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Notre Dame was a false flag

Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: Notre Dame was a false flag


Kevin Barrett


April 17, 20195

Isn't it interesting that YouTube can't stop itself from mindlessly repeating the official story of 9/11—defacing videos of Notre Dame burning with idiotic assertions of the truth of the 9/11 OCT ?

Listen to my interview with Robert David Steele HERE

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Was the Notre Dame inferno a false flag?

One expert who answers “yes” is Robert David Steele. Read his analysis of the Notre Dame fire at

A key founder of the Open Source Intelligence (OSI) movement, Steele is a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer who admits to having helped orchestrate a false flag for the Agency. In this interview Steele says that the Notre Dame inferno was definitely a false flag:  “I wasn’t there. But the shadow foreign minister of France called me. And I have posted all the reasons he has given me (that it was a false flag). We also have a US reporter who posted a tweet that his Jesuit friend told him directly that the staff at Notre Dame said the fire was set deliberately.”

The timing was certainly suspicious. The Notre Dame fire broke out at the perfect moment for French President Macron to use it as an excuse to postpone his long-anticipated speech addressing the Yellow Vest uprising.

Was it really a coincidence that almost at the exact same moment Notre Dame burst into flames, a fire also broke out in the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the Islamic world’s greatest architectural monument?

And was it a coincidence that the Notre Dame fire happened just a few days after I published an article about churches being vandalized in France? (Well, yes, it probably was…)

Steele says the current pope as well as the presidents of France, Germany, and the UK are part of a satanic cabal behind what he says was the sick and twisted “sacrifice” of Notre Dame. (For more information about the sacrificial nature of such events, listen to my interviews with Tom Breidenbach and read my write up on SK Bain’s The Most Dangerous Book in the World.)

Was it just a coincidence that Paris’s other great historic church, St. Sulpice, burst into flames on March 17, less than a month before the blaze at Notre Dame? And how about the hundreds of other French churches that are being vandalized on a daily basis? 875 French churches were vandalized in 2018 in a wave of organized terrorism by radical secularists or anti-religion groups…some of whom are manipulated by, shall we say, “lower forces.”


    So why do we hear so much about “fundamentalist religious terrorism” yet almost nothing about the huge wave of Satanic anti-religious terrorism—much of it false flag and designed to be blamed on traditional religion? Could it be that the media, and the banking cartel that owns it, is in cahoots with the Satanic terrorists?




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