (Turkey), Turkish TRT Haber TV channel reported.

Currently, Turkey is holding political consultations with all parties to try and reach a settlement of the political crisis in Ukraine.

Davutoglu also stressed that Ukraine's territorial integrity is the most important issue for Ankara.

Earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu urged canceling the referendum in Crimea.


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