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Jeffrey Epstein Suicided or Hiden


Guards in Epstein Jail Told to LEAVE AREA 3 Hours early due to "Maintenance" Before Epstein Found DEAD


10 August 2019 Hits: 3194


BREAKING: Two guards at the MCC who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance" to jail cells and hallways.


This morning Epstein was found dead.

. . . 

Starting to look like MURDER by federal officials inside a federal prison

Earlier Story HERE; Developments in this story to appear below . . . check back.







Sat, 08/10/2019 - 09:13





Jeffrey Epstein has died after having reportedly committed suicide in his jail cell, according to multiple news reports, after a gurney carriny what is believed to be Epstein was seen wheeled out of the Manhattan Correctional Center around 7:30 a.m., according to the New York Post

Jon Levine




POST EXCLUSIVE: Photos show Jeffrey Epstein as he’s wheeled into Downtown Hospital …




The 66-year-old Epstein was was previously placed on suicide watch after he was found "nearly unconscious" inside his cell with 'marks on his neck,' according to a Post report from late July. Investigators questioned former Orange County police officer Nicholas Tartaglione, suspected of killing four men in a cocaine distribution conspiracy, in connection with the incident. The former cop claimed to have not seen anything nor touched Epstein. 

Needless to say, today's news is highly suspicious. 

As the Wall Street Journal's Ted Mann notes, "Even the time of day in this story is shocking. The first check-in on a prisoner who had already attempted suicide once was not until 7:30 a.m.?"

Quoth the Raven@QTRResearch



So Epstein failed to commit suicide the first time, is then placed specifically on suicide watch, THEN successfully commits suicide. Right. Got it.


4:24 PM - Aug 10, 2019

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Will Chamberlain@willchamberlain



Replying to @juliamacfarlane and 2 others

you misspelled "murdered"

Will Chamberlain@willchamberlain


Guess the guards just happened to be looking away from the cctv for an hour or so





The apparent suicide comes just hours after a massive trove of documents was unsealed in a case linked to Epstein, in which one of his victims said she was forced to perform sex acts with high profile individuals, including former Maine Sen. George Mitchell (D), former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D), money manager Glenn Dubin and MIT professor Marvin Minsky

Virginia Giuffre, now an adult, says she was also sent to modeling executive Jean Luc Brunel and the late MIT scientist Marvin Minsky, according to parts of a 2016 deposition she gave. The testimony by Giuffre, who claims she was a “sex slave” for Epstein from 2000 to 2002, expands on her previous allegations, in court filings and tabloids, that she was forced to have sex with the U.K.’s Prince Andrew and Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz. Both men have strenuously denied those allegations. -Bloomberg

He was arrested on July 6 at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey on charges of sex-trafficking minors and subsequently denied bail. 




This is the most suspicious prison death since Lee Harvey Oswald.


Robby Starbuck





Replying to @robbystarbuck

Epstein’s death will inspire countless conspiracies after elected Democrats were named yesterday along with others like Clinton who were previously implicated. It was so important to keep him alive to face justice and possibly act as a witness against other powerful predators.

Robby Starbuck



Jeffrey Epstein’s victims deserved to see him found guilty in a court of law & deserved for his case to be used as leverage to get justice against other powerful abusers who worked with him to sexually assault minors. His case should’ve required supervision 24/7. Prison failed.




Meanwhile, Epstein's personal pilots had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Manhattan last month, which could be used to corroborate accounts from Epstein's accusers, as well as his travels and associates. 

A conveniently timed sale

While prosecutors claimed that Epstein owns two private jets, the registered sex offender's attorneys said in a court filing earlier this month that he owns one private jet, and "sold the other jet in June 2019." Considering that he was arrested after returning from Paris in his Gulfstream G550, per Bloomberg, it suggests that Epstein sold his infamous and evidence-rich Boeing 272-200 known as the "Lolita Express" weeks before his arrest.

According to flight logs, former President Bill Clinton flew on the "Lolita Express" a total of 27 times. "Many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not," according to investigative journalist Conchita Sarnoff - who first revealed the former president's extensive flights on Epstein's "lolita express" in a 2010 Daily Beast exposé.

Clinton claimed in a July statement that he only took "a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane" in 2002 and 2003, and that Secret Service accompanied him at all times - which Sarnoff told Fox News was a total lie

"I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein's 27 times," said Sarnoff. 

"It would not be surprising to find that some of these flight logs…were likely designed to hide evidence of criminal activity—or perhaps later cleansed of such evidence," wrote the lawyers for some of Epstein's accusers in a 2015 court filing. 

Investigators may be interested in asking Mr. Epstein’s pilots whether they witnessed any efforts by Mr. Epstein to interfere with law enforcement, according to legal experts. In recent court filings, prosecutors have accused Mr. Epstein of tampering with witnesses, an allegation that Mr. Epstein’s lawyers denied in court.

Federal prosecutors in Miami and Mr. Epstein’s lawyers in 2007 negotiated over the possibility of Mr. Epstein pleading guilty to obstruction of justice, including for an incident involving one of his pilots, according to emails that became public in civil lawsuits. -Wall Street Journal

Meanwhile, prosecutors confirmed in filings that there are "uncharged individuals" in Epstein's case - which has just gone away - or has it?




So if Epstein's stuff implicates anyone else, they are well and truly fucked. …

Adam Klasfeld


Replying to @KlasfeldReports

Second reaction: A former federal prosecutor informs me about this secord-order effect in terms of legal procedure.


joshua rosner@JoshRosner



This is bullshit. #jeffreyepstien was not just a #pedophile he was a #sex #trafficker who trafficked #girls to the #political class of the world and was protected by the same. Is that why his accomplices have not been indicted? The investigations must continue. #justice.





Michael Krieger@LibertyBlitz



There it is. Another “suicide.” Same sort of thing happened to his supposed madam’s father, Robert Maxwell. Super criminals sure know how to clean up. …

Michael Krieger@LibertyBlitz

Replying to @LibertyBlitz

Finally, Robert Maxwell was accused of having links to Israeli spy agency Mossad by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh. There is a lot going on here. I hope people are watching Epstein and Maxwell closely to prevent any further "suicides."





And look what's trending:




Hanging yourself is not something you can do if you are being observed even in a cursory way.

Water is LIFE@H_2_Ohhh


everything in those cells is ligature resistant so there's no place to even secure something to hang oneself











Just be careful with those assumptions, citizen.




Now that the FBI has deemed any conspiracy theorist a "domestic terrorist threat", as of this morning everyone on twitter is a potential target





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